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Given an array arr[] of N integers and an integer K, the task is to find whether the given array elements can be made 0… Read More
Given a string str, the task is to count how many times the keys will be pressed in total if there is a mobile like… Read More
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) is a method of IP address allocation and IP routing that allows for more efficient use of IP addresses. CIDR is… Read More
install command is used to copy files and set attributes. It is used to copy files to a destination of the user’s choice, If the… Read More
Microsoft conducted an all India drive for hiring SDE Interns(Minimum CGPA was 7 and no backlogs were allowed). They conducted a coding round in which… Read More
Given an array of N sorted ranges and a number K. The task is to find the index of the range in which K lies.… Read More
Given an integer N, the task is to find the smallest and the largest N digit numbers which are also perfect squares.Examples:   Input: N =… Read More
Given an array arr[] and an integer K, the task is to find out the minimum product of a subsequence where adjacent elements of the… Read More
Given two numbers N and P. The task is to generate an array of all positive elements, and in one operation you can choose a… Read More
In simple words, anyone having any type of relation/interest in the project is known as a stakeholder. The term Software Project Stakeholder refers to, “a… Read More
Smalltalk is a general purpose object oriented programming language which means that there are no primitives and control structures like a procedural language and in… Read More
Structured Analysis and Structured Design (SA/SD) is a diagrammatic notation that is designed to help people understand the system. The basic goal of SA/SD is… Read More
I attended Zoho interview on Feb 2nd, 2019  Round 1:  There were 25 questions.15 Technical Questions and 10 Aptitude questions  Technical Questions-Basic looping, conditional statements,… Read More
Given an array A[] and positive integer K, the task is to count the total number of pairs in the array whose sum is divisible… Read More
Given a number N. The task is to find the smallest and largest palindromic number possible with N digits.Examples:   Input: N = 4 Output: Smallest… Read More
Given a coordinate (x, y). The task is to calculate the number of steps required to reach point (x, y) from (0, 0) using zig-zag… Read More
Pre-requisites: Recursion, Dynamic Programming, Digit DP Given an integer Y and a range [L, R], the task is to find the count of all numbers… Read More
Given a binary tree, the task is to print the nodes of the tree in a reverse anti-clockwise spiral manner. Examples:  Input : 1 /… Read More
Given two dictionaries, the task is to combine the dictionaries such that we get the added values for common keys in the resultant dictionary. Example:  Input:… Read More
Given a binary tree and two nodes a and b, the task is to print the minimum and the maximum node value that lies in… Read More