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Operator Overloading in Julia

Last Updated : 27 Feb, 2023
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Operator overloading in Julia refers to the ability to define custom behavior for built-in operators such as +, -, *, /, etc. when applied to objects of custom types. This allows users to create intuitive and concise code that works with custom data types as if they were built-in. In Julia, operator overloading is achieved by defining methods for special functions with names corresponding to the operators being overloaded and specifying the types of arguments.


In Julia, you can overload operators by defining methods with special names that correspond to the operators. The general syntax for defining an overload of a binary operator, such as the + operator, is as follows:

function +(a::MyType, b::MyType)

    # Implementing customized code of addition


In this example, MyType is the name of a custom type for which you want to overload the + operator. The function keyword is used to define a new method, and the + symbol is used to specify which operator is being overloaded. The argument types a::MyType and b::MyType specify that the method should only be called when two arguments of type MyType are passed in.


One can define similar methods to overload other binary operators such as -, *, /, and so on. Unary operators such as ! and ~ can also be overloaded by defining methods with the corresponding names, and you can define methods for comparison operators like ==, <, <=, >, >=, etc. in a similar way.

Important Points

  • Infix, prefix, and postfix operators: In Julia, you can overload both binary operators (infix operators) and unary operators (prefix and postfix operators).
  • Custom operator overloading: Julia allows you to define your own custom operators and overload them with specific behaviors.
  • In-place operator overloading: Julia supports in-place modification of objects using in-place operator overloading, which can be more efficient than creating a new object.
  • Vectorized operator overloading: Julia provides the ability to define vectorized operators, which allows an operation to be performed element-wise on arrays and other collections.
  • Precedence and associativity: When defining new operators or overloading existing ones, you can also specify their precedence and associativity, which determines the order in which they are evaluated.
  • Broadcasting: Broadcasting is a powerful feature in Julia that allows you to apply element-wise operations to arrays and other collections. You can overload the broadcast operator to provide custom broadcasting behavior for your own types.
  • Performance considerations: Overloading operators can have a significant impact on the performance of your code. Understanding the performance implications of operator overloading and how to write efficient code is important.
  • Best practices: There are some best practices to follow when overloading operators in Julia to avoid confusing or surprising behavior. These include avoiding excessive operator overloading and adhering to conventions when defining new operators.
  • Type promotion: Julia provides a mechanism for promoting arguments of different types to a common type before performing an operation. You can define methods to promote your custom types to other types, which enables them to participate in operations with other types.
  • Multiple dispatches: Operator overloading in Julia is based on multiple dispatches, which means that the appropriate method is selected at runtime based on the types of all the arguments. This makes it possible to define different behavior for different combinations of argument types.

Let’s see some examples in order to understand the overloading of the operator in Julia in detail.

Example 1: An example illustrating the Overloading of the + operator for a custom type MyNumber.


# Julia program to illustrate the
# overloading of + operator
# Defining a custom type MyNumber
struct MyNumber
# Overload the + operator for MyNumber
Base.:+(x::MyNumber, y::MyNumber) = MyNumber(x.value + y.value)
# Creating MyNumber objects
a = MyNumber(3)
b = MyNumber(4)
# Adding both the objects
c = a + b




Note that this code defines and uses operator overloading at the same time, so you can see both aspects in action. First, we define a custom type MyNumber with a single field value of type Int. Then, we overload the + operator for this type by defining a method for Base.:+. Finally, we create two MyNumber objects a and b and add them together using the overloaded + operator to get a new MyNumber object c.

Example 2: Overloading the * operator for a custom type MyVector.


# Julia program to illustrate the
# overloading of * operator
# Defining a custom type MyVector
struct MyVector
# Overload the * operator for MyVector
Base.:*(a::Float64, v::MyVector) = MyVector(a * v.x, a * v.y)
# Creating a scalar object
a = 2.0
# Creating a MyVector object
v = MyVector(3.0, 4.0)
# Multiplying objects together
u = a * v



Here, we define a custom type MyVector with a double field value of type Float64. Then, we overload the * operator for this type by defining a method for Base.:*. Then, we multiply a scalar (a) and a MyVector object (v) to get a new MyVector object u.

Example 3: Overloading the == operator for a custom type Candidate.


# Julia program to illustrate the
# overloading of == operator
# Defining a custom type Candidate
struct Candidate
# Overload the == operator for Candidate
Base.:(==)(c1::Candidate, c2::Candidate) = == && c1.age == c2.age
# Creating objects of custom type Candidate
c1 = Candidate("Alice", 30)
c2 = Candidate("Bob", 31)
# Compares two objects for equality
println(c1 == c2)




In this example, we compare the equality of two candidates and if both the objects are equal then the output returned is true else it’s false.

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