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JIRA Dashboard

Last Updated : 08 Apr, 2024
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Jira is a platform that focuses on data, boosts collaboration enhances productivity, and is used as a project management tool. The dashboard, which gives the ability to delve into the data is the first thing the user will see when logged into Jira. This is the place where one can keep track of all of the projects, but it takes some consideration to create a dashboard that meets your demands or the needs of your team.

Using convenient tools called gadgets, a Jira dashboard is a screen that provides a rapid overview of important project data. With the aid of dashboards, you may do everything from quickly determining the status of your allocated tasks to spot bottlenecks impeding project progress.

There are various options available when you first log in to Jira for what you want to show as the main page. The Jira Dashboard will be the first thing you see unless you wish to move directly to the Kanban view.

The term “Jira Dashboard Gadget” refers to each “window” on that page. These tools offer dynamic summaries of Jira project and issue data that are quite visible. A selection of common, pre-installed devices are included with Jira right out of the box.

JIRA Dashboard

JIRA Dashboard

Why are Jira Dashboards so Useful?

Jira Dashboards are useful because it keeps data closer to home.

If everyone exports their data to reporting tools that they don’t regularly use or, worse, don’t comprehend, they won’t be concerned with the information entering those tools. However, less information is lost in translation and criticism is responded to more quickly when the report is more closely related to the job that is really being done. Better data coming in results in better reporting and better data-driven choices.

Jira Dashboards make it possible. Out-of-the-box Users may get the reports they want directly from their home screen thanks to Jira gadgets and add-ons from the Atlassian Marketplace. They enable reporting to occur at a centralized hub that is currently being used by everyone.

Components of a JIRA Dashboard

The basic components of a Jira dashboard include:

1. Dashboard Name

Each Jira dashboard has a specific name that encapsulates its function or content.

2. Gadgets

The foundation of a Jira dashboard are gadgets. They are little, modular components that display particular kinds of data or offer functionality. Further, we are going to have a brief discussion on gadgets in this article only.

3. Layout

Using a drag-and-drop interface, users may arrange devices on the dashboard.

4. Filters

Dashboards can be set up to show data from particular Jira filters. Users can specify filters to track issues according to various parameters, including project, status, assignee, or custom fields.

5. Permissions

Administrators have the ability to control who is able to view and change a dashboard. This makes it possible to manage who has access to private project information.

6. Share and Subscribe

Users have the option to share their dashboards with others, for better communication and collaboration within the members of the team. Users can subscribe to a dashboard, then they will get regular email updates with the most recent data.

7. Dashboard Description

To give users who may access the dashboard context, a brief explanation or overview of its function can be added.

8. Customization Options

Jira dashboards can be customized in a number of ways, including modifying the layout, using various filters, and configuring gadgets to display particular data and metrics.

9. Favourites

Users can add dashboards to their favourites list for easy access from the Jira home page.

Types of Projects in JIRA Dashboard

Depending on the requirements of your organization, Jira dashboards can show data from a variety of projects. Project types in a Jira dashboard can often be divided into the following categories:

1. Software Projects

Organizing coding, testing, and software release tasks. A lot of individuals uses agile approaches like Scrum or Kanban.

2. Business Projects

Projects with a focus on simplifying and improving corporate procedures, Jira can be adapted to satisfy specific organizational demands and project objectives.

3. IT Service Management Projects

Managing events, adjustments, and service requests for IT ensuring efficient IT support and operations.

4. Product Management Projects

Tracking product development, problem corrections, and feature requests establishing and updating product roadmaps.

5. HR Projects

Employee management, onboarding, and recruitment as well as keeping the track of HR procedures and tasks.

6. Customer Support Projects

Handling incidents, questions, and requests for customer support, delivering prompt client support.

7. Infrastructure and Operations Projects

Managing network setups, IT infrastructure, and server maintenance, making sure IT systems are secure and stable.

8. Education and Training Projects

Organizing educational initiatives, schooling, and enrolment, monitoring educational and training programs.

Making Effective Jira Dashboards

Jira makes creating new dashboards very simple. If you’re using Jira Cloud, start by clicking Create Dashboard after choosing Dashboards from the bar at the top of every Jira screen. Choose the Create option from the “…” menu in the top right corner of any current dashboard if you’re using Jira Data Centre or Server instead.

You will be asked to enter necessary information in the following fields:

1. Name

Make sure the name you select, should be descriptive, state its purpose, and make sense even years later when you don’t have background. Take “Task Distribution: AWS Cloud Migration for Client X” as an example rather than the less obvious “Cloud Migration Dashboard”.

2. Shared with

Users who will have access to the dashboard are chosen using this parameter. You can make it public to everyone or share it with particular projects, groups, or people.

Click the Create button after completing these fields. You’ve just finished building a Jira dashboard.

Creating a Custom Jira Dashboard

For instance, the dashboard gadget limit is increased by the restriction of 20 gadgets per dashboard page. But unless you’re unsure of what to concentrate on and need to take a haphazard approach in order to find a bottleneck somewhere, no one would advise you to put 20 on there. In general, we’d advise no more than 6.

Step 1: Create a Board

  • Select Search using the magnifying glass. View every board.
  • To create a board, click.
  • Choose between the Kanban or the scrum board type.
  • Choose how you want your board to be built. You can either add your board to one or more current projects, or you may start with a fresh project template for your new board.

Step 2: Set up your Board.

  1. Go to your board by selecting it, then clicking Search (Magnifying glass) > View all boards.
  2. Select Board options by clicking more (Ellipses button).
  3. boards managed by teams.
  4. The simplest stuff, like adding/removing columns, adding WIP limits, and renaming, is all done on the board itself, instead of having to change screens, making it incredibly simple to configure boards within team-managed project templates. Go to Settings > Features to enable or disable agile features like Backlog, Sprints, and Reports.

Gadgets For Your Jira Dashboard:

To use with your new dashboard, you must now install a few accessories. Just go the dashboard page and select the Add gadget button in the top right corner. Here are a few regularly utilized devices you might wish to take into account to aid in your beginning.

1. Filter Results:

Jira gives you the option to build filters to focus your data search. For example, you might look for issues especially related to a certain software component or those with a specific status. All of the filters that you have marked as favorites are shown in the Filter Results gadget. You can see every piece of data covered by a filter when you choose one.

Filter Results

2. Two-Dimensional Filter Statistics:

Use two-dimensional filter statistics to create a table that compares two parameters. You can display completed problems by project, issue statuses broken down by assignee and more.

Two-Dimensional Filter Statistics

3. Issue Statistics:

The Issue Statistics gadget displays the percentage split of issues depending on a selected filter as a horizontal bar graph. Project managers, for instance, can filter issues based on assignees to spot major bottlenecks.

Issue Statistics

4. Pie Chart:

Using this gadget, data from a filter is displayed as a pie chart, making it simple to examine how issues are distributed according to various criteria, such as issue kinds or statuses.

Pie Chart

Pie Chart

There are many more similar gadgets which you can add just by dragging and dropping gadgets into different positions, resizing them, and organizing them to meet your tastes and project requirements, you can alter the dashboard’s design.

Navigate to the Dashboard Page:

Jira’s dashboard page can be accessed easily by following a few simple steps. Here are some important suggestions to assist you:

1. Log In

Logging into your Jira account is the first step. You will require legitimate credentials supplied by your company or the Jira administrator.

2. Jira Homepage

Normally, you’ll arrive there after logging in. Your access to other features, such as dashboards, will begin here.

3. Dashboards Dropdown

Look for a “Dashboards” dropdown menu in the top navigation bar. It typically sits with other important Jira features in the primary navigation section.

4. Choose a Dashboard

Use the “Dashboards” dropdown menu, to view a list of available dashboards.

5. Dashboard Selection

Choose the particular dashboard you wish to view.

6. Custom Dashboards

If the company makes use of custom dashboards, they might need to select the “Manage Dashboards” option from the “Dashboards” dropdown list.

7. Favorites

If you frequently access any dashboards, you might want to flag them as favourites.

8. Direct URL

You can also access a certain dashboard by typing its URL into the address bar of your browser. The URL format is commonly https://your-jira-url/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=56789, where 56789 is the specific ID for the dashboard.

9. Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts may be available in some Jira instances to help you rapidly access dashboards. For any possible shortcuts, check with your Jira administrator or the documentation.

10. Personalized Dashboards

Dashboards that are unique to you: Keep in mind that Jira dashboards are frequently customizable and can be configured to show the precise data and tools that are pertinent to your position and duties.

Renaming a Jira Dashboard:

It can be essential to rename or create a Jira dashboard if you want to customize your workspace and work well with your team. A Jira dashboard can be renamed and shared in the following ways:

1. Log In

Start by entering your login information into your Jira account.

2. Navigate to the Dashboard

Take a look at the dashboard.

3. Edit Dashboard

Click the “Edit” button or option after you have reached the appropriate dashboard. In the upper-right corner of the dashboard, this normally takes the form of a pencil icon or a “Edit” link.

4. Change Dashboard Name

You have the choice to alter the dashboard name while in editing mode. Simply click the existing name, change it to the title you desire, and then save the adjustments.

5. Save Changes

Rename the dashboard, then save your changes by clicking the “Save Changes” button. On the dashboard editing page, click the “Save” or “Done” button to complete this.

Sharing a Jira Dashboard

1. Log in

If you haven’t done so already, log into your Jira account.

2. Access the Dashboard

Obtaining the Dashboard Utilize the previously mentioned methods to navigate to the dashboard you want to share.

3. Share Dashboard

The option to share the dashboard should be located in the dashboard’s upper-right corner. Just click it.

4. Specify Recipients

In the “Share Dashboard” dialog box, specify the usernames or email addresses of the people or organizations you wish to share the dashboard with. You can designate whether they have permissions to edit or only see.

5. Add a message:

You can insert an optional message to give the recipients background information or instructions.

6. Invite Users or Groups:

Click the “Send” or “Share” button, to send invite to users or groups to the dashboard.

7. Permissions:

Be mindful of the permissions you grant while sharing the dashboard in terms of permissions. Depending on the requirements of the receivers, be careful to select the right level of access (view or edit).

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  • Similarly, there are ample number of gadgets which one can use according to the need of the situation.
  • Users have the ability to completely customize the dashboard by rearrange the gadgets or add new ones.
  • Project-based Jira dashboards are available to numerous users and concentrate more on displaying the overall project progress.

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