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Introduction to Prebid Tools | How to Launch and Manage Prebid ?

Last Updated : 30 Nov, 2023
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In the competitive realm of online publishing, maximizing ad revenue is critical. Prebid.js stands as a cornerstone in programmatic advertising, enabling publishers to implement header bidding to optimize ad sales. However, integrating and troubleshooting Prebid.js can be complex. Thankfully, a suite of Prebid tools has emerged, allowing publishers to streamline this process and ensure their setups are running smoothly.

Here’s an insightful look at how these tools can be deployed for efficient Prebid.js integration and debugging.

Getting Started

Prebidtools GAM Automation: Streamlining Setup with Google Ad Manager

Integrating Prebid.js with Google Ad Manager (GAM) can be a time-consuming task. PrebidTools‘ GAM Automation simplifies this integration by automating much of the process. By using this tool, publishers can

  1. Automatically create 450 Price Priority Line items, Creatives, and key values within GAM as per Prebid documentation.
  2. Save countless hours with batch processing instead of manually configuring each element.
  3. Ensure that the GAM setup is aligned with the Prebid.js configuration for seamless operation.
  4. By leveraging this automation tool, publishers can quickly adapt to market changes and spend more time focusing on best practices and user experience.

Step By Step Guide

  1. Go to and sign up on the platform
  2. Add New Site
  3. Create Service Account Credentials and Upload
  4. Click on the new automation
  5. Click submit



Add new site

Creating Service Account Credentials

Step 1:

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Navigate to Admin -> Global settings -> Network settings.
  3. Toggle API access to turn on access.
  4. Accept the “API Terms and Conditions” by clicking Confirm.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.

Step 2:

  1. Open the Google API Console Credentials page.
  2. From the project drop-down, choose
    1. Create a new project,
    2. Enter a name for the project,
    3. edit the provided Project ID(optional)
    4. Click Create.
  3. Go to newly created Project,
    2. Enter details and click Done.
  4. Go to KEYS Tab
  5. Click ADD KEY
  6. Select CREATE NEW KEY
  7. Select Key TypeJSON
  8. Download JSON file
  9. Open JSON file and copy “client_email” value
    1. Go to Google Ad Manager -> Global Settings -> Add Service Account
    2. Enter client_email from previous
  10. Click Create to download a file containing a private key.
  11. Upload the JSON file and click Submit

Step 1


Step 2

Professor Prebid: The Chrome Extension for Debugging Prebid.js

Professor Prebid is an indispensable Chrome extension designed for publishers to debug and analyze their Prebid.js configuration. It’s akin to having a knowledgeable guide standing by as you navigate the intricacies of header bidding. With Professor Prebid, publishers can:

  • Chrome Store Link –


Professor Prebid

  1. Inspect ad unit configurations to ensure they are set up correctly.
  2. Validate bidder parameters and troubleshoot any issues that arise.
  3. Monitor the auction process in real-time, analyzing bid responses, timeouts, and discrepancies.

Professor Prebid provides real time data about following aspects of auction.

  • Ad Units
  • Bids
  • Timeline
  • Config
  • User ID
  • Tools
  • Events
  • Versions

All these separate tabs provide specific information about the life cycle of auction and helps in debugging the system at every step.

Line Item Manager: A CLI-Based Python Tool for Custom Automation

For publishers seeking customized automation solutions, the Line Item Manager is a command-line interface (CLI) based Python application that offers granular control over the creation and management of line items in ad servers. Its capabilities include:

  1. Creating up to 450 Price Priority line items in minutes, customized to specific requirements.
  2. Providing a scriptable interface that can be integrated into larger automated workflows.
  3. Allowing for quick updates and changes in response to market conditions or strategy shifts.
  4. The Line Item Manager CLI tool is for the more technically inclined publisher who wants to script their operations and is comfortable working in a code-based environment.

Github Repository Link –

Getting Started

Before anything else, ensure you have Python 3 (version 3.6 or higher) installed on your machine. Once you’ve got that covered, installation is a breeze.

Open your command line and execute:


pip install line-item-manager

Already have it? Keep it up-to-date with:


pip install - -upgrade line-item-manager


The tool leverages a base configuration file, which you can customize to your needs. To peek at the default configuration, run:


line_item_manager show config

Now, tailor your my_config.yml using YAML syntax. You’ll set up creative details, line item specifics, order information, and even define custom granularity for bidding.

Creative and Order Setup

Define your creatives within the YAML file—whether banner or video—and specify sizes, snippets, and more. Your order setup is just as simple. Provide a name, and you’re halfway there.

Line Item and Granularity Setup

Setting up your line items is where the tool shines. Assign names, types, and optional attributes like start and end times. Custom granularity? That’s covered too. Set your currency, granularity type, and custom ranges with intervals.

Creating Line Items

With your config file ready, it’s time to create your line items:


line_item_manager create my_config.yml --[bidder-code|--single-order]

Whether it’s for a specific bidder like Rubicon or a single order for all bidders, the command adapts to your needs.

Modifiers for Creation

Take advantage of modifiers for dry runs or test runs. These include setting network codes, enabling verbose logging, or skipping auto-archive on failures. They are crucial for ensuring a smooth setup before going live.

Dr Prebid: A Diagnostic Android App for Server-to-Server Integration

Dr Prebid is a diagnostic tool specifically designed for mobile app publishers who need to verify their server-to-server (S2S) setup for Prebid Server. This Android application aids publishers with:

  • Play Store App Link –
  • App Store link –

Ad Server Setup Validation

This process involves generating Prebid-specific key-value pairs to match the bid price you’ve set up. Depending on your chosen Ad Format, these key-values are applied to either banner ads or interstitials. Here’s what happens during the test:

  1. Ad Server Request Verification: The tool checks if the ad server request was sent correctly. If you’re using Google Ad Manager and there’s a mismatch in IDs, the request won’t be sent.
  2. Key-Value Targeting Verification: It shows a list of the key-value pairs sent with the request. You can view either all the key-values or just the ones specific to Prebid.
  3. Creative HTML Verification: You can view the HTML code for the creative and compare the creative returned from the ad server with the expected test creative.


  1. Success: You’ll see green check marks throughout the steps, and the received and expected creatives will match.
  2. Failure: No creative or a mismatch between the received and expected creative indicates an issue. You should check key-value targeting in the ad server and ensure there’s no line item contention.

Real-Time Demand Validation

This test checks that your Prebid Server Account ID and Configuration ID are fetching real-time demand correctly.

  1. Bid Requests: It sends out 100 bid requests to see if bids are coming in.
  2. Responses and Performance: You get to see how many bid responses were received, the average CPM, and the average response time.
  3. Bid Response Summary: A detailed breakdown by demand partner is provided, showing rates for valid bids, no-bids, timeouts, and errors.

Results Audit

  1. Success: At least one valid bid response from the demand partners indicates a successful setup.
  2. Failure: No successful bid responses or no auctions run at all mean you need to check your Prebid Server setup details.

End-to-End SDK Validation

The final test is a comprehensive check where the Prebid Mobile SDK interacts with Prebid Server and the primary ad server SDK.

  1. Ad Unit Registration: Checks if the ad unit API call was successful.
  2. Bid Request and Response: Verifies if Prebid Server is receiving requests and responding.
  3. Creative Caching and Rendering: Ensures creative content is cached and the ad server’s rendering is correct.

Results Audit

  1. Success: If all steps pass, your setup is validated from start to finish.
  2. Failure: A failure at any step requires a thorough check of your setup, IDs, ad unit registration, Prebid Mobile line items, and the bid request/response process.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Check Your IDs: Make sure the IDs entered on the setup screen are correct without any extra spaces.
  2. Verify Prebid Server Configuration: Confirm that the configuration aligns with the guidelines provided by Prebid Mobile.
  3. Examine Requests and Responses: Look at the bid requests and responses during the Real-Time Demand Validation for any discrepancies.
  4. Review Creative HTML: Make sure the creative served matches the Prebid Mobile creative code and that the ad server has replaced the hb_cache_id macro correctly.

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