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Given a map of the city and the network range, the task is to determine the minimum number of the tower so that every house… Read More
Why ATM networks?   Driven by the integration of services and performance requirements of both telephony and data networking: “broadband integrated service vision” (B-ISON).   Telephone networks… Read More
Problem: Call to undefined function curl_init()? Solution: This error occurs when cURL library is not installed on your system or enabled in your PHP installation.… Read More
Given a permutation of N elements (Elements are in range 0 to N-1). A fixed point is an index at which the value is same… Read More
Given a set containing N elements, you are allowed to add an element Z > 0 to this set only if it can be represented… Read More
Given integers ‘K’ and ‘N’, the task is to find the Nth term of the K-Fibonacci series. In K – Fibonacci series, the first ‘K’… Read More
Given a string ‘str’ and an integer ‘k’, the task is to count the number of sub-strings of length ‘k’ which are comprised of the… Read More
Given a linked list and two positions ‘m’ and ‘n’. The task is to rotate the sublist from position m to n, to the right… Read More
Given two binary string M and N of equal length, the task is to find a minimum number of operations (swaps) required to convert string… Read More
Given a number N(1<=N<=109), the task is to find the total number of integers less than equal to n which have exactly 9 divisors. Examples:  … Read More
Given a number N, find the first triangular number whose number of divisors exceeds N. Triangular numbers are sums of natural numbers, i. e., of… Read More
I had written the National qualifier test(NQT) conducted on 2nd September 2018 and I got a mail saying I had qualified the test. Later, I… Read More
Given a linked list containing duplicate elements. The task is to find the count of all minimum occurring elements in the given linked list. That… Read More
ROTATE is a logical operation of the 8085 microprocessor. It is a 1-byte instruction. This instruction does not require any operand after the opcode. It… Read More
Given a string ‘s’, the task is to find if the characters of the string are in alphabetical order. The string contains only lowercase characters. … Read More
NumPy, the Python powerhouse for scientific computing, provides an array of tools to efficiently manipulate and analyze data. Among its key functionalities lies numpy.add() a… Read More
This attribute works when the user right-clicks on an element to open the context menu.Supported Tags:  It supports all HTML elements. Syntax:   <element oncontextmenu="script"> Attribute… Read More
The HTML draggable attribute allows elements to be dragged and dropped within or between web pages. When set to “true”, elements become draggable, facilitating interactive… Read More
An exception is an unexpected program result that can be handled by the program itself. Exception Handling in PHP is almost similar to exception handling… Read More
Top view of a binary tree is the set of nodes visible when the tree is viewed from the top. Given a binary tree, print… Read More