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Rem (abbreviation of remark) is a command (internal) found inside the Windows Command Processor Command Prompt, that allows for inclusion of comments inside batch programs.… Read More
Given an integer N, the task is to find the number of ways N! can be split into two distinct factors A and B such… Read More
Given an array arr[] consisting of N integers and an integer X, the task is to print the array after performing X queries denoted by… Read More
Siemens PLM came to our college in the last week of September. Due to COVID-19, the whole interview process was completed virtually. We had a… Read More
React is a JavaScript library used to develop interactive user interfaces. We will be making a Like feature using React JS. Modules required: npm React Font Awesome… Read More
Infinite Loop is a loop that never terminates or ends and repeats indefinitely. Or in other words, an infinite loop is a loop in which… Read More
This was the first time CommVault Systems had come to our campus for recruitment. They were offering two profiles – Software Development Engineer in Test… Read More
In this article, we are going to cover the SQL cluster and will also cover some advantages and disadvantages of SQL clusters. Let’s discuss one… Read More
Given two positive integers, A and B, the task is to generate the lexicographically smallest permutation of all integers up to A in which exactly… Read More
Problem: Given a ground Set X, an integer k, and a collection of subsets Si of X, the problem is to identify if there exists… Read More
Regression is a multi-step process for estimating the relationships between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables also known as predictors or covariates.… Read More
Given a list of tuples, extract all tuples having K digit elements. Input : test_list = [(54, 2), (34, 55), (222, 23), (12, 45), (78,… Read More
Given a List extract both next and previous element for each element. Input : test_list = [3, 7, 9, 3] Output : [(None, 7), (3, 9),… Read More
SAP Labs visited our campus for Full-Time Employment for the developer role . So here is my journey from a reader to an interview writer… Read More
Given a Binary Tree, the task is to print the middle nodes of each level of a binary tree. Considering M to be the number… Read More
Given an array arr[], the task is to maximize the length of increasing subsequence by replacing elements to greater or smaller prime number to the… Read More
Nowadays, Internet of Things (IoT) has become one of the most powerful technologies of modern era having the internet as its backbone. Internet of Things… Read More
Given a matrix m[][] of dimensions N × M and an integer K, calculate XOR(i, j) which is equal to the Bitwise Xor of all… Read More
Prerequisite: NP-Completeness, Graph Coloring Graph K-coloring Problem: A K-coloring problem for undirected graphs is an assignment of colors to the nodes of the graph such… Read More
Set partition problem: Set partition problem partitions an array of numbers into two subsets such that the sum of each of these two subsets is… Read More