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Chapter 4 India and the UN Reforms| Class 12 Political Science Notes

Last Updated : 23 Apr, 2024
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India engages with the United Nations reforms too. This reflects India’s rising global influence. India is pushing for greater representation and a permanent seat on the Security Council. It aims to align the UN’s structures with today’s geopolitical realities. In this article, you will get detailed notes on India and the UN Reforms from Chapter 4 of your Class 12 Political Science NCERT textbook.

India’s Role in UN Reforms

India’s Support for UN Restructuring:

India advocates for the restructuring of the United Nations (UN) based on several grounds. It believes that a strengthened and revitalized UN is essential in the face of global changes. India emphasizes an enhanced role for the UN in fostering development and cooperation among nations, considering development a fundamental prerequisite for international peace and security.

Concerns Regarding Security Council Composition:

  • India’s major concern pertains to the composition of the UN Security Council, which has remained largely unchanged despite significant expansion in UN General Assembly membership. This static composition undermines the council’s representative character, according to India.
  • The lack of representation from developing countries in the Security Council is viewed as a detriment, prompting India to advocate for their inclusion in decision-making processes affecting them.

Proposals for Reform:

  • India advocates for an increase in both permanent and non-permanent members of the Security Council to reflect contemporary geopolitical realities. It stresses the importance of broad-based restructuring to ensure the council’s effectiveness.
  • India supports the inclusion of more developing countries in the Security Council to enhance its legitimacy and garner broader international support for its decisions.

India’s Aspirations:

  • India, aspiring to be a permanent member in a restructured UN, cites its significant population size, democratic principles, and active participation in UN initiatives and peacekeeping efforts as justifications.
  • India’s economic emergence and consistent financial contributions to the UN further strengthen its claim to permanent membership, which carries symbolic importance and enhances a country’s global influence.

Challenges and Opposition:

  • Despite India’s aspirations, some countries, including Pakistan, express reluctance towards its permanent membership, citing concerns about its nuclear capabilities and bilateral tensions.
  • Others argue for the inclusion of other emerging powers like Brazil, Germany, and Japan, as well as representation from Africa and South America, before considering India’s inclusion.
  • Given these challenges and differing perspectives, India’s path to permanent membership in the UN Security Council may face obstacles in the near future.

India’s Objectives for UN Reforms

  • India aims for a more democratic and transparent UN structure.
  • It advocates for increased representation for developing nations.
  • Ensuring equity and fairness in international decision-making is a priority.
  • India promotes the idea of a multi-polar world within the UN.
  • It supports the restructuring of both the Security Council and the General Assembly.

Challenges Faced by India

  • Resistance from existing permanent members of the Security Council is significant.
  • Divergent views among UN members complicate consensus on reforms.
  • India’s border issues and regional conflicts influence its stance and negotiations.
  • Balancing global leadership aspirations with regional responsibilities is challenging.
  • India needs to secure wider support from other nations for its proposals.

India’s Contributions to the United Nations

  • India is one of the largest contributors to UN peacekeeping missions.
  • It has been involved in various global initiatives and agreements under the UN.
  • Indian diplomacy plays a key role in climate change and sustainability discussions.
  • The country has led initiatives on terrorism and cybersecurity at the UN.
  • India’s economic growth enhances its voice and stake in UN reforms.

Strategic Partnerships and Alliances

  • India collaborates with groups like the G4 (India, Brazil, Germany, Japan) for reforms.
  • It seeks support from both developing and developed nations.
  • Strategic partnerships extend to Africa, where India has significant investments.
  • India uses its soft power to gain influence and support for its UN agenda.
  • Engagements in multilateral settings showcase India’s commitment to global governance.

Implications of Successful UN Reforms for India

  • A permanent seat at the Security Council would elevate India’s global status.
  • It would enhance India’s influence in international decision-making.
  • Reforms could provide better mechanisms for addressing issues like terrorism.
  • Stronger representation in the UN could bolster India’s trade and security agendas.
  • Success in UN reforms aligns with India’s vision of a just and equitable world order.


India’s active participation in UN reforms reflects its growing global influence. Achieving reforms will require persistent diplomacy and international cooperation. India views UN reform as essential for a balanced global governance system. The country’s future in international politics is closely tied to these efforts.

India and the UN Reforms- FAQs

Why does India want a permanent seat on the UN Security Council?

India seeks a permanent seat to increase its influence in global governance and reflect its status as a major global player.

What are India’s main goals in advocating for UN reforms?

India aims to make the UN more democratic, increase representation for developing countries, and ensure fair global decision-making.

What challenges does India face in achieving UN reforms?

India faces opposition from existing permanent members and must navigate diverse international interests to gain support for reforms.

How has India contributed to the United Nations?

India is a major contributor to UN peacekeeping missions and plays a significant role in global initiatives like climate change and counter-terrorism.

What is the G4 group, and why is it important to India?

The G4 group, comprising India, Brazil, Germany, and Japan, collaborates to support each other’s bids for permanent Security Council seats.

How would UN reforms benefit India?

Reforms would enhance India’s strategic and economic interests, providing stronger platforms for addressing issues like terrorism and trade.

How does India use its relationships with other countries to support its UN agenda?

India builds strategic partnerships and uses its diplomatic and economic influence to gain backing for its UN reform initiatives.

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