Last Updated : 13 Mar, 2019

Consider the following C code segment

int f (int x)
      if (x < 1)  return 1;
      else return (f(x-1) + g(x))

int g (int x)
      if (x < 2) return 2;
      else return (f(x-1) + g(x/2));

Of the following, which best describes the growth of f(x) as a function of x?

(A) Linear
(B) Exponential
(C) Quadratic
(D) Cubic

Answer: (B)

Explanation: f(x)=f(x−1)+g(x)

For simplicity remove the second term in the expansion and then tries to get a lower bound for f(x).



So, option B is true, exponential growth for f(x).

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