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Numeric Types in MATLAB

Last Updated : 15 Mar, 2022
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Numeric class in MATLAB includes signed and unsigned integers, single-precision floating-point numbers, and double-precision floating-point numbers. Generally, MATLAB stores all numeric values as double-precision floating-point. But, we can choose to store any number, or, an array of numbers, as integers or, as single precision, for better memory utilization. All numeric types allow basic array operations, such as indexing, etc.

Create Numeric Variables:

Data type Description Size Typical range


(floating-point values)

8 byte        +/- 1.7e +/- 308 (~15 digits)


(floating-point values)

4 byte +/- 3.4e +/- 38 (~7 digits)
int8 8 bit signed integer 1 byte -128 to 127
int16 16 bit signed integer 2 byte -32768 to 32767
int32 32 bit signed integer 4 byte -2147483648 to 2147483647
int64 Signed integer 8 byte -(263) to (263)-1
uint16 Unsigned integer 2 byte 0 to 65535
uint32 Unsigned integer 4 byte 0 to 4294967295
uint64 Unsigned integer 8 byte 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615

Example 1:


% MATLAB code for Numeric Variables
gfg = single([4.4 3.9 6.9]) .* 8.4
gfg = double([4.4 3.9 6.9]) .* 8.4
gfg = int8([4.4 3.9 6.9]) .* 8.4
gfg = int16([4.4 3.9 6.9]) .* 8.4
gfg = int32([4.4 3.9 6.9]) .* 8.4
gfg = int64([4.4 3.9 6.9]) .* 8.4




gfg = 36.960  32.760   57.960
gfg = 36.960  32.760   57.960
gfg = 34  34  59
gfg = 34  34  59
gfg = 34  34  59
gfg = 34  34  59

Conversion of Numeric Types: 

MATLAB provides the following functions to convert to various numeric data types:


Data type Description Syntax
cast     Convert data type of one variable to other
  • B = cast ( A, newclass)
  • B = cast (A , ‘like’,p)
typecast Convert data type without changing underlying data
  • Y = typecast (X, type )

Example 2:



% MATLAB code for conversion of Numeric Types
gfg = int8([-5 5]);
b= cast(gfg, "uint8")


Ans: b = 0  5

Example 3:


% MATLAB code for conversion of Numeric Types
gfg = int16(-1)
X = typecast(gfg , 'uint16')




gfg = -1
X = 65535

Query Type and Value:

MATLAB provides the following data type to check various numeric value:


Data type Description Syntax
isinteger         Determine whether input is integer array   TF = isinteger(A) 
isfloat Determine if input is floating-point array TF = isfloat(A)
isnumeric Determine whether input is numeric array TF = isnumeric(A)
isreal Determine whether array uses complex storage TF = isreal(A)
isfinite Determine which array elements are finite TF = isfinite(A)
isinf Determine which array elements are infinite TF = isinf(A)
isnan Determine which array elements are NaN(Not a Number) TF = isnan(A)

Example 4:



% MATLAB code for Query Type and Value
gfg = isinteger(4)
g = isfloat(pi)
fg = isreal(2 + 7i)
x = isfinite(1 ./0)
y = isinf(1./0)
z = isnan(0./0)




gfg = 0
g = 1
fg = 0
x = 0
y = 1
z = 1

Numeric Value Limits:

MATLAB provides the following types to check limits of numeric value:


Type       Description  Syntax
eps Floating-point relative accuracy
  • d = eps
  • d = eps(x)
  • d = eps(datatype)

Largest consecutive integer 

in floating-point format

  • f = flintmax
  • f = flintmax(precision)
Inf Create array of all Inf values
  • X = Inf
  • X = Inf(n)
  • X = Inf(sz1,…,szN)
  • X = Inf(sz)
  • X = Inf(___,typename)
  • X = Inf(___,’like’,p)
intmax Largest value of specific integer type
  • v = intmax
  • v = intmax(type)
intmin Smallest value of specified integer type
  • v = intmin
  • v = intmin(‘classname’)
NaN Create array of all Not a Number values
  • X = NaN
  • X = NaN(n)
  • X = NaN(sz1,…,szN)
  • X = NaN(sz)
  • X =NaN(___,typename)
  • X = NaN(___,’like’,p)
realmax Largest positive floating-point number
  • f = realmax
  • f = realmax(precision)
realmin     Smallest normalized floating-point number
  • f = realmin
  • f = realmin(precision)

Example 5:



% MATLAB code for Numeric Value Limits
gfg = flintmax
gfg = intmax
gfg = Inf
gfg = intmin
gfg =NaN
gfg = realmax




gfg = 9.0072e+15
gfg = 2147483647
gfg = Inf
gfg = -2147483648
gfg = NaN
gfg = 1.7977e+308


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