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POTD Solutions | 24 Oct’ 23 | Palindromic Partitioning

Last Updated : 22 Nov, 2023
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POTD 24 October: Palindromic Partitioning

Given a string str, a partitioning of the string is a palindrome partitioning if every sub-string of the partition is a palindrome. Determine the fewest cuts needed for palindrome partitioning of the given string.


Input: str = “ababbbabbababa”
Output: 3
Explanation: After 3 partitioning substrings are “a”, “babbbab”, “b”, “ababa”.

Input: str = “aaabba”
Output: 1
Explanation: The substrings after 1 partitioning are “aa” and “abba”.

Palindromic Partitioning using Dynamic Programming:

The problem can be solved by finding the suffix starting from j and ending at index i, (1 <= j <= i <= n – 1), which are palindromes. Hence, we can make a cut here that requires 1 + min cut from rest substring [0, j – 1]. For all such palindromic suffixes starting at j and ending at i, keep minimising in minCutDp[i]. Similarly, we need to compute results for all such i. (1 <= i <= n – 1) and finally, minCutDp[n – 1] will be the minimum number of cuts needed for palindrome partitioning of the given string.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


class Solution {
    // Function to generate all possible palindromic
    // substring
    bool generatePalindrome(string& str,
                            vector<vector<bool> >& pal)
        int n = str.size();
        // Initialize the palindrome matrix for single
        // characters
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            pal[i][i] = true;
        // Iterate over different lengths of substrings
        for (int len = 2; len <= n; len++) {
            // Iterate over the starting positions of
            // substrings of current length
            for (int i = 0; i <= n - len; i++) {
                // Calculate the ending position of the
                // substring
                int j = i + len - 1;
                // Check if the characters at the starting
                // and ending positions are equal and if the
                // substring between them is a palindrome or
                // a single character
                if (str[i] == str[j]
                    && (len == 2 || pal[i + 1][j - 1])) {
                    // Mark the substring from i to j as a
                    // palindrome
                    pal[i][j] = true;
    int palindromicPartition(string str)
        if (str.empty())
            return 0;
        int n = str.size();
        // 2D vector to store whether substring [i, j] is a
        // palindrome
        vector<vector<bool> > pal(n,
                                  vector<bool>(n, false));
        generatePalindrome(str, pal);
        // vector to store minimum cuts required to make
        // substring [i, n-1] palindromic
        vector<int> minCutDp(n, INT_MAX);
        // There is no cut required for single character
        // as it is always palindrome
        minCutDp[0] = 0;
        // Iterate over the given string
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            // Check if string 0 to i is palindrome.
            // Then minCut require will be 0.
            if (pal[0][i]) {
                minCutDp[i] = 0;
            else {
                for (int j = i; j >= 1; j--) {
                    // If str[i] and str[j] are equal and
                    // the inner substring [i+1, j-1] is a
                    // palindrome or it has a length of 1
                    if (pal[j][i]) {
                        // Update the minimum cuts required
                        // if cutting at position 'j+1'
                        // results in a smaller value
                        if (minCutDp[j - 1] + 1
                            < minCutDp[i])
                                = minCutDp[j - 1] + 1;
        // Return the minimum cuts required for the entire
        // string 'str'
        return minCutDp[n - 1];


class Solution {
    static int palindromicPartition(String str)
        int n = str.length();
        boolean[][] pal = new boolean[n][n];
        // Function to generate all possible palindromic
        // substrings
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                = true; // Single characters are palindromes
        // Iterate over different lengths of substrings
        for (int len = 2; len <= n; len++) {
            for (int i = 0; i <= n - len; i++) {
                int j = i + len - 1;
                // Check if the characters at the starting
                // and ending positions are equal and if the
                // substring between them is a palindrome or
                // a single character.
                if (str.charAt(i) == str.charAt(j)
                    && (len == 2 || pal[i + 1][j - 1])) {
                        = true; // Mark the substring from i
                                // to j as a palindrome
        int[] minCutDp = new int[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // Initialize the
                                     // minimum cut array
                                     // with maximum values
            = 0; // No cuts needed for a single character
        // Iterate over the given string
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            if (pal[0][i]) {
                    = 0; // If string 0 to i is a
                         // palindrome, no cut is required.
            else {
                for (int j = i; j >= 1; j--) {
                    if (pal[j][i]) {
                        // If str[i] and str[j] are equal
                        // and the inner substring [i+1,
                        // j-1] is a palindrome or a single
                        // character, update the minimum
                        // cuts required if cutting at
                        // position 'j+1' results in a
                        // smaller value.
                        if (minCutDp[j - 1] + 1
                            < minCutDp[i]) {
                                = minCutDp[j - 1] + 1;
        // Return the minimum cuts required for the entire
        // string 'str'
        return minCutDp[n - 1];


class Solution:
    def generatePalindrome(self, string):
        n = len(string)
        # Initialize the palindrome matrix for single characters
        pal = [[False] * n for _ in range(n)]
        for i in range(n):
            pal[i][i] = True
        # Iterate over different lengths of substrings
        for length in range(2, n + 1):
            for i in range(n - length + 1):
                j = i + length - 1
                if string[i] == string[j] and (length == 2 or pal[i + 1][j - 1]):
                    pal[i][j] = True
        return pal
    def palindromicPartition(self, string):
        if not string:
            return 0
        n = len(string)
        # 2D list to store whether substring [i, j] is a palindrome
        pal = [[False] * n for _ in range(n)]
        pal = self.generatePalindrome(string)
        # List to store minimum cuts required to make substring [i, n-1] palindromic
        minCutDp = [float('inf')] * n
        # There is no cut required for a single character as it is always palindrome
        minCutDp[0] = 0
        # Iterate over the given string
        for i in range(1, n):
            # Check if string 0 to i is a palindrome. Then minCut required will be 0.
            if pal[0][i]:
                minCutDp[i] = 0
                for j in range(i, 0, -1):
                    if pal[j][i]:
                        if minCutDp[j - 1] + 1 < minCutDp[i]:
                            minCutDp[i] = minCutDp[j - 1] + 1
        # Return the minimum cuts required for the entire string 'str'
        return minCutDp[n - 1]

Time Complexity: O(n2)
Auxiliary Space: O(n2)

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