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AES stands for Advanced Encryption Standard and is a majorly used symmetric encryption algorithm. It is mainly used for encryption and protection of electronic data.… Read More
Business Intelligence:  The term Business Intelligence (BI) alludes to advances, applications, and hones for the collection, integration, examination, and introduction of business data. The reason… Read More
Given N balls in a line. The initial direction of each ball is represented by the string consists of only ‘L’ and ‘R’ for the… Read More
Normal Distribution is a probability function used in statistics that tells about how the data values are distributed. It is the most important probability distribution… Read More
FDDI stands for Fiber Distributed Data Interface. It is a set of ANSI and ISO guidelines for information transmission on fiber-optic lines in Local Area… Read More
DOS: DOS stands for Disk Operating System, which is an operating system that was popular till 1995 in the IBM PCs. It is a single-tasking OS… Read More
Given an array arr[] consisting of N strings of equal length M, the task is to create the longest palindrome by concatenating the strings. Reordering… Read More
Given a string str of length N. The task is to find out the lexicographically smallest string when at most only one swap is allowed.… Read More
Prerequisites: Equation of circle when three points on the circle are given, Minimum Enclosing Circle.Given an array arr[][] containing N points in a 2-D plane… Read More
In today’s world where information is abundant, big data and machine learning have emerged as transformative forces that have revolutionized various industries and shaped the… Read More
Database Management System (DBMS) allows retrieving data from more than one table using joins. Joins are mainly Cartesian product of two or more relations (or… Read More
There are various important goals that must be met to build a distributed system worth the effort. A distributed system should easily connect users to… Read More
Given an array arr[][] containing Q queries and an integer K where each query consists of a range [L, R], the task is to find… Read More
We know that our world is changing quickly but there are lot of concrete technology advances that you might not hear a lot about in… Read More
Given an integer K and an array arr[] containing N integers, the task is to find the sum and product of K smallest and K… Read More
Given an array arr[] of N integers, the task is to maximize the number of indices such that an element is greater than the element… Read More
Given a Binary Tree, the task is to print the count of nodes whose either of the immediate child is its prime factors.  Examples:  Input:… Read More
Given an array arr[], the task is to find the minimum steps required to make an array decreasing, where in each step remove all elements… Read More
Given a string of size N and some queries, the task is to find the lexicographically smallest palindromic subsequence of even length in range [L,… Read More
Given three integers X, Y, and B, where X and Y are Base-B integers. The task is to find the sum of integers X and… Read More