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Abstract Class: An abstract class is a type of class in Java that is declared by the abstract keyword. An abstract class cannot be instantiated… Read More
Given an array of size N and an integer K, the task is to find the maximum for each and every contiguous sub-array of size… Read More
In the Linux operating system, user management is a crucial aspect of system administration. One of the fundamental tasks is creating and managing user groups.… Read More
Socket programming is a way of connecting two nodes on a network to communicate with each other. Basically, it is a one-way Client and Server… Read More
Given an array arr[] and the task is to print the sum of the non-prime elements from the array. Examples:  Input: arr[] = {1, 3,… Read More
Given an arr[], the task is to find the maximum length of the sub-array such that the LCM of the sub-array is equal to the… Read More
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance is a consensus algorithm introduced in the late 90s by Barbara Liskov and Miguel Castro. pBFT was designed to work efficiently… Read More
The grid-row property in CSS is used to specify the size and location in a grid layout. It is the combination of grid-row-start and grid-row-end… Read More
Background of Particle Swarm Optimization   Particle Swarm Optimization characterized into the domain of Artificial Intelligence. The term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ or ‘Artificial Life‘ refers to… Read More
This property is used to get or set the value associated with the specified key in the Dictionary. Syntax: public TValue this[TKey key] { get;… Read More
Registers are the fastest locations in the memory hierarchy. But unfortunately, this resource is limited. It comes under the most constrained resources of the target… Read More
Introduction: Initially, Web designers used scriptlets in JSP pages to generate dynamic content. This resulted in readability issues and also made it difficult to maintain… Read More
Given list of PHP files in a directory and the task is to include all files from a directory. In order to include all PHP… Read More
The position of (X, Y) means the coordinate of an element at the top-left point in a document. X represents the horizontal position and Y… Read More
Given an array arr[] and an integer K. The task is to find the size of the maximum sub-set such that every pair from the… Read More
Given two objects of same class and the task is to merge both objects into single object.Approach 1: Convert object into data array and merge… Read More
time command in Linux is used to execute a command and prints a summary of real-time, user CPU time and system CPU time spent by… Read More
Given an array arr[], the task is to find the smallest perfect square which is divisible by all the elements of the given array. Examples: … Read More
Round 1:It was based on 4 main areas that are  1. C language 2. English comprehension 3. Aptitude 4. General awareness This round test your… Read More
Given three non-negative integers x, y and bound, the task is to print all the powerful integer ? bound in sorted order. A powerful integer is… Read More