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The item() method is used to return the content of element at the given index of the collection of all HTML element. The index starts… Read More
The text-transform property is used to control the capitalization of the text. Syntax:  text-transform: none|capitalize|uppercase|lowercase|initial|inherit; Property Values:  none: It has a default value. It has… Read More
The border-spacing Property is used to set the distance between the borders of neighboring cells in the Table. This property works only when the border-collapse… Read More
Given a doubly linked list ‘L’ and an array ‘refArr’ of references to the nodes of the doubly linked list ‘L’. Array ‘refArr’ does not… Read More
Users are accounts that can be used to login into a system. Each user is identified by a unique identification number or UID by the… Read More
Given a matrix mat[][], the task is to count the number of rows in the matrix that consists of the same elements. Examples:  Input: mat[][]… Read More
Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) is a type of process lock which is used by python whenever it deals with processes. Generally, Python only uses… Read More
Given an array arr[] of size N, each integer from the range [1, N] appears exactly once except A which appears twice and B which… Read More
Which of the following is the correct HTML element to define emphasized text? (A) <italic> (B) <em> (C) <i> (D) <emph> Answer: (B) Explanation: Quiz… Read More
Given a 2-D matrix mat[][] of size N * N, initially all the elements of the matrix are 0. A number of queries(M ranges) need… Read More
Which HTML tag is used for internal style sheet? (A) Internal (B) Style (C) CSS (D) Internal Style Answer: (B) Explanation: Quiz of this QuestionPlease… Read More
How many different styling techniques are used in CSS? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 1 Answer: (B) Explanation: Quiz of this QuestionPlease comment… Read More
Given a 2D grid of characters and a word/ multiple words, the task is to check if that word/words exist in the grid or not.… Read More
Which among the following is the correct way in HTML to insert an image? (A) <img url=“”>Geeksforgeeks</img> (B) <img href=/html-course-practice-quiz-1/ alt= “Geeksforgeeks”></img> (C) <img src=“”… Read More
Which among the following is correct HTML code for making a checkbox? (A) <checkbox> (B) <input type=\”checkbox\”> (C) <check> (D) <input type=\”check\”> Answer: (B) Explanation:… Read More
Q.1 Write down the smallest executable code? Ans. main is necessary for executing the code. Code is C void main() { } Output:      Q.2… Read More
In Python, getters and setters are not the same as those in other object-oriented programming languages. Basically, the main purpose of using getters and setters… Read More
Given a binary tree and a number, the task is to return the length of the shortest path beginning at the root and ending at… Read More
Given a positive integer n, the task is to check if n is a Non-hypotenuse number or not. If n is a Non-hypotenuse number then… Read More