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What Skills Should a Front-End Developer Have?

Last Updated : 06 May, 2024
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Are you keen on becoming a front-end developer? How interesting! Front-end developers are like magic creators who create websites that show up extraordinary and work well. But what must you have to end up one? Let us explore the significant abilities each front-end engineer should have.front-end-developer-skill-copy

What is Frontend Development?

Frontend development is making parts of a site that individuals see and connect with. It verifies that the page looks great and work well for people who visit them, does not matter what device you are using.

In frontend development, designers concentrating on the design and functionality of the page. They confirm it loads quick and works smoothly. They make sure the page looks correct on various web browsers( Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Edge, Safari, etc.) and devices, like phones and computers.

It includes 3 technologies- HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to make the parts of a site that clients interact with directly, like buttons and search bars.

Who are Frontend Developers?

Front-end developers are the expert who implement the parts of websites that we can see and use directly. Simply, they utilize skills like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the UI (User Interface). Their jobs contain website designing, buttons, a navigation bar, images. They ensure that users can access the suitable facts and works well when we use it on our phones, computers, or tablets. Additionally, They also target on that the site opens well in unique browsers and models. Developers coordinates with web designers and back-end developers who are responsible for server-side operation.

Front-End Developer Skills for 2024| The Top You Need to Know

These are the best abilities you should focus on to do well in the web development world.

1. Computer Basics

Before you started learning more about computers, it is essential to understand the basics. Understanding these basics going to make learning advanced things more easily. Make sure you really grasp the fundamentals, so when you move on to harder concept, you will have a good foundation.

2. Programming Languages

You can not master front-end development without HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They enable developers to create well-structured and responsive web designs. Now, Let us explore each one:

2.1 HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): HTML language is the standard to make web pages. It defines the layout of web page. In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee introduced the world to HTML. Tags of HTML decide what web page looks like. Every web browser supports HTML. The latest edition of HyperText Markup Language is HTML5. In case you type tags in lowercase or uppercase, HTML treats them the same, which implies HTML as a case-insensitive language.

Useful Resources: HTML Cheat Sheet

2.2 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): It illustrates how HTML elements appear on the display. It makes websites look fantastic. Using CSS, you can operate the color of text, style of fonts and much more things. By using an external stylesheet document, you can change the view of a full website by modifying just one file. CSS Frameworks upgrade your webpage with additional features. Here are some top 4 CSS Frameworks.

Useful Resources: CSS Cheat Sheet

2.3 JavaScript: It is a speedy, understandable scripting language. It enables web developer to implement dynamics websites and games. It is used for both front-end and back end. Furthermore, it adds behavior and responsiveness. It permit web developers to make dynamic elements like search bars, animation’s, and pop-up windows.

Useful Resources: JavaScript Cheat Sheet

3. Responsive Design

These times, folks utilize many of devices like phones, tablets, and computers systems to go online. Front-end developers require making sure websites look great and work well on all these devices. They do this by applying outstanding design methods that make websites adjust to distinct screen sizes, like making formats flexible, media queries and using images that resize simply.

For an example: Imagine you are using your phone to book a hotel for your trip. But the site you are putting to use is not responsive. That means everything looks too mini, and you have to keep zooming in and out just to read it. Disappointing, right?

Now, picture another hotel’s site that is responsive. It fits exactly on your phone’s screen. The content is simple to read, the pictures see extraordinary and you can book without any trouble. That is what website responsiveness does— it makes the client experience gentle and likable, no matter what device you are using.

4. Frameworks Every Frontend Developer Should Know

Frameworks are pre-built sets of code that help developers build responsive web applications. They are basically used to make the front portion of a website. Think of them as designs for structure home—they permit you structure to work with.

You should know how to use frameworks since they make coding speedier. They help with tasks like handling requests from the server, sorting records, and styling elements. Mainly, they make building websites easier. The main frameworks for making the front end of websites is React, Angular, Vue, and a lot more.

  • React.js is a JavaScript library mostly used for a construct user interfaces (UIs) for web application. It is simple and open-source JavaScript library. It affords web developers to create reusable components. React also uses a virtual DOM (Document Object Model) to smoothly update the UI . It is built using JSX who is the mixture of JavaScript and XML.
  • Angular is a client-side and open-source front-end web application framework. It is used for inventing dynamic and single-page web applications (SPAs). Angular is based on a programming language called TypeScript. It is made by Google. It holds HTTP user module for making AJAX requests and managing responses.
  • Vue.js was made to boost Angular and create a simpler tool. It makes a user interfaces simpler. It is view model front-end library. It is used to expand an interactive user interfaces.
  • jQuery is a library that makes it easier to write JavaScript code. JQuery works on any platform. It contains features like DOM manipulation, AJAX, animations. Its primary goal is to offer an easy method to use JavaScript on your website.

5. Version Control

It helps you manage your application by monitoring every modification you make, like update, edit, and even undo or redo. It is also referred as source control. Furthermore, it is a really useful tool for any developer. Version control collaborates in recovery if something unexpected happens, like if your computer crashes. Widely-used VCS platform is Git. It stores all your code in dedicated folders known as repositories, so you always have a backup.

Here are some Version Control Systems:

6. CSS Preprocessors

CSS Preprocessor is a scripting language that expands CSS. They enable you to write CSS in more planned way. It permits you to use programming language concept like methods, operations, and variables to perform calculations. Preprocessors assists inheritance, which means they authorize CSS properties to inherit values from parent elements. Every preprocessor delivers a distinct syntax that gets switched into CSS for browser rendering.

Common CSS preprocessors cover Sass, Less, and Stylus. While they share similar functionalities but have their own unique features and syntax.

7. Browser developer tools

Browser developer tools are like special tools for front-end web developers. They authorize you to look over and debug web pages in present, developing it is less difficult to spot and fix complications. Front-end developers should know how to use tools like Chrome DevTools or Firefox Developer Tools to make application work superior and speedier.

8. Building Projects

It provides an advantage for front-end developers to examine and learn new technologies and frameworks. It gives front-end developers hands-on experience with real-world development outcomes. This practical experience helps you become more excellent frontend developer. So, once you have learned the requisite skills, it is necessary to start building projects to upgrade even more.

Useful Resources: Top 10 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

9. RESTful APIs

REST “representational state transfer”, are a kind of layout for developing web services that permit distinct systems to interact with each other over the internet. Individual request from a client to the server need to contain all the information required to understand and process the request. This affords for better capacity to grow and consistency.

So, in basic terms, a RESTful API is a way for different programs to communicate to each other over the internet applying HTTP messages.

10. Command Line(CLI)

It stands for Command Line Interface or Command Line Input. It is like an exclusive text-based a tool for organizing files and programs on your computer systems. Furthermore, it is a way of communicating with your system by writing commands in terminal, rather than using a graphical user interface (GUI) with buttons and menus. In CLI, users type commands to run tasks such as running programs, handle folders and more. Users usually type one command at a time and the system run them instantly or afford review on their Implementation.

11. Testing and Debugging

After designing a website, the next thing to do is testing and debugging. By fixing bugs, developers can provide users good experience.

Testing means checking your application before showing it to others. For a front-end web developer, This means checking if buttons click and seeing if pages look right on distinct screens and web browsers. Categories of testing are:

  • Unit Testing is like monitoring each portion of code. They use tools like Mocha, Jasmine, or Jest to make testing speedier.
  • Component Testing is like verifying one selected part of your website. In place of checking the whole parts of an application, you can target on just one piece at a time.

Debugging means resolving a mistake in the software. Developers uses unique tools to monitor the code bit by bit, spot the difficulty, and fix the problem. Fixing problems in software can take much time but it is necessary to confirm that the software runs smoothly.

12. Performance Optimization

Web performance optimization means forming websites load quicker. When web page loads quicker, it is less tricky to use and can control more visitors immediately. Here are some ways to make sites load faster:

  • Improve images: Big images take longer time to load. Make them smaller without losing attribute.
  • Prefer superior hosting provider: The company that hosts your website can shape how rapid it loads. So, select a quick one.
  • Use smaller amount of CSS and JavaScript: These craft the website looks good but can slow it down.

Front End Developer Essentials Skills: Above Than Just Code

  • Communication Skills: Strong communication skills mean you can converse about your opinion and any problems with your collaborators, the people contributing in the project, and the clients. In case you are working for a company or freelancing, being able to communicate clearly is vital. Being able to discuss well helps you build contacts and get more clients. Plus, you gain more task and expertise.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Front-end developers need to be good at resolving issues and making them work smoothly. Every day, developers tackle problems in projects. So, it is really notable for them to know how to resolve problems. Clients often have questions that need solving, developers should be able to determine the reliable ways.
  • Time Management: Being good at supervising your time and selecting what assignment to do first is really essential. Developers often have many task to do and not much time to complete it, so they need to be able to decide what is most necessary and get it done on time.
  • Graphic designing skills: It is most essential for front-end developers because their main job is designing websites. It is necessary to be good at a graphic design.
  • Creativity: Being innovative and open to learning most recent things are really important in this domain. Creative thinking empowers developers to come up with innovative solutions to design. It is a field that is always shifting, with new shortcuts and techniques coming up all the time. Front-end developers can find extraordinary ways to catch users’ concentration on applications.
  • Teamwork: Front-end developers generally work on projects with various kinds of team members, like back-end developers and task leaders. When front-end developers work together as a team, they separate the task and apply each other’s talents to finalize projects quicker. So it is necessary to learn how to assist as a group.
  • Familiarity with Agile Development Methodologies: Agile development is required for front-end developers because it supports them work more quickly. This elaborates why:
  • Flexibility: It presents front-end developers to modify in the project guidelines. This Flexibility is crucial in the rapidly changing environment of user interface development.
  • Innovative Development: With Agile, developers can decompose challenging projects into smaller tasks.

Steps to Become a Front-End Developer

1. Master the Core Principles: Dive into the basic of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, which is the basic first phases of becoming a frontend web developer.

2. Configuring Your Coding Setup: Download code editors such as VS Code, Notepad++, Replit and many more for your coding projects.

3. Explore Responsive Design Technique: Understand responsive web design technique. They will instantly customize for multiple viewpoints and screen resolutions.

4. Learn about Frameworks and Libraries: Familiarize yourself with well-known popular front-end frameworks and libraries like React.js, Angular, or Vue.js. This assistance can help you design interactive and dynamic web applications faster. They encourage frontend developers in sorting code and cutting down recurrence.

5. Develop Projects: Start creating projects to demonstrate your skills. Developing projects enable developers to tackle real-life problems, implement the concepts you have learned and acquire practical experience .

6. API Access: It gives developers to access and operate data from third-party providers, like as databases or servers. This authorizes them to develop more dynamic interactions for audience.

7. Build Your Portfolio: Design a portfolio of your front end projects to show your skills. Personal projects and any freelance work you have completed. It helps developers stand out and land opportunities in the competitive job market.

8. Establish Contacts: A network with other developers, become part of online groups, and contribute to open-source projects. This enables you to build connection and learn a lot from them.

9. Look for Jobs: Once you feel confident in your skills and have a strong portfolio or projects then, begin searching for front-end developer roles.

Average Frontend Developer Salaries Across India in 2024

As India creates itself as a global IT hub, the demand for skilled frontend web developers has grew extensively. In addition, Remote work is becoming more common for frontend developers. Remote work culture allows frontend developers to work globally.

The following are the approximate salary ranges for frontend web developers at different experience levels in India:

  • Less than 1 year of experience : ₹3,00,000 – ₹6,00,000 per annum
  • 1 to 6 years of experience : ₹6,00,000 – ₹12,00,000 per annum
  • 6 to 12 years of experience: ₹12,00,000 and above per annum


In this article, we have understood about the ability to become a front-end web developer. To beat hopes in this field, it is imperative to have a great understanding of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, besides with information of frameworks like angular and React. In addition, having a strong problem-solving and creativity skills can help you develop as a front-end developer.

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