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What Is Docker kill ?

Last Updated : 26 Feb, 2024
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Docker is an open platform that helps you build, ship, and run applications anywhere. You can think of it like a shipping container for code; it packages up an application with everything it needs to run (like libraries and system tools) and makes sure it works the same no matter where it’s deployed. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Develop: Write your application code in any language, using any stack.
  • Package: Docker containers package up the code and all its dependencies.
  • Distribute: Share your container using Docker’s registry, like Docker Hub.
  • Run: Deploy your container to any machine that runs Docker, and it will run exactly the same.
  • Docker is great for ensuring consistency across multiple development, staging, and production environments. It’s also handy for developers because it runs on various systems, such as Windows, macOS, and Linux.

What is a Docker container?

In the context of Docker, a container is an isolated runtime environment for your application. It carries everything your application needs.

  • Code: core files or scripts that make up your application.
  • Dependencies: libraries or software that required in your application
  • Runtime: operating system.
  • Configuration : Settings or configurations needs for application’s environment.

Understanding Docker Kill

What is Docker kill?

Docker kill means the killing of one or more containers.

  • Definition of the Docker Kill command:
    • Terminates one or more running docker containers abruptly (quickly, without warning)
    • The docker kill command is used to stop one or more running containers immediately. By default, it sends the SIGKILL signal to the main process inside the container. This signal cannot be blocked or handled, and it does not allow the process to shut down gracefully
Docker Illustration

Docker Illustration

Docker Kill using command

  • Kill a specific container by name:
    docker kill my-container
  • Kill a specific container their IDs:
    docker kill ID1 ID2
  • Send a custom signal to a container (–signal)
    docker kill --signal=SIGHUP  my_container
  • Kill all running containers:
    docker kill $(docker ps -q) 
  • Kill a container and remove it:
    docker kill -f my-container

Kill All Containers Using Docker Compose

Docker Compose is a great tool for managing multiple containers. It allows you to define and run multi-container Docker applications with ease. With a single command, you can start, stop, or rebuild all the services defined in a docker-compose.yml file. Here’s how you can stop all running containers using Docker Compose.

Docker-compose.yml file: A docker-compose.yml file is a YAML file that defines how Docker containers should behave in production. It’s used with Docker Compose, a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. Here’s a simple example of what a docker-compose.yml file might look like

version: '3'
image: "my-web-app:latest"
- "5000:5000"
- NODE_ENV=production
image: "postgres:latest"
- "db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data"
docker-compose down

This command stops and removes all the containers, networks, volumes, and images created by up. It’s a clean and efficient way to shut down your entire setup when you’re done working or need to reset your environment. Remember to run this command in the same directory as your docker-compose.yml file, so Docker Compose knows which containers to target.

Difference between docker stop and docker kill

  • docker stop : send a SIGTERM signal , allowing the container to gracefully stop its processes and perform any shutdown tasks.
  • docker kill : send a SIGKILL signal , abruptly terminates the container’s main process and any child processes without warning.

When to use docker kill ?

  • Immediate Termination: When you need to immediately stop a running container, docker kill is the command to use.
  • Non-Responsive Containers: If a container is not responding to other commands like docker stop, docker kill can be used as a last resort.
  • Sending Specific Signals: The docker kill command can also be used to send specific signals to the main process inside the container using the –signal option. This can be useful in cases where you want to trigger specific behaviors in the application running inside the container.
  • Stopping All Running Containers: If you want to stop all running Docker containers immediately, you can use docker kill $(docker ps -q)


  • –signal , -s: sets the system call signal that sent to the container.
  • -q : making the command silent.
  • -f : forces removal of stopped containers.

Alternative to docker kill

  • docker stop: The docker stop command is used to stop one or more running containers1. It sends a SIGTERM signal to the main process inside the container, allowing it to shut down gracefully. If the process does not stop after a grace period (10 seconds by default), Docker automatically issues a docker kill command.
    1. Here’s the basic usage of the command:
      docker stop [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]

      The –signal and –time options allow you to specify a different signal to be sent to the container and the seconds to wait before killing the container, respectively.

      docker stop container_name_or_ID
      docker stop --time=30 container_name_or_ID

      docker stop provides a safe way out and is the preferred method to stop a container as it allows the process to shut down gracefully. If a docker stop command fails to terminate a process within the specified timeout, Docker issues a docker kill command implicitly and immediately.

  • docker restart: The docker restart command is used to restart one or more containers.
    docker restart container

    The docker restart command will issue a stop and then a start. If the container is already stopped, it is functionally the same as docker start

Avoiding Docker Kill for production environment

  • Using docker kill in a production environment should be avoided whenever possible, as it can lead to data loss and does not allow the process to shut down gracefully-
  • Here are some considerations:
    • Graceful Shutdown – Always try to stop containers gracefully using docker stop before resorting to docker kill.
    • Resource Limits – Set resource limits to prevent a single container from consuming all the system resources and becoming unresponsive.
    • Use Small-Sized Official Images: Using smaller images means you need less storage space in the image repository as well as on a deployment server, and you can transfer the images faster when pulling or pushing them from the repository.
    • Security: Define and enforce custom policies to limit the number of privileges assigned to each one of the containers in your infrastructure.

What Is docker kill – FAQ’s

What is the difference between docker kill and docker remove?

docker kill sends a signal to stop a running container abruptly, while docker rm removes a stopped or running container. Killing stops immediately, while removing is for cleanup after stopping.

How do you kill and restart docker?

To kill a Docker container: docker kill [container_id]. To restart it: docker restart [container_id]. Alternatively, use docker-compose down and docker-compose up for a container managed by Docker Compose.

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