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What’s the difference of name scope and a variable scope in tensorflow?

Last Updated : 08 Jun, 2023
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When working with TensorFlow, it’s important to understand the concepts of name scope and variable scope. These two concepts can be confusing at first, but they are essential to organizing and managing your TensorFlow code.

Name scope and variable scope are both used to group related operations and variables together in TensorFlow. However, they serve different purposes and have different rules for how they work.

 Installation instructions: 

Run the below code to install the TensorFlow library.

pip install tensorflow

Name Scope:

A name scope is used to group related operations together in TensorFlow. You can think of it as a way to organize your code into logical units. For example, if you are building a neural network, you might use name scopes to group together the operations for each layer of the network.

To create a name scope in TensorFlow, you use the tf.name_scope() function. 

Name scope is used to organize the operations in the graph under a common name prefix. It is helpful for debugging and visualization of the graph. The name scope is created using tf.name_scope(). Variables created inside a name scope are not automatically added to the scope. 

One important thing to note is that name scopes do not affect the names of variables. If you define a variable within a name scope, it will still have the same name as if it were defined outside of the name scope.

Code implementation:


import tensorflow as tf
with tf.name_scope("my_scope"):
    var1 = tf.Variable([1.0, 2.0], name="a")
    var2 = tf.Variable(2.0, name="b")



Variable Scope

A variable scope is used to manage the names of variables in TensorFlow. When you define a variable in TensorFlow, it must have a unique name so that you can reference it later. However, if you have many variables in your code, it can be difficult to come up with unique names for all of them.

A variable scope helps to manage this by creating a namespace for variables. Within a variable scope, you can define variables with simple names like “weights” or “biases”, and TensorFlow will automatically create a unique name for each variable based on the scope.

To create a variable scope in TensorFlow, you use the tf.variable_scope() function. 

Variable scope is used to manage variables and share them across different parts of the graph. The variables created inside a variable scope are automatically added to the scope, and their names are automatically prefixed with the scope name. The variable scope is created using tf.variable_scope().

One important thing to note is that variable scopes also affect the names of operations. Any operations defined within a variable scope will have their names prefixed with the variable scope name. This can be useful for debugging, as it makes it clear which variables and operations are associated with each other.


import tensorflow as tf
# Disable the eager execution
with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("my_vars"):
    # Define two variables with simple names
    w = tf.compat.v1.get_variable("weights", shape=(2, 2))
    b = tf.compat.v1.get_variable("biases", shape=(2,))
    # Use the variables to define an operation
    x = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 2))
    y = tf.matmul(x, w) + b


w: my_vars/weights:0
b: my_vars/biases:0
x: my_vars/Placeholder:0
y: my_vars/add:0
x: [<tf.Operation 'my_vars/MatMul' type=MatMul>]
y: []


In the below program, we define a function create_graph() to create a TensorFlow graph. Inside the function, we create two scopes: a variable scope with the name var_scope and a name scope with the name name_scope. Inside the variable scope, we create a variable var1 using the tf.get_variable() method and an operation op1 by multiplying var1 with a scalar constant. Inside the name scope, we create a variable var2 using the tf.Variable() method and an operation op2 by multiplying var2 with a scalar constant. Outside any scope, we create another operation op3 by adding op1 and op2. Finally, we return the output operation op3 from the function. We then create a TensorFlow graph by calling the create_graph() function and store the output operation in a variable output_op. We then create a TensorFlow session and initialize the variables using tf.global_variables_initializer(). Finally, we evaluate the output operation using the method and print the output.


import tensorflow as tf
# Defining a function to create a TensorFlow graph
def create_graph():
    with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope("var_scope"):
        # Creating a variable
        var1 = tf.compat.v1.get_variable("var1", shape=[1], dtype=tf.float32)
        # Creating an operation
        op1 = var1 * 2
    with tf.name_scope("name_scope"):
        # Creating a variable
        var2 = tf.Variable([1.0], name="var2")
        # Creating an operation
        op2 = var2 * 3
    # Creating an operation outside any scope
    op3 = op1 + op2
    return op3
# Creating a TensorFlow graph
output_op = create_graph()
# Creating a TensorFlow session
with tf.compat.v1.Session() as sess:
    # Initializing the variables
    # Evaluating the output operation
    output =
    # Printing the output
    print("Output: ", output)


Output:  [2.2647586]


Name scopes and variable scopes are both used to group related operations and variables together in TensorFlow. Name scopes are used for organizing your code, while variable scopes are used for managing the names of variables and operations. Understanding these concepts is essential for writing clean and well-organized TensorFlow code.

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