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How to Fix a 500 Internal Server Error?

Last Updated : 13 May, 2024
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The “HTTP 500 – Internal Server Error” is a frustrating and common issue that indicates something has gone wrong on the server’s side. This error is a catch-all message indicating that something went wrong on the web server but the server cannot specify what exactly the problem is. It’s a common server-side error, meaning the issue stems from the server hosting the website, not from your end.

500 Internal Server Error

HTTP error 500

You can fix the 500 Internal server error, with some minor work. In most cases, it can be resolved by refreshing the page, but you can only try major steps like clearing the cache, changing the network or changing devices. In this article, we’ll break down what the error means, common causes, and step-by-step solutions. We have also mentioned the steps you can take as a website’s end user to fix this issue.

500 Internal Server Error Meaning

A “500 Internal Server Error” is a message you might see when browsing the web. It means something went wrong on the website’s server, but the server can’t pinpoint the exact issue. This error could happen because of server misconfigurations, errors in the website’s code, problems with the database connection, or not enough resources like memory or disk space. When you encounter this error, it’s usually best to let the website owner or support team know so they can fix it.

Potential Causes of 500 Internal Server Error

We have mentioned 5 main causes for getting error 500.

  1. Problems with Database Servers: A 500 Internal Server Error can occur due to database issues like slow response, downtime, or query errors. Other causes include incorrect login details, misconfigured servers, or too many user requests.
  2. Permission Errors: Programs may lack permissions to access files or databases, leading to 500 errors. Ensuring correct permissions is crucial for resolving this issue.
  3. Large Files on Websites: Large video files can trigger 500 errors by consuming server resources. Concurrent access by many users can overload the server. Content Delivery Networks or file size reduction can mitigate this issue.
  4. Issues with Configuration: Server Error 500 often stems from server settings errors, such as configuration file mistakes or issues with .htaccess files or virtual hosts. Typically, a server administrator can resolve these issues.
  5. Temporary Connectivity Problems: Error 500 can occur due to server connectivity issues, especially when relying on external resources like databases. Ensuring reliable servers and monitoring their performance can solve this problem.

Some Other Causes for “500 internal Error”

500 internal errors are majorly caused due to server issues, but that is not only the only case. Here are some other causes that can cause 500 server errors.

  1. Conflicts between different software components
  2. Problems with the MySQL server
  3. Problems with WordPress themes and plugins
  4. Exhausted PHP memory limit
  5. Incorrect file and folder permissions
  6. Bugs in custom code or scripts
  7. Incorrect database login credentials

Now that we have gone through some potential causes for HTTP 500 – internal server error, let’s now go through some ways on how as an end user one can fix the error.

How to Fix 500 Internal Server Error – Website Owner

If you don’t want Server Error 500 to ruin your website experience, you can try the following methods to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

1. Reset Permissions

Users might get error 500 on your website if file and folder permissions are incorrect, blocking access to content. You can fix this by adjusting permissions in your hosting panel’s File Manager or using an FTP Client.

2. Increase PHP Memory Limit

Your website might be getting an HTTP 500 error because of the limited PHP memory limit, due to which some scripts might be running out of memory. You can raise your PHP memory limit in configuration files and it will solve error 500 due to memory exhaustion.

3. Deactivate WordPress Plugins/Themes

Adding new plugins or themes to your website can also cause http error 500. Try removing the installed plugins or themes one by one to filter out the faulty ones. You can also switch back to the default theme, for theme-related issues.

4. Check Server logs

You can also check your server logs to precisely check the cause of error 500. You can look at suspicious information like file paths, error messages, or recent changes. Most web-hosting providers will give you tools to check your server logs.

5. Check your .htaccess file

An error in the .htaccess file can also cause error 500 on your webpage. You can check the content of the .htaccess file using using FTP or SFTP client to access your server. After accessing the file, check for any file errors or if the file is corrupted. Fix the .htaccess file to solve error 500 on your page.

6. Contact Web Hosting Provider

As a last resort, if none of the above methods work, you can try contacting your web hosting providers and ask for possible solutions. Web hosting providers can provide you with more technical solutions for error 500.

How to Fix 500 Internal Server Error – End User

As a visitor, you cannot do much to fix the issue since this is likely a technical problem from the server’s side, indicated by the 500 Internal Server Error. However, you can try these basic methods to address the problem:

1. Refresh the page

Refreshing a webpage is straightforward for dealing with temporary glitches like server errors (e.g., 500 error). Just press F5 or click the refresh button.

2. Clear browser cache and cookies

Cookies and browser cache store info about your visit to a website, making it easier to revisit. Sometimes, they can have old or bad data, causing issues. Clearing them and refreshing the page can usually fix this.

Also Read: Difference between Cache VS Cookies

3. Try accessing the page later

A small problem might lead to Error 500 on the server. It could happen because the server is very busy or getting fixed. Just wait and try again later to fix it.

4. Visit the webpage using another network

If you see HTTP error 500 on all your devices, it’s likely a network problem. Just switch your network connection, like from Wi-Fi to a personal hotspot, to fix it.

5. Contact the website support team

As the last resort to fix error 500 on a web page, you can try contacting the website owner or the customer support team. They can check for issues on their side and get it resolved fast.

Impact of Error 500 on SEO

As a website owner, if your webpage is getting 500 server error or any other error, it will have a huge negative impact on that website’s SEO. Here are some negative impacts of Error 500 on your website:

  1. Bad User Experience: If your webpage shows server error 500 to the new users, it ruins their user experience and they will quickly return to the SERP(search engine results page). This will increase your bounce rate and your website will lose trust and engagement.
  2. Crawlability: Since the page has a 500 internal error, search engine crawlers might not completely access the content of a file and have a problem indexing it.
  3. Deindexing: If your webpage is frequently getting the 500 server error, google can temporarily or permanently deindex your page.

Error 500 is very unpleasing for both users and google, and if you are trying to build the reputation of your website, an HTTP 500 error can ruin everything for you. It’s better to resolve everything as fast as possible.

Different Variations of Error 500

Here we have mentioned some variations of the HTTP error 500 message. You can use any of the following messages when you encounter an error 500 page:

  1. 500 Internal Server Error
  2. HTTP 500 – Internal Server Error
  3. Error 500 – Internal Server Error
  4. HTTP Error 500
  5. 500 – Internal Server Error
  6. Server Error 500
  7. HTTP 500 Internal Error
  8. 500 Error
  9. Internal Server Error (500)
  10. Website Error: 500 Internal Server Error
  11. Error Code 500: Internal Server Error
  12. 500: Server Error

Error 500 Code List

Here is the list of some Internal server error 500 codes:

500 Internal Server Error List

Error Code


Server Software

500.0 Generic Internal Server Error IIS
500.11 Module or ISAPI Error IIS
500.15 Permissions Issue IIS
500.19 Configuration Data Not Found IIS
500.21 Module Not Recognised IIS
500.22 Invalid Error Code IIS
500.23 CGI Application Fault IIS
500.24 ASP Script Error IIS
500.50 Rewrite Error IIS
500.100 Internal ASP Error IIS

Other Common Error Codes – Error 500

There are many other HTTP status code 5XX Errors you can come across on a webpage:

Error Code


500 Internal Server Error Unexpected error that prevented the server from fulfilling the request
501 Not Implemented The server doesn’t support the functionality required to fulfill the request
502 Bad Gateway Communication issues between servers
503 Service Unavailable The website is currently unavailable to use
504 Gateway Timeout The server can’t timely respond to your request because it relies on another server
508 Loop Detected The server faces an infinite loop while processing your request


Running into a ‘500 Internal Server Error‘ can be really annoying when you’re trying to use a website. This error happens because there’s a problem on the website’s server—it could be anything from database troubles to incorrect file permissions, or just a temporary hiccup.

In this article, we’ve explained what a 500 error is and what it means. We’ve also looked at some of the most common reasons this error occurs and shared methods on how you might be able to fix it as a website owner and End User.

How to Fix a 500 Internal Server Error? – FAQS

How do I get rid of 500 internal server errors from my Website?

Here are some common methods you can try to get rid of 500 internal server errors from your website:

  1. Restart your web server and related services.
  2. Look into potential issues with third-party plugins or modules.
  3. Debug and correct any scripting errors present in your web application.
  4. Review your and correct file and directory permissions if they are set incorrectly.
  5. Reach out to your web hosting provider for further assistance.
  6. Refresh the webpage to see if the issue persists.
  7. Temporarily deactivate CDN services to determine if they are contributing to the error.

Is 500 internal server error permanent?

No, error 500 is not a permanent error, it just means the server encountered some unexpected condition that prevented it from completing your request. In most cases, HTTP 500 errors are temporary glitches that can be resolved quickly.

What is a 5xx Server Error on Instagram?

The 5xx server errors on Instagram indicate that there is some problem with the Instagram servers. You can wait for it to get resolved or you can try some basic troubleshooting methods like reconnecting to wifi, restarting your device, reinstalling the app, etc.

What is an Htaccess file?

The Htaccess(Hypertext access) file is a configuration file, used primarily by the Apache web server. This file can be used to make the server configurations for a specific directory. more information about the file can be found here.

How long should I wait before refreshing the page if I encounter an HTTP 500 error?

It is generally advisable to wait for an hour before attempting to refresh the page. Website owners are generally aware of such issues, and given a little time they’ll resolve the issue on the server side.

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