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npm Full Form

Last Updated : 06 Mar, 2024
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NPM full form is Node Package Manager. It is an essential tool for modern web development, offering lots of functionalities that streamline the process of managing packages in a project. NPM is not only serves as a package manager but also as a powerful tool for publishing, discovering, installing, and developing node programs.

What is NPM?

NPM is a command-line utility that interacts with a remote registry. It facilitates package management for JavaScript, allowing users to consume and distribute JavaScript modules available in the NPM registry. Initiated as a part of the Node.js environment, NPM has grown to serve the broader JavaScript community, supporting frontend, backend, and full-stack development.

Key Features of NPM

  • Package Management: NPM makes it easy to manage local dependencies of a project. Developers can specify and install dependencies, ensuring that everyone working on the project has the correct versions.
  • Version Control: NPM helps manage package versions, allowing developers to specify version ranges for dependencies. This ensures compatibility and stability within projects.
  • Scripts Execution: NPM can run scripts defined in a project’s package.json file, automating tasks like testing, building, or deploying.
  • Publishing Packages: NPM provides a platform for developers to publish their packages, making them available to the global JavaScript community.
  • Discoverability: Through the NPM registry, developers can easily discover packages that can be reused in their projects, fostering a culture of code sharing and reuse.

How Does NPM Work?

NPM primarily interacts with the package.json file located at the root of every Node.js project. This file lists the project’s dependencies and includes other metadata such as the project’s name, version, and scripts. When npm install is executed, NPM looks at this file, downloads the listed dependencies from the NPM registry, and places them in the node_modules folder of the project.

Installing NPM

NPM is distributed with Node.js, which means that when you download Node.js, you automatically get NPM installed on your system. To check if you have NPM installed, you can run npm -v in your terminal, which will display the current version of NPM installed.

How to Check NPM Version?

Checking the version of npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your system is a straightforward process that can be done using a simple command in your terminal or command prompt. Here’s how:

For Windows, macOS, and Linux:

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt:
    • On Windows, you can search for “cmd” or “Command Prompt” in the start menu.
    • On macOS, open the “Terminal” application from the Utilities folder in your Applications folder, or search for it using Spotlight.
    • On Linux, you can typically find the terminal application in your system’s applications menu, or you can use a keyboard shortcut like Ctrl+Alt+T on Ubuntu.
  2. Check the npm version:
    • In the terminal or command prompt window, type the following command and press Enter:
    npm -v  // or
    npm --version

    Both commands will output the current version of npm installed on your machine. The version number is typically in the format of major.minor.patch (e.g., 6.14.8).

Why Check the npm Version?

  • Compatibility: Ensuring that the npm version you’re using is compatible with the packages you intend to install or the project you’re working on.
  • Features: Newer versions of npm come with new features, performance improvements, and bug fixes. Knowing your npm version helps you understand the features available to you.
  • Troubleshooting: When seeking help or reporting issues related to npm, knowing your npm version is crucial information that can aid in diagnosing and resolving problems.

How to update NPM to latest version?

Updating npm to the latest version is a basic process that can significantly enhance your development workflow by providing you with the latest features, performance improvements, and bug fixes. There are several methods to update npm, depending on your operating system and preferences. Here are the most common approaches:

NPM can update itself using the following command. Open your terminal or command prompt and enter.

npm install -g npm@latest

This command tells npm to install the latest version of npm globally on your system. The -g flag specifies that npm should be updated globally, making the latest version available across all your Node.js projects.


NPM revolutionized the way JavaScript libraries and applications are distributed and consumed, making it significantly easier for developers to share their work and for others to incorporate it into their projects. As the backbone of the Node.js and broader JavaScript ecosystem, understanding and utilizing NPM is crucial for modern web developers. Its comprehensive suite of tools and services continues to evolve, further enhancing its utility and solidifying its place in the development workflow.

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