Last Updated : 20 Nov, 2018

Consider the following statements,

  • I. N3/2 < NlogN < NlogN < 2N
  • II. (logN)2 = log2N
  • III. logN * logN = log2N
  • IV. N21/30 > N3 > eN > 4N

Which of the following statements are is not True?
(A) I, II and III
(B) II, III and IV
(C) I and III
(D) All are correct.

Answer: (C)


  • I. NlogN > N3/2 > NlogN > 2N
  • II. (logN)2 = log2N
  • III. logN * logN = log log N
  • IV. N21/30 > N3 > eN > 4N

Therefore, only statement I and III are True.

So, option (C) is correct.

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