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Top 10 Free Long-Tail Keywords Research Tools in SEO

Last Updated : 26 Oct, 2023
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Search engine optimization (SEO) relies heavily on keyword research to help you determine the precise terms and phrases consumers use to look for content online. Long-tail keywords, which are keyword phrases that are longer and more specialized, can be quite efficient at bringing in relevant visitors to your website. You may locate long-tail keywords for your SEO plan using a variety of commercial and free keyword research tools, though. The 10 free tools you can use are listed below:


1. Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a powerful tool for keyword research and is primarily designed for Google Ads users. However, you can still use it for SEO keyword research. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use Google Keyword Planner:

  • Access Google Keyword Planner: Go to the Google Keyword Planner at You’ll need a Google Ads account to access the Keyword Planner. If you don’t have one, you can create a Google Ads account for free.
  • Sign In or Sign Up: If you already have a Google Ads account, sign in with your Google account credentials. If not, you’ll need to sign up and create an account.
  • Access Keyword Planner: After logging in, click on the “Tools & Settings” icon (wrench icon) in the upper-right corner. Under the “Planning” section, click on “Keyword Planner.”
  • Choose a Tool Function: In Keyword Planner, you’ll see two primary functions: “Discover new keywords” and “Get search volume and forecasts”. “Discover new keywords” helps you find keyword ideas, while “Get search volume and forecasts” provides data on specific keywords.
  • Discover New Keywords: Click on “Discover new keywords.” Enter a seed keyword or a phrase relevant to your topic or niche in the “Start with keywords” field. You can also specify targeting options such as location, language, and search network.
  • Filter and Customize Results: Review the list of keyword suggestions, along with search volume, competition, and other data. You can filter the results based on parameters such as location, date range, and more.
  • Analyze Keyword Ideas: Examine the keyword ideas to identify long-tail keywords, high-volume keywords, and those with lower competition that are relevant to your content or advertising goals.
  • Get Search Volume and Forecasts: Click on “Get search volume and forecasts” to analyze specific keywords. Enter one or more keywords or phrases to view detailed data such as search volume, competition, and forecasted performance.
  • Download Data: You can download the keyword lists and data for offline analysis or reference by clicking the “Download” button.
  • Refine Your List: After analyzing the data, refine your list of keywords to focus on those that are most relevant and effective for your SEO or advertising campaign.
  • Use Keywords in Your Content: Once you’ve selected the keywords you want to target, incorporate them into your website content, blog posts, or other SEO strategies.

2. Google Autosuggest

Google Autosuggest is a feature that provides real-time keyword suggestions as you type in the Google search bar. You can use it for keyword research and content ideas. Google Autosuggest is a quick and effective way to find real search queries that can guide your SEO strategy and content creation. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Access Google: Go to the Google search homepage or open your browser’s search bar.
  2. Start Typing: Begin typing a keyword or phrase related to your topic or niche. Google will start showing dropdown suggestions based on what others are searching for.
  3. Review Suggestions: As you type, review the autocomplete suggestions. These are long-tail keyword ideas that people are actively searching for.
  4. Choose Keywords: Select relevant long-tail keywords from the suggestions that match your content or SEO goals.
  5. Expand Your Search: You can also use variations of your initial keyword to see more suggestions.
  6. Analyze Results: Consider search volume, competition, and relevance when selecting keywords.

3. Google Trends

Google Trends is a valuable tool for content creators and marketers to identify rising trends, assess the seasonality of topics, and make data-informed decisions about their content and SEO strategies.This can help you discover emerging long-tail keywords. Here’s how to use Google Trends:

  • Access Google Trends: Go to the Google Trends website at
  • Explore Topics: In the search bar, enter a keyword, topic, or phrase you want to explore. You can also use the “Explore topics” section to discover popular topics by category or region.
  • Refine Your Search: You can customize your search by selecting options such as location, time range, category, and search type (e.g., web search, image search, news search, or YouTube search).
  • Review Trends Data: Google Trends will display a graph showing the search interest for your chosen topic or keyword over time. It also provides related queries and topics, as well as regional interest.
  • Analyze the Data: Examine the trends graph to identify patterns, spikes, or seasonality in search interest. Check related queries to discover additional keyword ideas and user interests.
  • Compare Multiple Keywords: You can compare the search interest of multiple keywords or topics by clicking the “+ Compare” button.
  • Export and Embed: Google Trends allows you to export data, embed graphs on your website, or share them via social media.
  • Stay Updated: You can set up email alerts to receive updates on the trends of specific keywords or topics.

4. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest offers a free version that provides keyword ideas, search volume, and competition data. It also gives you keyword suggestions based on Google’s Autosuggest. It is a versatile SEO tool for keyword research, competitive analysis, and site audit. Ubersuggest is user-friendly and provides valuable insights for keyword research, competitive analysis, and SEO optimization. It can help you find the right keywords, understand your competitors, and improve your website’s SEO performance. Here’s how to use Ubersuggest:

  • Access Ubersuggest: Visit the Ubersuggest website at
  • Enter a Keyword or Domain: On the Ubersuggest homepage, you can start by entering a seed keyword or a competitor’s domain.
  • Review Keyword Data: Ubersuggest will provide keyword suggestions, search volume, CPC (Cost Per Click), competition, and more. Analyze the keyword suggestions to find relevant long-tail keywords for your content or SEO strategy.
  • Analyze SERP Results: Click on any keyword in the list to see the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) analysis. This shows the top-ranking pages, backlink data, and more.
  • Domain Overview: You can also enter a competitor’s domain to get an overview of their organic search traffic, top-performing pages, and backlink profile.
  • Site Audit: Ubersuggest offers a site audit feature that checks your website for SEO issues. Enter your website URL and review the audit report for recommendations.
  • Content Ideas: Click on “Content Ideas” to discover popular content related to your keyword or topic.
  • Backlink Analysis: Access the backlink analysis tool to view a list of backlinks to a specific domain or URL.
  • Keyword Tracking: You can track your keyword rankings by setting up a Ubersuggest account and adding the keywords you want to monitor.
  • Export Data: Ubersuggest allows you to export keyword data, domain reports, and more.

5. AnswerThePublic

AnswerThePublic is a unique tool that helps you discover content ideas and long-tail keywords by organizing questions and phrases based on user intent. It is an excellent tool for generating content ideas and understanding what questions or topics are relevant to your niche. It helps you align your content with user queries and provides valuable insights for SEO and content marketing strategies. Here’s how to use AnswerThePublic:

  • Access AnswerThePublic: Visit the AnswerThePublic website at
  • Enter a Keyword: On the homepage, enter a broad keyword or topic related to your niche.
  • View Visualization: AnswerThePublic will generate a visual representation of questions, prepositions, comparisons, and other keyword variations related to your input. This visualization is presented in a circular diagram.
  • Explore Keyword Ideas: Click on a section of the visualization, such as “questions” or “prepositions,” to expand the list of related keyword ideas. Review the suggested long-tail keywords, phrases, and questions that can serve as content topics or keyword targets.
  • Download Data: AnswerThePublic allows you to download the keyword ideas in CSV format for offline reference.
  • Refine Your Strategy: Use the discovered long-tail keywords and questions to create content that answers user queries and addresses their specific needs.
  • Consider User Intent: Focus on understanding user intent, as the tool categorizes keywords based on informational queries, commercial queries, and more.

6. Soovle

Soovle is a keyword research tool that provides keyword suggestions from multiple search engines and platforms, including Google, Bing, Yahoo, Amazon, Wikipedia, and more. Soovle is a convenient tool to expand your keyword research beyond just Google. It allows you to tap into the search queries of various platforms, which can be especially valuable when you’re targeting specific audiences or optimizing content for multiple search engines. Here’s how to use Soovle:

  • Access Soovle: Visit the Soovle website at
  • Enter a Keyword: On the Soovle homepage, you’ll see a search bar with multiple search engine logos. Start by entering a keyword or phrase related to your niche or topic.
  • View Keyword Suggestions: As you type, Soovle will display real-time keyword suggestions from various search engines. These suggestions appear in a dropdown format for each search engine.
  • Analyze the Suggestions: Review the keyword suggestions from different sources. Each source provides a unique perspective on what people are searching for in your niche.
  • Click on a Keyword: Clicking on a keyword suggestion will take you to the search results page for that specific search engine, allowing you to further explore and analyze the results.
  • Export Keywords: Soovle provides an option to export the keyword suggestions. Click the “Export” button to download the list of keywords.
  • Refine Your Strategy: Use the collected keyword suggestions to inform your content and SEO strategies. Consider the relevance and search volume of these keywords.

7. Keyword Shitter

Keyword Shitter is a unique and unconventional keyword research tool that generates a large number of keyword suggestions quickly. Keyword Shitter is a tool known for producing a high volume of keyword suggestions quickly. However, keep in mind that it may generate a significant amount of irrelevant or unrelated keywords. It’s a good starting point for brainstorming but may require additional manual filtering and analysis to find valuable long-tail keywords. Here’s how to use Keyword Shitter:

  • Access Keyword Shitter: Visit the Keyword Shitter website at
  • Enter a Seed Keyword: On the homepage, you’ll find a single text input field. Start by entering a seed keyword or phrase related to your niche or topic.
  • Set Filters (Optional): You have the option to set filters for positive and negative keywords. Positive keywords ensure that the generated suggestions contain specific terms, while negative keywords exclude specific terms. This is optional but can be useful for refining your results.
  • Click “Shit Keywords”: Once you’ve entered your seed keyword and set any desired filters, click the “Shit Keywords” button.
  • Review Keyword Suggestions: Keyword Shitter will start generating a large number of keyword suggestions. These suggestions will appear in a continuous stream in real-time as you scroll down the page.
  • Export Keywords: While Keyword Shitter does not have a built-in export feature, you can manually copy and paste the generated keyword suggestions into a text document for further analysis.
  • Refine Your Strategy: After generating a substantial list of keyword ideas, review and refine the list to identify relevant long-tail keywords for your content or SEO strategy.

8. is a versatile keyword research tool that provides keyword suggestions for various search engines and platforms, including Google, YouTube, Bing, Amazon, and the App Store. is a user-friendly tool that can help you discover a wide range of keyword ideas for various search engines and platforms. It’s valuable for content creators and marketers looking to optimize their content for specific online platforms or target different audience segments. Here’s how to use

  • Access Visit the website at
  • Select a Search Engine or Platform: On the homepage, you’ll see a dropdown menu where you can choose the search engine or platform you want to target, such as Google, YouTube, Bing, Amazon, or the App Store.
  • Enter a Keyword: In the search bar, enter a seed keyword or phrase related to your topic or niche.
  • View Keyword Suggestions: will generate keyword suggestions based on the search engine or platform you selected. You’ll see a list of relevant keywords with search volume data.
  • Analyze Results: Review the keyword suggestions to identify long-tail keywords, questions, and phrases that match your content or SEO objectives. The tool provides data such as search volume, competition, and CPC (Cost Per Click).
  • Filter and Refine Keywords: Use the filtering options to refine the list of keyword suggestions based on criteria like search volume or competition.
  • Export Data: offers the option to export the keyword suggestions and data to a CSV file for further analysis and reference.
  • Choose Keywords for Your Strategy: After analyzing the data, select the most relevant and effective keywords to integrate into your content or SEO campaign.

9. LSI Graph

LSI Graph is a tool that helps you find Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords, which are semantically related terms to your main keywords. LSI Graph is a helpful tool for identifying semantically related keywords that can enhance your content’s context and relevance. By using LSI keywords, you can improve your on-page SEO and potentially rank better in search engine results. Here’s how to use LSI Graph:

  • Access LSI Graph: Visit the LSI Graph website at
  • Enter a Keyword: On the homepage, you’ll find a text input field. Start by entering a primary keyword or phrase related to your topic.
  • Click “Generate” or “Search LSI Keywords”: Once you’ve entered your keyword, click the “Generate” or “Search LSI Keywords” button.
  • Review LSI Keywords: LSI Graph will generate a list of LSI keywords, which are words and phrases semantically related to your main keyword. These are suggestions to help you understand what other terms are commonly associated with your topic.
  • Export Data (Optional): While LSI Graph does not offer a built-in export feature, you can manually copy and paste the generated LSI keywords into a text document for further reference.
  • Use LSI Keywords in Your Content: Incorporate the LSI keywords into your website content, blog posts, or other SEO strategies to improve the semantic relevance of your content. These terms help search engines understand the context of your content and can positively impact your rankings.

10. Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere is a browser extension that provides keyword data and related information while you browse the web. It used to offer free credits to new users, but its pricing model may have changed. Here’s how to use Keywords Everywhere:

  1. Install the Extension:You can install the Keywords Everywhere extension for popular browsers like Chrome or Firefox. Visit the Keywords Everywhere website for the installation link.
  2. Activate the Extension: After installing the extension, activate it by clicking on its icon in your browser’s toolbar.
  3. Configure Your Settings: Once activated, you might need to configure some settings. You may be required to enter an API key, or you can set your preferred search engine, language, and country.
  4. Perform a Google Search: Start a Google search by entering a keyword or phrase in the search bar and hitting “Enter.”
  5. View Keyword Data: When you perform a search, Keywords Everywhere will display keyword data on the right-hand side of the search results page. This data includes search volume, CPC (Cost Per Click), competition, and related keyword ideas.
  6. Explore Other Websites: Keywords Everywhere provides keyword data on various websites and platforms. You can see keyword data while browsing Amazon, YouTube, eBay, and many other sites.
  7. Use the Data: Review the keyword data to identify valuable keywords and phrases for your SEO and content strategies.

Note: The availability and pricing of Keywords Everywhere may change over time, so it’s essential to check their website for the most up-to-date information regarding their services and any changes to their pricing structure.


Remember that while these tools can provide valuable long-tail keyword ideas, you’ll still need to evaluate their relevance and competitiveness for your specific SEO goals. Combining multiple tools and manual analysis can lead to the most effective keyword strategy.

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