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The ISO-OSI (International organization of Standardization – Open System Interconnection) says to group together the functions which are related to each other.  The Functions in… Read More
The len() function in Python has a very peculiar characteristic that one had often wondered about. It takes absolutely no time, and equal time, in… Read More
In this article, we are given a long number and the task is to convert it to the abbreviated string(eg.. 1234 to 1.2k). Here 2… Read More
Given the HTML document. The task is to detect when the backspace and delete keys are pressed on keydown events. Here 2 approaches are discussed,… Read More
Given an HTML document and the job is to replace the entire HTML element by a new one with the help of JavaScript. A few… Read More
Student Partners are a global group of on-campus ambassadors who are eager to help fellow students, lead in their local tech community, and develop technical… Read More
Prerequisite : django installation With the growth of data, data visualization in become a import part here we will implement chart for our data in… Read More
The Bandit is a wargame for those who are beginners at Linux/UNIX environment and are facing problems while learning the real-time use of Linux commands.… Read More
Given a distance N. The task is to count the total number of ways to cover the distance with 1, 2 and 3 steps.Examples:   Input:… Read More
prerequisites: Garbage Collection, Mark and Sweep algorithm Garbage Collection: Garbage collection aka GC is one of the most important features of Java. Garbage collection is… Read More
Flood-fill Algorithm: Flood fill algorithm is also known as a seed fill algorithm. It determines the area which is connected to a given node in… Read More
Learning to code is always exciting and fun for everyone and when it comes to stepping into the programming world most of the people start… Read More
NumPy is a Python package which means ‘Numerical Python’. It is the library for logical computing, which contains a powerful n-dimensional array object, gives tools… Read More
Round 1: Find the next greater element in an array: Find the next greater of next smaller  element in an array Longest Palindromic String(Iterative and… Read More
Prerequisite: Python Language Introduction   OpenCV is the huge open-source library for computer vision, machine learning, and image processing and now it plays a major… Read More
Prerequisites: Python Itertools Python’s Itertool is a module that provides various functions that work on iterators to produce complex iterators. This module works as a… Read More
Given the string, the task is to capitalize the first and last character of each word in a string.  Examples: Input: hello world Output: HellO… Read More
Sometimes, more than finding a substring, we might need to get the string that is occurring before the substring has been found. Let’s discuss certain… Read More
Given the head of a Singly Linked List and a value m, the task is to move the last m elements to the front. Examples:   Input:… Read More
Given an integer array arr[], the task is to count the number of partitions possible such that in each partition the minimum element divides all… Read More