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numpy.moveaxis() function move axes of an array to new positions. Other axes remain in their original order. Syntax : numpy.moveaxis(arr, source, destination) Parameters : arr… Read More
Python offers multiple options for developing a GUI (Graphical User Interface). Out of all the GUI methods, Tkinter is the most commonly used method. It… Read More
Given an array arr of strings, the task is to remove the strings that are an anagram of an earlier string, then print the remaining… Read More
Given a number num in base N, check whether it is even or odd.Examples:   Input: num = 10, N = 8 Output: Even Explanation: 108… Read More
Given an array arr of size N, the task is to count the number of indices j (j<i) such that a[i] divides a[j], for all… Read More
Breadth-first search is a graph traversal algorithm which traverse a graph or tree level by level. In this article, BFS for a Graph is implemented… Read More
Matplotlib is an amazing visualization library in Python for 2D plots of arrays. Matplotlib is a multi-platform data visualization library built on NumPy arrays and… Read More
Given a number N, the task is to print the first N Stepping Numbers.  A number is called stepping number if all adjacent digits have… Read More
Custom errors are those that can be defined by the user. For example, if one writes a function that is used to divide two numbers,… Read More
Matplotlib is a library in Python and it is numerical – mathematical extension for NumPy library. The Axes Class contains most of the figure elements:… Read More
Given an array A of size N, the task is to find the maximum score possible of this array. The score of an array is… Read More
Given an array arr containing positive integers, the task is to check if the given array arr is a concatenation of two permutations or not.… Read More
The serializers in the REST framework work very similarly to Django’s Form and ModelForm classes. The two major serializers that are most popularly used are… Read More
Consider a table STUDENT having the following schema: STUDENT (Student_id, Student_Name, Address, Marks) Student_id is the primary column of STUDENT table. Let first create the… Read More
Everybody had heard of Google! It’s the most famous tech company in the world with its products used by almost everyone on the planet. But… Read More
Given a positive integer N, the task is to count all possible distinct binary strings of length N such that there are no consecutive 1’s.… Read More
Given an array arr[] containing Q positive integers and two numbers A and B, the task is to find the number of ordered pairs (x,… Read More
Given two natural numbers N1 and N2, the task is to find the maximum sum possible after swapping of a single digit between them.Examples:  Input:… Read More
Given two string S1 and S2 of length L, the task is to count the number of strings of length L, that exists in between… Read More
Instance attributes are those attributes that are not shared by objects. Every object has its own copy of the instance attribute i.e. for every object,… Read More