Last Updated : 19 Nov, 2018
Which one of the following expressions does NOT represent exclusive NOR of x and y? (A) xy+x\’y\’ (B) x⊕y\’ (C) x\’⊕y (D) x\’⊕y\’

Answer: (D)

Explanation: By Definition of XNOR, x\\odot y = x\' y\' + xy So Option-A is correct. Also by Definition of XOR, x\\oplus y = x\' y + xy\' Option-B is x\\oplus y\' = x\' y\' + x(y\')\' = x\' y\' + xy = x\\odot y So Option-B is also correct. Option-C is x\' \\oplus y = (x\')\' y + x\' y\' = x\' y\' + xy = x\\odot y Option-C is also correct. Option-D x\’⊕y\’ = x\’\’y\’ + x\’y\’\’ = xy\’ + x\’y = x⊕y ≠ x⊙y Therefore option (D) is false. This explanation is provided by Chirag Manwani.

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