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The function is a set of statements that take inputs, do some specific computation, and produce output. Functions are created when certain statements are repeatedly… Read More
For Software Developer role (Analyst) : Round 1:  Online Coding Round 2 Coding Questions in 2 hour time limit. Q1.  Given a number ‘x’, and a… Read More
Round1: Coding Round Round2: Coding Round Q1:- Given an array nums and two sliding windows of size K & L which don’t have any element… Read More
A Wave Loader can be used in websites when something is loading it will provide better user experience, The wave loader can be easily created… Read More
Here, we will write a Map-Reduce program for analyzing weather datasets to understand its data processing programming model. Weather sensors are collecting weather information across… Read More
In Dart we can find the minimum and maximum valued element present in the given list in seven ways: Using for loop to find the… Read More
1. Oracle : Oracle is a relational database management system (RDBMS). It was developed by Oracle Corporation in 1980. It is the first database designed… Read More
The Dart programming language is considered type safe, meaning it ensures that the variable’s value always matches the variable’s static type through a combination of… Read More
Given an array A[ ] consisting of N strings, the task is to count the number of pairs of possible strings that on merging forms… Read More
Multiplicative Congruential Method (Lehmer Method) is a type of linear congruential generator for generating pseudorandom numbers in a specific range. This method can be defined… Read More
Given N axis-parallel rectangles in a 2-D Cartesian coordinate system and coordinates of 4N-1 vertices, the task is to find the single vertex missing. Examples:  … Read More
Given an array A[] consisting of N elements, the task is to find the minimum distance between the minimum and the maximum element of the… Read More
Consider 9 circles each arranged at the center of cells of a 2-D matrix of shape 3*3. Draw 3 straight lines without removing pen from… Read More
Kernel Function is a method used to take data as input and transform it into the required form of processing data. “Kernel” is used due… Read More
StandardScaler follows Standard Normal Distribution (SND). Therefore, it makes mean = 0 and scales the data to unit variance. MinMaxScaler scales all the data features in… Read More
LightGBM is an ensemble learning framework, specifically a gradient boosting method, which constructs a strong learner by sequentially adding weak learners in a gradient descent… Read More
In every programming language comments play an important role for a better understanding of the code in the future or by any other programmer. Comments… Read More
Jupyter notebook is an open-source IDE that is used to create Jupyter documents that can be created and shared with live codes. Also, it is… Read More
Given a Perfect BST with N nodes and an integer K, the task is to find the Kth smallest element is present in the tree.… Read More
Given an array arr[] of size N, consisting of positive and negative integers, the task is to find the longest alternating subsequence(i.e. the sign of… Read More