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HTML Attributes

Last Updated : 10 May, 2024
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HTML attributes provide additional information about elements, such as IDs for identification, classes for styling, src for image URLs, href for links, and alt for alternative text. They provide essential meta-information related to the tags, influencing how content is displayed and interacted with.

Components of Attribute

An HTML attribute consists of two primary components:

Attribute NameDescription
idA unique identifier for an HTML element, used for styling or JavaScript interaction.
classDefines one or more class names for an element, used for styling and applying CSS rules.
srcSpecifies the source URL for external resources like images, audio, or video.
hrefSpecifies the URL of the linked resource, typically used in anchor (a) elements for hyperlinks.
altProvides alternative text for images, displayed if the image cannot be loaded or is unavailable.
any_custom_attrDescribes any custom attribute name and its purpose in the HTML document.


<element attribute_name= "attribute_value">

Meta Tag Attributes

Meta tags provide essential information about HTML documents. They are self-closing tags and significantly impact browser functionality, search engine optimization (SEO), character set declaration, and viewport control. Here are some commonly used meta tag attributes:

charsetDefines the character encoding for the HTML document.
nameSpecifies the name of the metadata attribute.
contentProvides information associated with the specified name.
http-equivSets an HTTP header for the content, typically used for backward compatibility.
schemeSpecifies the format used to interpret the content value, often for data formats.

HTML Global Attributes

Global attributes apply to all types of HTML tags. Some commonly used global attributes include:

classGroups elements and allows styling.
styleInline CSS styles.
srcSpecifies the source of various resources, such as image URLs for the img element, video URLs for the video element, and audio URLs for the audio element.
contenteditableDetermines whether the content within the element is editable.
roleSpecifies the element’s accessibility role.
tabindexDetermines the order of focus during keyboard navigation.
idAssigns a unique identifier to an element, allowing targeting with CSS or JavaScript.
hrefDefines the hyperlink destination within the a element, enabling navigation.
altProvides alternative text for images, essential for accessibility and SEO.
titleCreates a tooltip that appears when a user hovers over the element.
langSpecifies the language of the element’s content, aiding with translation and accessibility.

HTML src Attribute

If we want to insert an image into a webpage, then we need to use the <img> tag and the src attribute. We will need to specify the address of the image as the attribute’s value inside the double quote.

Example: This example explains the HTML src Attributes to specify the source address of the file.


    <title>src Attribute</title>

    <img src=




HTML Attributes Example Output

HTML alt Attribute

This is an alt Attribute that is used to show or display something if the primary attribute i.e., the <img> tag, fails to display the value assigned to it. This can also be used to describe the image to a developer who is actually sitting at the coding end.

Example: This example explains the HTML alt Attributes to specify the name of the file when the image is not loaded properly.


    <title>alt Attribute</title>


    <!--If the image is not found or the img field 
     is left blank the alt value gets displayed-->

    <img src=
         alt="The Logo"><br>
    <img src="" 
         alt="Since the src value is blank,the alt value is displayed">




HTML Attributes Example Output

HTML width and height Attribute

The width and height Attribute is used to adjust the width and height of an image(in pixels).

Example: This example explains the HTML width & height Attributes to specify the different sizes of the images.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <title>Width and Height</title>

    <img src=




HTML Attributes Example Output

HTML id Attribute

The id attribute is used to provide a unique identification of an element. Situations may arise when we need to access a particular element that may have a similar name as the others. In that case, we provide different IDs to various elements so that they can be uniquely accessed. The properties extending the use of id are generally used in CSS, which we will be learning later.

Example: This example explains the HTML id Attribute to specify the unique value for the specific element.

<!DOCTYPE html>

        #geeks {
            color: green;

    <h1 id="geeks">Welcome to GeeksforGeeks</h1>




HTML Attributes Example Output

HTML title Attribute

The title attribute is used to explain an element by hovering the mouse over it. The behavior differs with various elements but generally, the value is displayed while loading or hovering the mouse pointer over it.

Example: This example explains the HTML title Attributes to specify the metadata for the element by hovering the mouse over it.

    <title>title Attribute</title> 
    <h3 title="Hello GeeksforGeeks">Hover to see the effect</h3> 


HTML title attribute Example Output

HTML href Attribute

The href attribute is used to specify a link to any address. This attribute is used along with the <a> tag. The link put inside the href attribute gets linked to the text displayed inside the<a> tag. On clicking on the text we will be redirected to the link. By default, the link gets opened in the same tag but by using the target attribute and setting its value to “_blank”, we will be redirected to another tab or another window based on the browser’s configuration.

Example: This example explains the HTML href Attributes specify the link address of the file.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>link Attribute</title>

    <a href="">
        Click to open in the same tab
    <a href="" 
        Click to open in a different tab



href attribute Example Output

HTML style Attribute

The style attribute is used to provide various CSS effects to the HTML elements such as increasing font-size, changing font-family, coloring, etc.

Example: This example explains the HTML style Attributes to specify the style properties for the HTML element.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>style Attribute</title>

    <h2 style="font-family:Chaparral Pro Light;">
          Hello GeeksforGeeks.
    <h3 style="font-size:20px;">
          Hello GeeksforGeeks.
    <h2 style="color:#8CCEF9;">
          Hello GeeksforGeeks.
    <h2 style="text-align:center;">
          Hello GeeksforGeeks.




HTML style Attribute Example Output

HTML lang attribute

The language is declared with the lang attribute. Declaring a language can be important for accessibility applications and search engines.

Example: This example explains the HTML lang Attributes that specify the language of the HTML page.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" 
    <title>lang attribute</title>
        body {
            text-align: center;

        h1 {
            color: green;

        .lang-info {
            font-style: italic;

    <h2>lang attribute</h2>

    <p lang="en">
        A computer science portal for geeks

    <p lang="fr" class="lang-info">
        A computer science portal for geeks

    <p lang="es" class="lang-info">
        A computer science portal for geeks




HTML lang attribute Example Output

Please refer to the HTML Attributes Complete Reference for all the attributes in detail.

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