Last Updated : 15 Mar, 2019

Question 17 and 18 are based on the following reading passage.

“Scientists have long known that reefs are healthier when a large number, or ‘high biomass,’ of plant-eating fish graze their surfaces,” said Doug Rasher, senior author of the study and a senior research scientist at Bigelow Laboratory. “However, this study revealed that having a diverse portfolio of those fish species on the reef is equally important to keeping reefs well grazed and hospitable to baby corals.”

The findings have significant implications for the management of tropical fisheries. Many herbivores, such as parrotfish and surgeonfish, are eaten by people across the Caribbean. Management plans often focus on sustaining a given number of herbivores on a reef, and not necessarily promoting species diversity within the herbivore community.

According to the passage, which of the following is true regarding the impact on the health of coral reefs?

(A) It only depends on the number of fishes grazing on the coral reefs.
(B) It is significantly affected by grazing of parrotfish.
(C) It depends on the diversity of fish as well as on the amount of fish which graze on coral reefs.
(D) Management is fully responsible for the decline in the health of coral reefs.
(E) Herbivores fishes do not have different grazing roles so diversity is not important.

Answer: (C)

Explanation: According to the given passage diverse portfolio of the fishes are equally important as that of the number of fishes for good health of coral reefs.
So option (C) is most appropriate.

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