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Given Q queries containing ranges in the form of [L, R], the task is to find the sum of all non-fibonacci numbers for each range… Read More
JFET (Junction Gate Field-Effect Transistor): JFET is a field-effect transistor and it is the three terminal devices. There are number of application of that, it… Read More
Given an integer X which is a perfect square, the task is to find the square root of it by using the long division method.… Read More
Given two arrays A[] and B[] of length N, the task is to find the minimum number of operations in which the array A can… Read More
The functools module in Python deals with higher-order functions, that is, functions operating on(taking as arguments) or returning functions and other such callable objects. The… Read More
Given an array of points points[] in a cartesian coordinate system, the task is to find the count of the squares that are parallel to… Read More
Given a binary array arr[] of length N, the task is to find the minimum flips required in the array such that XOR of a… Read More
Given a Linked List, check if the linked list has a loop or not.There are various methods shown here: Detect Cycle in Linked List Example  … Read More
Given a number in the form of a string s, the task is to calculate and display minimum splits required such that the segments formed… Read More
Before even beginning the discussion, one needs to be clear about the concept of IP Address. The IP address or the Internet Protocol address is… Read More
Owning software is very expensive. For example, a ₹50 lakh software running on a ₹1 lakh computer is a common place. As with hardware, owning… Read More
Given an array arr of distinct elements of size N, the task is to find the total number of pairs in the array whose sum… Read More
The vm.runInContext() method is used to compile the code. It runs the code inside the context of the contextifiedObject and then returns the output. Moreover,… Read More
Given two integer arrays A[] and B[] of equal sizes, the task is to find the number of pairs of indices {i, j} in the… Read More
Given an array of strings arr[], the task is to sort the array of strings according to the frequency of each string, in ascending order.… Read More
Given an integer K and a binary string S of length N, the task is to find out the number of substrings whose decimal equivalent… Read More
Given two arrays A[] and B[] of N and M integers respectively, the task is to find the maximum length of an equal subarray or… Read More
In multithreading, the shared entity mostly leads to a problem when concurrency is incorporated. A shared entity such as, mutable object or variable, might be… Read More
Given a map in Java, the task is to find out the entry in this map with the highest key. Examples: Input: Map = {ABC… Read More
Given an array of integers and a number K. The task is to find the maximum sum which is divisible by K from the given… Read More