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Given an array of N elements. The task is to find the length of the longest subarray such that sum of the subarray is even.Examples: … Read More
Given a tree, and the weights of all the nodes and an integer x, the task is to find a node i such that weight[i]… Read More
Given an array arr[] of N integers and another integer k ? N. The task is to find the maximum element of every sub-array of… Read More
Given three strings A, B, and C. Each of these is a string of length N consisting of lowercase English letters. The task is to… Read More
Sometimes, we require to get the words that start with a specific letter. This kind of use case is quite common in places of common… Read More
Apart from Sieve of Eratosthenes method to generate Prime numbers, we can implement a new Algorithm for generating prime numbers from 1 to N. It… Read More
Given the string str, a character c, and an integer k > 0. The task is to find the number of sub-strings that contain the… Read More
This is an introductory course about JavaScript that will help you learn about the basics of javascript, to begin with, the dynamic part of web… Read More
Given a connected graph with N vertices and M edges. The task is to find the shortest path from source to the destination vertex such… Read More
Given two arrays, box[] and truck[], where box[i] represents the weight of the ith box and truck[i] represents the maximum load that the ith truck… Read More
Round 1 – Online Coding (HackerRank) LFU Cache Implementation with capacity c and key value pair Given a height of tunnel H and array for… Read More
Given an array of pairs arr[], the task is to find the maximum cost choosing at most K pairs. The cost of an array of… Read More
Given a string str and Q queries. Each query consists of two numbers L and R. The task is to find the maximum length palindrome… Read More
Just like base 2 Binary numeral system having 0s and 1s as digits, Ternary(Trinary) Numeral System is a base 3 number system having 0s, 1s… Read More
As per Google’s official career page, there are two types of interviews, Phone/Hangout interviews and Onsite Interviews. Below is an excerpt for their official page.… Read More
The Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL), also known as the Common Intermediate Language (CIL) is a set of instructions that are platform independent and are generated… Read More
There are two players P1 and P2 and two piles of coins consisting of M and N coins respectively. At each turn, a player can… Read More
In this article, we shall be animating the applet window with a 1-second delay. The idea is to display the system time of every instance.… Read More
Sometimes, while working with data, we need to perform the string tokenization of the strings that we might get as an input as list of… Read More
Given an integer N > 0, the task is to find the maximum product of digits among numbers less than or equal to N.Examples:  Input:… Read More