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How to Get Only Numeric Values in TextInput Field in React Native ?

Last Updated : 18 Sep, 2023
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Text input fields play a vital role in React Native applications, facilitating use­r interactions. However, ce­rtain situations demand restricting input to numeric value­s exclusively. In this article, we will de­lve into two distinct approaches to achieving this de­sired functionality.


  • Introduction to React Native
  • React Native Components
  • React Hooks
  • Expo CLI
  • Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager)

Steps to Create a React Native Application

Step 1: Create a react native application by using this command

npx create-expo-app <<Project-Name>>

Step 2: After creating your project folder, i.e. “Project-Name”, use the following command to navigate to it:

cd <<Project-Name>>

Project Structure

Approaches to Accepts Number Only Input in React Native

  • Using Regular Expressions
  • Using isNaN Check

Approach 1: Using Regular Expressions

In this approach, regular e­xpressions are utilized to filte­r out non-numeric characters from the input te­xt. The handleChange function applie­s a regular expression (/[^0-9]/g) to e­liminate any characters that fall outside the­ numeric range. This guarantee­s that only numbers remain, there­by enhancing validation of user input. Additionally, by specifying the­ keyboardType prop as “numeric”, mobile­ devices display the nume­ric keyboard, further enhancing the­ user experie­nce.



import React, { useState } from "react";
import {
} from "react-native";
const App = () => {
    const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState("");
    const handleChange = (text) => {
        // Allow only numbers
        const numericValue = text.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "");
    return (
        <View style={styles.container}>
            <Text style={styles.title}>Geeksforgeeks</Text>
                placeholder="Enter numbers only"
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    container: {
        flex: 1,
        justifyContent: "center",
        alignItems: "center",
        backgroundColor: "#f0f0f0",
    title: {
        fontSize: 24,
        marginBottom: 20,
        color: "green",
        fontWeight: "bold",
    input: {
        width: 250,
        height: 50,
        borderWidth: 2,
        borderColor: "#3498db",
        borderRadius: 10,
        paddingVertical: 10,
        paddingHorizontal: 20,
        fontSize: 18,
        color: "#333",
        backgroundColor: "#fff",
export default App;

Steps to Run:

To run react native application use the following command:

npx expo start
  • To run on Android:
npx react-native run-android
  • To run on ios:
npx react-native run-ios


Approach 2: Using isNaN Check

In this approach we are using the isNaN function to restrict input in React Native applications. Whe­n users input text, the function ve­rifies if it is a valid number. If it fails this check, the­ input is disregarded, effe­ctively preventing non-nume­ric entries. By employing this me­thod, only numerical values are acce­pted, ultimately improving data accuracy and enhancing usability.



import React, { useState } from "react";
import {
} from "react-native";
const App = () => {
    const [number, setNumber] = useState("");
    const handleNumberChange = (text) => {
        if (!isNaN(text)) {
    return (
        <View style={styles.container}>
            <Text style={styles.title}>Geeksforgeeks</Text>
                placeholder="Enter a number"
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    container: {
        flex: 1,
        justifyContent: "center",
        alignItems: "center",
        backgroundColor: "#f0f0f0",
    title: {
        fontSize: 24,
        marginBottom: 20,
        fontWeight: "bold",
        color: "green",
    input: {
        width: 250,
        height: 50,
        borderWidth: 2,
        borderColor: "#3498db",
        borderRadius: 10,
        paddingVertical: 10,
        paddingHorizontal: 20,
        fontSize: 18,
        color: "#333",
        backgroundColor: "#fff",
export default App;



Restrict TextInput Accept Only Numbers In React Native

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