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To identify circles, ellipses, or in general, any shape in which the pixels are connected we use the SimpleBlobDetector() function of OpenCV. In non-technical terms,… Read More
Thresholding is a technique in OpenCV, which is the assignment of pixel values in relation to the threshold value provided. In thresholding, each pixel value… Read More
Prerequisite: C signal handling, IPC through shared memory A signal is used in the UNIX system to notify a process that a particular event has… Read More
Accessing elements in a list has many types and variations. These are an essential part of Python programming and one must have the knowledge to… Read More
Kivy is a platform independent GUI tool in Python. As it can be run on Android, IOS, linux and Windows etc. It is basically used… Read More
In this article, we will see how to download & save the file from the URL in PHP, & will also understand the different ways… Read More
Prerequisite: Simple Thresholding using OpenCV In the previous post, Simple Thresholding was explained with different types of thresholding techniques. Another Thresholding technique is Adaptive Thresholding.… Read More
Given two integers A and B. The task is to choose an integer X such that (A xor X) + (B xor X) is the… Read More
Given a string str containing characters ‘(‘, ‘)’, ‘{‘, ‘}’, ‘[‘ and ‘]’, the task is to determine if brackets are balanced or not. Brackets… Read More
In this article, we will look at how to upload multiple files with HTML and PHP. Multiple image upload allows the user to select multiple… Read More
We have introduced Bellman Ford and discussed on implementation here.Input: Graph and a source vertex src Output: Shortest distance to all vertices from src. If there… Read More
Given two arrays u and v, representing a graph such that there is an undirected edge from u[i] to v[i] (0 ? v[i], u[i] <… Read More
As we know Python is a suitable language for script writers and developers. Let’s write a script for Personal Voice Assistant using Python. The query… Read More
Insertion in an m-Way search tree: The insertion in an m-Way search tree is similar to binary trees but there should be no more than… Read More
Given a Binary Tree, the task is to find the size of largest Complete sub-tree in the given Binary Tree. Complete Binary Tree – A Binary… Read More
Problem: Write a Lex program for checking a valid URL. Explanation: Lex is a computer utility that generates some lexical analyzers. Lex reads a stream… Read More
Problem: Write a Lex program for Decimal to Binary conversion. Explanation: FLEX (Fast Lexical Analyzer Generator) is a tool/computer program for generating lexical analyzers (scanners… Read More
Python is a widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language. It was initially designed by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and developed by Python Software Foundation.… Read More
Given a binary array arr[] and q queries of following types:   k: find the index of the kth set bit i.e. kth 1 in the… Read More
Given an integer N in the form of string, the task is to find the largest even number from the given number when you are… Read More