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The LEAD() and LAG() function in MySQL are used to get preceding and succeeding value of any row within its partition. These functions are termed… Read More
A PARTITION BY clause is used to partition rows of table into groups. It is useful when we have to perform a calculation on individual… Read More
Given an expression with only ‘}’ and ‘{‘. The expression may not be balanced. The task is to find minimum number of bracket reversals to… Read More
Given that there are p people in a party. Each person can either join dance as a single individual or as a pair with any… Read More
Given a weighted undirected connected graph with N nodes and M edges. Some of the nodes are marked as good. The task is to find… Read More
Given a binary tree in which each node element contains a number. The task is to find the minimum possible sum from one leaf node… Read More
GCC stands for GNU Compiler Collections which is used to compile mainly C and C++ language. It can also be used to compile Objective C… Read More
Given a range [l, r], the task is to find the sum of all the odd factors of the numbers from the given range.Examples:   Input:… Read More
Given an integer n, the task is to print n numbers such that their sum is a perfect square.Examples:  Input: n = 3 Output: 1 3… Read More
Given an array arr[] of positive integers where 2 ? arr[i] ? 106 for all possible values of i. The task is to check whether… Read More
Signal is an electric or electromagnetic current carrying data, that can be transmitted or received.  Mathematically represented as a function of an independent variable e.g.… Read More
The ndarray.__eq__() method of Numpy compares the values in ndarray to a specific value. It is useful to find which value in ndarray is equal… Read More
Interview was for Azure team IDC Hyderabad. Total 9 candidates came. Round 1:  2->7->8->11 | 13->16->17->21 | 22->23->27->29 | 30->32 Sorted Linked List given like… Read More
atrm command is used to remove the specified jobs. To remove a job, its job number is passed in the command. A user can only… Read More
Given an array arr[] of N integers and an integer K, The task is to find the maximum sub-array sum by flipping signs of at… Read More
There is an 8*8 chessboard and two chess players having a single pawn each. A player has to move his pawn in each turn, either… Read More
This article shows how to perform concurrent programming using Java threading framework. Let’s analyze concurrent programming first: Concurrent Programming: This means that tasks appear to… Read More
Prerequisite – Finite Automata Introduction, Designing Finite Automata from Regular Expression (Set 1)  ∈-NFA is similar to the NFA but have minor difference by epsilon… Read More
The ajaxError() method in jQuery is used to specify a function to be run when an AJAX request fails. Syntax: $(document).ajaxError( function(event, xhr, options, exc)… Read More
In computer graphics, use graphics.h which provide direct functions to draw different coordinate shapes (like circle, rectangle etc). By using these functions we can draw… Read More