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What is Synchronization in Selenium?

Last Updated : 16 Apr, 2024
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To coordinate the timing of script execution with the application, it’s necessary to pause after completing relevant actions. Let’s explore the methods to accomplish this synchronization.


What is Synchronization in Selenium?

When an action is to occur, it is expected that all components involved work together seamlessly. This collaborative process among components is referred to as synchronization. In Selenium, synchronization ensures that the code and applications execute in more efficiently to carry out the desired operation.

How to achieve synchronization in the Selenium Web driver?

Managing synchronization in Selenium is vital to ensure alignment between our driver and the browser when engaging with web elements that might load at varying intervals. There exist multiple methods to adeptly address synchronization.

Types of Synchronizations in Selenium

  1. Thread.Sleep
  2. Explicit Waits
  3. Implicit Wait
  4. Fluent Wait


The Java Thread.sleep() function lets you temporarily pause the current thread’s execution for a specified duration in milliseconds. You can’t use a negative value as the argument for milliseconds; if you do, it will result in an IllegalArgumentException being thrown.

Thread.sleep(3000); // Sleep for 3 seconds

Explicit Waits

An explicit wait provides greater flexibility by enabling us to pause test execution until a particular condition is satisfied. This condition, such as the existence or non-existence of an element, can be defined using the ExpectedConditions class. If the condition isn’t met within the designated timeframe, an exception will be raised. Implicit waits are convenient for basic scenarios, instructing the WebDriver to wait for a certain duration when locating elements. However, they may lead to unnecessary waiting if elements appear sooner than expected. In contrast, explicit waits offer better control by pausing the script until specific conditions are met.

// Initialize ChromeDriver
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
driver.get("Enter an URL"S);
WebElement DynamicElement = 
(new WebDriverWait(driver, 10)).until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated("DynamicElement")));

Implicit Wait

An implicit wait instructs the Web Driver to patiently search the DOM for a specified duration when attempting to locate an element or elements if they’re not readily accessible. By default, this duration is set to 0. Once configured, the implicit wait remains effective throughout the lifespan of the Web Driver object instance until it’s modified again.

// Initialize ChromeDriver 
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
driver.get("Enter an URL");
WebElement DynamicElement = driver.findElement("DynamicElement"));

Fluent Wait

Fluent Wait in Selenium sets the maximum duration for the Selenium WebDriver to wait until a specific condition (such as a web element) becomes visible. It also specifies how often WebDriver will check for the condition before raising an ‘ElementNotVisibleException‘.

Wait wait = 
   new FluentWait(driver).withTimeout(60, SECONDS).pollingEvery(10, SECONDS).ignoring(NoSuchElementException.class);
   WebElement dynamicelement = wait.until(new Function<webdriver,webElement>() {
   public WebElement apply(WebDriver driver) {
     return driver.findElement("dynamicelement"));

Synchronization issue in Selenium

Here are some common challenges we face with synchronization in Selenium:

  • Selenium WebDriver blocks APIs, resulting in real-time DOM tracking limitations.
  • Synchronization problems arise when operations are not reflected in the DOM or when it fails to process instructions.
  • The Selenium WebDriver script may behave inconsistently, even in scenarios where events are triggered asynchronously, without any pausing or waiting.


In Selenium, making sure that the timing of script execution aligns with how the application behaves is important. It’s like ensuring that all the different parts of your script work together smoothly to do what you want them to do. Through various synchronization methods like Thread.sleep(), explicit waits, implicit waits, and Fluent Wait, testers can manage the coordination between the WebDriver and the browser, particularly when dealing with dynamically loading web elements. By prioritizing synchronization management, testers can enhance the reliability and robustness of their Selenium test suites, ultimately ensuring accurate and dependable results in automated testing endeavors.

FAQs on Synchronization in Selenium

Why should we avoid using Thread. sleep() for synchronization in Selenium?

Ans: Thread.sleep() introduces static waits, which halt script execution regardless of whether the web elements are ready. This can lead to inefficient test scripts and longer execution times.

How does an explicit wait differ from an implicit wait in Selenium?

Ans: Explicit waits allow the script to pause until a specific condition is met, offering more precise control. Implicit waits, on the other hand, instruct the WebDriver to wait for a certain amount of time when trying to locate elements, applied globally throughout the script.

When should we use Fluent Wait in Selenium?

Ans: Fluent Wait is recommended when you need more control over waiting conditions, such as defining the maximum wait time and polling frequency for specific elements. It’s useful for handling dynamic web pages where elements may take varying amounts of time to load.

How can synchronization issues impact Selenium test scripts?

Ans: Synchronization issues can cause test scripts to fail unexpectedly, leading to unreliable test results. These issues may manifest as element-n-found errors, timeouts, or incorrect interactions with web elements.

What are some best practices for managing synchronization in Selenium?

Ans: Some best practices include using explicit waits over implicit waits, and avoiding excessive use of Thread. sleep(), leveraging Fluent Wait for complex synchronization scenarios, and regularly reviewing and updating synchronization strategies based on application changes.

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