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In jQuery .get() method loads data from the server by using the GET HTTP request. This method returns XMLHttpRequest object. Syntax $.get( url, [data], [callback],… Read More
Given an array arr[] of distinct elements and two integers M and K, the task is to generate an array from the given array elements… Read More
Given string str consisting of lowercase English alphabets and an array of positive integer arr[] both of the same length. The task is to remove… Read More
Prerequisite – Token Ring frame format, Efficiency Of Token Ring Token Ring protocol is a communication protocol used in Local Area Network (LAN). In a… Read More
A Predicate delegate is an in-built generic type delegate. This delegate is defined under System namespace. It works with those methods which contain some set… Read More
Action delegate is an in-built generic type delegate. This delegate saves you from defining a custom delegate as shown in the below examples and make… Read More
Given a list of lists, write a Python program to replace the values in the inner lists with their ordinal values.  Examples: Input : [[1,… Read More
Thread synchronization mechanism can be achieved using Lock framework, which is present in java.util.concurrent package. Lock framework works like synchronized blocks except locks can be… Read More
Microsoft gives an opportunity to all undergraduate and postgraduate students for 2 months summer internship program. Basic criteria to apply for Microsoft internship program was… Read More
Explanation of Case Class A Case Class is just like a regular class, which has a feature for modeling unchangeable data. It is also constructive… Read More
The Java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerArray.addAndGet() is an inbuilt method in Java that atomically adds the given value to the element at an index of the AtomicIntegerArray. This method… Read More
Given C magnets and an array arr[] representing N index positions where C ? N. The task is to place these magnets at these available… Read More
Given an array arr[] consisting of N positive integers, and some queries consisting of a range [L, R], the task is to find whether the… Read More
The normal sorting of tuples has been dealt previously. This article aims at sorting the given list of tuples by the second element, based on… Read More
Unlike C/C++, Structures in C# can have members that are methods, fields, indexers, operator methods, properties or events. The members can have access specifiers as… Read More
Given a list of integers, write a Python program to find all triplets that sum up to given integer ‘k’. Examples: Input : [1, 2, 3,… Read More
Given an array arr[] of N integers, the task is to find the length of the longest sub-sequence such that adjacent elements of the sub-sequence… Read More
Given a binary grid of order r * c and an initial position. The task is to find the minimum distance from the source to… Read More
Given a complete graph with N vertices, the task is to count the number of ways to remove edges such that the resulting graph has… Read More
Given a 2-D matrix mat[][] the task is to count the number of connected components in the matrix. A connected component is formed by all… Read More