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Given string str containing characters ‘?’, ‘(‘ and ‘)’, the task is to replace the ‘?’ character with ‘(‘ or ‘)’ and print all the… Read More
Given two strings str1 and str2, the task is to find the minimum number of prefixes and suffixes of str2 required to form the string… Read More
In this article, we will create an animated counter using JavaScript and basic HTML for designing. An animated counter is used to display the counts… Read More
Bootstrap is an open-source framework used to design responsive websites which is easy and efficient to use. It has ready-made templates which can be used… Read More
In JSDoc we need to include documentation comments in the code through which JSDoc will generate an HTML documentation website. Let’s see how to create… Read More
Including documentation in codebase has its own wide range of benefits, some of those include ease of understanding of code to new programmers and also… Read More
Grids in jQuery Mobile are elements that have 100% width and are completely invisible having no borders, backgrounds, padding, or margins. Inside the grid container,… Read More
Total 4 Rounds are there. Round 1: Cognitive and Technical Assessment  It consists of Aptitude, Pseudo, Ms-Word, English Ability, Critical Reasoning, and Problem Solving. This… Read More
The inputmode attribute in HTML is used to provide a hint to browsers about the type of input expected from the user. The ‘inputmode’ attribute… Read More
Given a binary array arr[] and an integer K, the task is to count the maximum number of 0’s that can be flipped to 1’s… Read More
Given three integers a, b and c which denotes the frequencies of three different characters ‘A‘, ‘B‘, and ‘C‘ respectively, and can be used to… Read More
Given an array arr[], the task is to print the indices that have the highest probability of holding the entire sum of the array after… Read More
NielsenIQ came to our campus for Software Engineer profile on September 2021 . It consists of mainly 3 rounds . Due to pandemic , all… Read More
Given an array arr[] of N integers. The task is to find the maximum length of the longest increasing contiguous subarray after removing exactly one… Read More
Applied on LinkedIn through referral. After two days, I received an invitation call for scheduling my Interview. Interview date: 23 Sep 2021 Interview Platform: Google… Read More
Online test (120 minutes): English situation based question. (30 minutes) Two coding questions (easy-medium-45 minutes) Sort first k elements in ascending order and remaining elements… Read More
Monitoring often involves the use of percentiles. Unlike average values, which are heavily influenced by outliers, percentiles help understand how the system works most of… Read More
Flask is a backend web framework based on the Python programming language. It basically allows the creation of web applications in a Pythonic syntax and… Read More
Given an integer N, The task is to construct a matrix mat[][] of size M x M (‘M’ is the number of digits in the… Read More
Given an array, arr[] of N positive integers and M queries which consist of two integers [Li, Ri] where 1 ? Li ? Ri ? N.… Read More