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Microsoft Interview Experience for Summer Intern

Last Updated : 24 Aug, 2023
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A total of 3 rounds were conducted.

Round 1: Online Assessment

Have Two Questions one of dynamic programming and the other of disjoint sets.

Students were shortlisted.

Round 2: Technical Interview

The interviewer came and introduced himself and asked me to give my introduction to him. I was given to implement a binary tree and find the maximum sum of levels in that tree. Then there was a modification in the question that is implemented for the tree and it can have any number of children. Then it was performed after that he asked me about INT_MIN and how it is stored and some minor questions.
Then students were shortlisted for the final discussion which is HR + Technical

Round 3: Technical Interview + HR

The interviewer came and introduced himself and he told me that he would ask ques and I needed to solve them and then discuss about project. He asked to implement that I was given a list of offensive words and I needed to moderate the Whatsapp message that the user should not able to send the message how I will be performing it. Then he asked me for the optimal code and then he asked me questions related to the language that is JS that was used by me in a project then some of the general questions.

Then students were selected on the basis of their criteria. Unfortunately, I was not able to make it to the final round.

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