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React Router Tutorial

Last Updated : 16 Feb, 2024
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React Router is a standard library for routing in React. It enables the navigation among views of various components in a React Application, allows changing the browser URL, and keeps the UI in sync with the URL.

With React Router, you can create a single-page application (SPA) with multiple “pages” that are rendered dynamically without the need for full-page reloads. It allows you to manage navigation, handle nested routes, pass parameters, and manage browser history.


Why Learn React Router?

Learning React Router is essential for building modern single-page applications (SPAs) with React. It provides a structured and efficient way to handle routing within your application and allows you to manage navigation, dynamic content rendering, and browser history seamlessly. By mastering React Router, you can create a smooth and intuitive user experience, navigate between different views/components without reloading the page, and effectively organize your application’s UI based on URL paths.

React Routes Advantages

  1. Declarative Routing: React Router offers a way to define routes in your application using components and JSX syntax. This makes it easy to understand and maintain the routing logic within your codebase.
  2. Single Page Application (SPA) Support: React Router enables the creation of SPAs by allowing navigation between different views or components without requiring full-page reloads.
  3. Nested Routing: React Router supports nested routes, that allows you to define routes within other routes. This enables you to create complex UI hierarchies and manage different levels of content organization within your application.
  4. History Management: React Router provides built-in support for browser history management, including methods for programmatically navigating, accessing browser history, and handling browser back/forward actions.
  5. Integration with React Ecosystem: React Router is well-integrated with the React ecosystem and commonly used libraries such as Redux for state management and React Helmet for managing document head tags.

React Router Basics

React Router Questions

Apart from these you can stay updated with latest topics of React Router by following the page-

React Router recent articles.

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