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Strassen’s matrix is a Divide and Conquer method that helps us to multiply two matrices(of size n X n).  You can refer to the link,… Read More
Given an array of n elements and an integer m. The task is to find the maximum value of the sum of its subarray modulo… Read More
I was Invited to attend Interview at amazon Hyderabad for the position of SDE 1 and I had the following rounds. Round 0 coding —… Read More
Given an array arr[] of size n, we need to find the sum of all the values that come from XORing all the elements of… Read More
Given a N x N matrix, determine the maximum K such that K x K is a submatrix with all equal elements i.e., all the… Read More
Implement an space efficient algorithm to determine if a string (of characters from ‘a’ to ‘z’) has all unique characters or not. Use additional data… Read More
Given a positive number N, we need to reach to 1 in minimum number of steps where a step is defined as converting N to… Read More
Given an integer, count the number of trailing zeroes. For example, for n = 12, its binary representation is 1100 and number of trailing zero… Read More
Given a 2N x 2N matrix of integers. You are allowed to reverse any row or column any number of times and in any order.… Read More
Given a positive weighted undirected graph, find the minimum weight cycle in it. Examples:   Minimum weighted cycle is : Minimum weighed cycle : 7 +… Read More
Round Robin is a CPU scheduling algorithm where each process is cyclically assigned a fixed time slot. It is the preemptive version of the First… Read More
Given a string str. The task is to count the words having the same length as str and each letter at the i-th position is… Read More
1st Reverse the linklist in pair manner Q: 1->2->3->4->5 A: 2->1->4->3->5 Third highest value in tree Full code required. 2nd Put the given random pointers… Read More
Given N X N matrix filled with 1, 0, 2, 3. Find whether there is a path possible from source to destination, traversing through blank… Read More
Given an array of size N which is initialized with all zeros. We are given many ranges add queries, which should be applied to this… Read More
Given an array arr[0..n-1] of the positive element. The task is to print the remaining elements of arr[] after repeated deletion of LIS (of size… Read More
Given an integer array ‘arr[]’ of size N, find the sum of all sub-arrays of the given array.  Examples:  Input: arr[] = {1, 2, 3}Output:… Read More
Given four numbers A, B, C and M, where M is prime number. Our task is to find ABC (mod M).Example:   Input : A =… Read More
Round 1 : This was an online objective round comprising of 4 sections : aptitude, basic Reasoning, English and a technical section which included questions… Read More
Given a binary matrix of N x M, containing at least a value 1. The task is to find the distance of the nearest 1… Read More