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Techbulls Softtech Interview Experience for Trainee Software Developer

Last Updated : 14 Jul, 2023
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Recently, I had the opportunity to interview for the position of Trainee Software Developer at a startup company. I was excited because the role aligned perfectly with my skills and education. Although I was unsure about the number of interview rounds, I prepared myself for the first round, which was scheduled at the company’s office. Prior to the interview, I researched extensively about the company and discovered that they were specifically hiring freshers. I had focused my preparation on Java coding interview questions, assuming that the first round would be Java-related. However, to my surprise, the company informed us that the initial round would be based on Python. This unexpected turn of events left everyone feeling shocked and nervous since most of us were not well-versed in Python.

The Interview Experience:

Upon arriving at the office, I was greeted by the friendly staff and given an overview of the interview process. The technical interviewer explained that we would be required to solve seven Python problems in the first round. Four of these problems involved patterns, numbers, and stars, while the remaining three focused on file handling. To qualify for the next round, we had to solve at least four out of the seven problems.

Although I hadn’t specifically prepared for a Python interview, my prior experience with Python during college and a paid internship came to my aid. While some candidates were overwhelmed by the unexpected change, I approached the challenge with a positive mindset, knowing that my basic knowledge of Python would be beneficial. Moreover, the interviewer informed us that we could access Google during the interview to search for solutions and references.


This interview experience taught me valuable lessons about the importance of continuous learning and skill development. Investing time in improving my skills proved to be a wise decision, and the paid internship I had undertaken in Python paid off immensely. It highlighted the significance of practical experience in boosting confidence during interviews.


In retrospect, this interview process was both memorable and successful for me. Despite the initial shock and nervousness, I managed to overcome the unexpected Python round by leveraging my basic understanding of the language and utilizing external resources. This experience served as a reminder that staying committed to learning and embracing opportunities for growth can lead to great achievements. I am grateful for this interview experience and look forward to applying the lessons learned in my future endeavors.

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