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Difference between C++ and Java

Last Updated : 02 Jan, 2024
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Java and C++ are the two most popular programming languages in the world. Both languages have their features and use cases. In this article, we will look at the major differences between C++ and Java. We will also discuss their scope in the industry and which one will be better from different perspectives.

C++ vs Java

Introduction to C++

C++ is a general-purpose programming language that includes object-oriented paradigms to improve the C language. C++ language is both imperative and compiled. Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism (both static and dynamic), and other object-oriented principles are supported by C++. In C++, classes and objects are not required to compile code. Thus, it can be termed a semi-object-oriented language. 

The C++ programming language is used by many large software companies, such as Microsoft, IBM, etc., and can be used for developing desktop applications, video games, servers, e-commerce, web search, and databases, as well as high-performance applications, such as telephone switches and space probes.  

For more information, refer to the article – Introduction to C++ Programming Language

Example of C++ Program

FilenName: hello_world.cpp


// C++ program to print hello world
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    cout << "Hello World" << endl;
    return 0;


Hello World
Introduction to C++

Program Execution in C++

Introduction to Java

Java was created in 1995 by James Gosling, who is regarded as the father of the software industry. Java was designed to be simple, robust, secure, high-performance, portable, multi-threaded, interpreted, dynamic, etc. In today’s world, Java is widely used in mobile devices, internet programming, games, and e-business. 

A developer can also develop scalable applications using Java because it supports many features. Java has built-in frameworks like Spring, Dagger, and others frameworks that ease the development of new applications. They also make application development easier with classes like Applets, Servlets, and JavaServer Pages.

For more information, refer to the article – Introduction to Java

Example of Java Program



// Java program to print hello world
class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        System.out.println("Hello World");


Hello World
Introduction to Java

Program Execution in Java

Difference between Java and C++

The following table lists all the major differences between Java and C++ programming languages:

Parameters Java C++
Official Website
Influenced By Java was Influenced by Ada 83, Pascal, C++, C#, etc. languages. C++ was Influenced by Influenced by Ada, ALGOL 68, C, ML, Simula, Smalltalk, etc. languages.
Influenced to Java was influenced to develop BeanShell, C#, Clojure, Groovy, Hack, J#, Kotlin, PHP, Python, Scala, etc. languages. C++ was influenced to develop C99, Java, JS++, Lua, Perl, PHP, Python, Rust, Seed7, etc. languages.
Platform Dependency Platform-independent, Java bytecode works on any operating system. Platform dependent should be compiled for different platforms.
Portability It can run on any OS hence it is portable. C++ is platform-dependent. Hence it is not portable.
Compilation Java is both a Compiled and Interpreted Language. C++ is a Compiled Language.
Memory Management Memory Management is System Controlled. Memory Management in C++ is Manual.
Virtual Keyword It doesn’t have Virtual keywords. It has Virtual keywords.
Multiple Inheritance It supports only single inheritance. Multiple inheritances are achieved partially using interfaces. It supports both single and multiple Inheritance.
Overloading It supports only method overloading and doesn’t allow operator overloading. It supports both method and operator overloading.
Pointers It has limited support for pointers. It strongly supports pointers.
Libraries It doesn’t support direct native library calls but only Java Native Interfaces. It supports direct system library calls, making it suitable for system-level programming.
Libraries Libraries have a wide range of classes for various high-level services. C++ libraries have comparatively low-level functionalities.
Documentation Comment It supports documentation comments (e.g., /**.. */) for source code. It doesn’t support documentation comments for source code.
Thread Support Java provides built-in support for multithreading.  C++ doesn’t have built-in support for threads, depends on third-party threading libraries.
Type Java is only an object-oriented programming language. C++ is both a procedural and an object-oriented programming language.
Input-Output mechanism Java uses the (System class): for input and System.out for output. C++ uses cin for input and cout for output operation.
goto Keyword Java doesn’t support the goto Keyword C++ supports the goto keyword.
Structures and Unions Java doesn’t support Structures and Unions. C++ supports Structures and Unions.
Parameter Passing Java supports only the Pass by Value technique. C++ supports both Pass by Value and pass-by-reference.
Global Scope It supports no global scope. It supports both global scope and namespace scope.
Object Management Automatic object management with garbage collection. It supports manual object management using new and deletes.
Call by Value and Call by Reference Java supports only calls by value. C++ both supports call by value and call by reference.
Hardware Java is not so interactive with hardware. C++ is nearer to hardware.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Which language is better to learn C++ or Java?


C++ vs. Java is a difficult choice between programming languages. There are advantages and disadvantages to both languages. Java is generally used for software development or web-based application development, while C++ is more often used for system programs, gaming, or low-level programming. When developing an application, we need to choose the right language. Understanding the application’s use case is the best way to determine which software is appropriate for it.

C++ is used to create:

  • Game Development and Game Engines: Game Engines such as Unreal Engine, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, World of Warcraft, and Games like Counter-Strike, StarCraft, and World of Warcraft.
  • Operating Systems: Operating Systems like macOS, Windows, and iOS use C++ as their Primary language.
  • IoT(Internet of Things) devices: IoT devices like cars, smartwatches, medical devices, and televisions.
  • Databases: Database as MongoDB and MySQL.
  • Machine Learning(Tensorflow)
  • Virtual Reality(VR): C++ is used to create Unreal Engine.
  • Web Browsers: Web Browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and Safari.

Java is used to create:

  • Cloud Applications: Cloud Applications such as storage, File-Sharing, sales software, email, messengers, virtual machines, etc.
  • Mobile Applications: Mobile Applications such as Google OS and Android use Java.
  • IoT(Internet of things) devices: IoT devices such as mobile phones, computers, and tablets, use Java Programming Language.
  • Enterprise & Scientific Applications: Enterprise & Scientific Applications like reservations, file sharing, data management, etc.
  • Android Games and Chatbots: Games Such as Minecraft and chatbots use java as their primary language. 
  • Scalable & Secured Web Applications

Q2. Java vs C++ which is Easier?


The learning curve for Java is typically shorter than for C++. Its principles and execution are simpler than those of C++. However, there are other factors to consider. It depends on your needs and what programming language you choose. If you want to create mobile apps, then Java is the language for you. If you want to design software then C++ would be a better choice.

Q3. Java vs C++ which is better for competitive programming?


Every Language has its own benefits. C++ strikes the right balance between programming abstractions (like objects, templates, classes, etc.) and underlying computer science fundamentals. The more you understand what happens underneath the metal, the better code will be. If you are a newbie, Java will hide the details on memory management and data structure size for you, so that you are not concerned about these details.

Q4. Why C++ is Best for Competitive Programming?


The most popular language for Competitive Programming is C++. Because of its STL (Standard Template Library), C++ is the most popular language for competitive programming, enabling programmers to quickly solve basic data structures and functions like arrays, stacks, and lists. STL is a library of container classes, algorithms, and iterators that ensures speed while coding in C++. STL makes C++ Programming faster by providing basic data structures and functions as coding templates. Some features which make C++ best for Competitive programming are: 

For more information, refer to the article –  Why C++ is best for Competitive Programming?

Q5. Java vs C++ for Placement


It’s all about knowing how to use your skills, not which language you use. Choose wisely as it depends on how much time you have before it is too late to jump. It doesn’t matter what you learn, as long as you master any of these. You must be strong in these topics for placements, regardless of whether it’s Java or C++.

  • Good Implementation and Coding skills in any programming language
  • Problem-solving skills
  • OOPS (Object Oriented Programming)
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • CS fundamentals

For more information, refer to the article – A Step-by-Step Guide for Placement Preparation

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