Last Updated : 10 Dec, 2018

Consider the following statements:

  • I. IP is connectionless, unreliable, protocol. It has no error control policies.
  • II. Whenever TTL field value of a packet is zero it is discarded by next upcoming router.
  • III. DHCP protocol will take source IP from the discarded packet and inform to the source by sending time exceeded message.
  • IV. Timestamp option is used for calculating transmission time.

Which of the following option is correct?
(A) Only statement I and II are correct
(B) Only statement II and III are correct
(C) Only statement I and IV are correct
(D) All statement I, II, III, and IV are correct

Answer: (A)

Explanation: Statement III is false, because ICMP protocol will take source IP from the discarded packet and inform to the source by sending time exceeded message.
Statement IV is also false, because Time stamp option is used for calculating round trip time between two end points.

Only statement I and II are correct.

So, option (A) is true.

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