Last Updated : 24 May, 2019

Which of the following option is true?
(A) 25 straight lines can be formed by 8 points out of which 3 are collinear.
(B) 56 triangles can be formed by 8 points out of which 3 are collinear.
(C) 216 rectangles can be formed from a 3 x 8 grid.
(D) Both B and C are true.

Answer: (C)

Explanation: Straight lines can be formed by 8 points out of which 3 are collinear = 8C23C2 + 1 = 26
Triangles can be formed by 8 points out of which 3 are collinear = 8C33C3 = 55 ≠ 56
Number of rectangle formed from a mxn grid = m + 1C2 * n + 1C2 = 4C2 x 9C2 = 216

So, only option (C) is correct.

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