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How to Create a Poll in Discord

Last Updated : 19 Feb, 2024
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In today’s digital landscape, Discord is a powerful platform that brings communities together and enables the exchange of ideas. Polls are surveys or questionnaires designed to gather opinions or information from a group of people on a particular topic. The combination of Discord and polls is a powerful tool that can completely transform discussions into dynamic and highly engaging experiences. In this article, we will explore different ways to create a poll in Discord.

Different Methods to Make a Poll on the Discord App

1. Without using an external bot

  • Using emoji reactions

2. Using external bots

  • Using Simple Poll Bot
  • Using Dyno Bot

Let’s learn how to implement each of the methods.

How to Create a Poll in Discord using Reactions or Emojis

It is one of the simplest methods as it doesn’t require any external bot. For participating in the poll users will use different emojis to represent their vote. Each emoji corresponds to a predefined option set by the poll creator.

As an example, a poll with a No/Yes choice can be represented by thumb-down emojis and thumbs-up emojis respectively.

Step 1: Open Discord on your Web App

Install Discord on mobile /desktop and sign up/log in to your Discord account.

Step 2: Server Selection

Select the server in which you want to create a poll. For example here my server name is Dummy_GFG. Single click to open it.


Step 3: Select a Channel

Decide whether you want to create a dedicated channel for the poll or use an existing text channel.

Creating a New Channel

Step 1: Click the ‘+’ next to the “TEXT CHANNELS”.

Step 2: Select the Channel Type and Enter a name for the channel (e.g., “Poll”).

Step 3: Click “Create Channel.”


Convert and Existing Channel to a Poll Channel

Select any existing text channel where you want to conduct the poll. For example doubts channel.

Step 1: Create a Poll Question and Post in the Channel

Type a Poll Question and Add emojis in it, that will be acted as a reaction poll for all your discord members

How to Create a Poll in Discord using Discord Poll Bot

Simple Poll Bot makes creating a variety of polls easy, encouraging participation and engagement. Let’s implement it.

Step 1. Open the Simple Poll Discord Bot Homepage

Open a web browser and go to the Simple Poll Discord Bot page by navigating to link .

Step 2: Access the Invitation Page

On the Simple Poll Discord Bot page, locate and click on the “Invite” button (as shown in picture below).


Step 3: Sign in to Discord (If not already signed in)

If you’re not already signed in to Discord, you’ll be prompted to do so. Enter your Discord credentials to log in.

Step 4: Select a Server

After logging in, you will be asked to select a server to add Simple Poll Bot to. Use the drop-down menu labeled “Add to server” to choose the desired server.


Step 5: Authorize the Bot

Discord will ask for authorization to add Simple Poll Bot to the selected server. Confirm the action by clicking “Authorize” or any equivalent authorization button.


Step 6: Preview Confirmation

You should receive a confirmation message indicating that Simple Poll Bot has been successfully added to the chosen server.


Step 7: Select a Text Channel

You can follow the same steps that we did in previous method. Navigate to the Discord server where you added the Simple Poll Bot and select an already existing text channel or create a new one.

Step 8: Create a Yes/No Reaction Poll

Discord Poll Bot Command: Type the following command in the selected text channel.

Format – /poll: “Your Yes-or-No Question” and press Enter.

For example: /poll: “Have you attempted yesterday’s Gfg contest?”.


Step 9: Press the Enter key


Simple Poll will generate a poll with thumbs-up and thumbs-down reaction emojis for users to vote.

Step 10: Create a Multiple Choice Reaction Poll

Type the following command in the text channel.

Format – /poll: “Your Question” “Option A” “Option B” … and press Enter. Remember – You can include up to 20 multiple-choice options.

For example: /poll: “How many questions did you solve in the last contest?” “0” “1” “2” “3”.


Press Enter.


Simple Poll will create a poll with options labeled “A”, “B”, “C”, etc., and users can click the corresponding box to vote.

How to Create a Poll on Discord using Dyno

Dyno is another powerful bot that can be used to create polls.

Step 1: Navigate to the Website

Visit the website by clicking on the link to add Dyno.

Step 2: Navigate to “Add to Server” Button

On the website, look for the “Add to Server” option to connect bot with the Discord. Click on it to proceed.


Step 3: Choose a Plan

After clicking “Add to Server,” a window displays various plans, including Free, Premium, and Custom. Each plan comes with different features. This tutorial is demonstrated using the Free plan. Select the suitable plan to continue.


Step 4: Select the Server

Another screen will appear where you can choose the server where you want to create a poll. Use the “Add to Server” dropdown to select your desired server.


Step 5: Click “Continue” and Authorize

Once you’ve selected the server, click on the “Continue” button.


Follow any additional prompts or settings as per your requirements. Afterward, authorize the Dyno bot to access the selected server.


Step 6: Set-Up General Settings

After authorization, you’ll be directed to a window to set up general settings. Here, you can configure parameters such as the special character to mark the beginning of commands and the timezone.


Step 7: Complete the Setup

Review your settings and make any necessary adjustments. Once satisfied, proceed to complete the setup process. Your Dyno bot is now added to the selected server.

Step 8: Select and Open the Text Channel

  • You can follow the same steps that we did in previous method. Navigate to the Discord server where you added the Dyno Bot and select an already existing text channel or create a new one.
  • Once the general settings are configured, navigate to the desired text channel in the selected server where you want to create your poll.

Step 9: Initiate Poll Creation

In the text channel, type “/poll” to trigger the poll creation process. Two options will appear. Choose “/poll create” to start the poll creation.


Step 10: Format Poll Question and Choices

After selecting “/poll create,” a formatted space will appear. Type your question for the poll in the designated space. Add up to 10 choices for participants to vote on.


Step 11: Finalize and Create the Poll

Once you’ve entered your question and choices, review the information to ensure accuracy. Press Enter to create the poll in the text channel.



In conclusion, creating a poll in Discord is a simple yet powerful way to engage with your community, gather feedback, or make collective decisions. Whether you’re planning an event, deciding on a game to play, or just want to know your friends’ opinions, polls can be an invaluable tool. Remember, the key to a successful poll is clear questions and options.


What is a poll on Discord?

A Discord poll allows members of a server to express their opinions or vote on a particular topic. It’s a quick and easy way to engage your community.

Are there any restrictions on creating polls?

Yes, there are limits for number of options that can be added in single poll. For example in polls created by Dyno we can add up to 10 choices only.

Who can create polls on a Discord server?

Poll creation may be restricted to specific roles and server members based on server settings and permissions.

What is the process for voting in a Discord poll?

Click on the reaction / choice number corresponding to your answer in a poll to vote. Each option will have a unique emoji / number, and members can click on their preferred emoji to cast their vote.

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