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Check if traversal from first co-ordinate to all coordinates possible or not

Last Updated : 10 Aug, 2023
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Given array A[][2] of size N representing co-ordinates and integer D, the task for this problem is to print a binary string of size N whose i’th character is ‘1’ if it is possible to travel from initial co-ordinate to i’th co-ordinate else ‘0’. Start Traversal from first co-ordinate of array A[][2] and Traversal from one co-ordinate (x1, y1) to another co-ordinate (x2, y2) is possible if sqrt((x2&#x200b&#x2212x1&#x200b)2 + (y2 – y1)2&#x200b) &#x2264 D.


Input: A[][2] = {{2, -1}, {3, 1}, {8, 8}, {0, 5}}, D = 5
Output: 1101

  • The distance between co-ordinate 1 and co-ordinate 2 is square root of 5 which is less than equal to 5, so co-ordinate 2 gets visited.
  • Also, the distance between co-ordinate 2 and co-ordinate 4 is square root of 25 which is less than equal to 5, so co-ordinate 4 gets visited.
  • co-ordinate 3 has no one within a distance of 5, so it will not get visited.

Input: A[][2] = {{0, 0}, {-1000, -1000}, {1000, 1000}}, D = 1
Output: 100

Approach: To solve the problem follow the below idea:

Depth-First-Search can be used to solve the above problem. We can visualize the co-ordinate-plane as a graph with every co-ordinate as a node.

Below are the steps for the above approach: 

  • Create an empty string ans.
  • Create a visited array vis[N] with all elements initialized to zero.
  • Create dfs() function that takes one parameter which is co-ordinate that is being visited:
    • Mark it as 1 that is visited vis[i] = 1.
    • Iterate all co-ordinates apart from the current and check whether it is unvisited and distance between the co-ordinate that is being iterated and the current co-ordinate is less than equal to D if it is true to call dfs() function for the co-ordinate of the current iteration.
  • Call dfs(0, vis, A, N, D) function with initial co-ordinate 0.
  • Iterate for i from 0 to N – 1 if vis[i] is equal to 1 push character ‘1‘ in a string else ‘0’.
  • return string ans.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ code to implement the approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// dfs function to find whether given
// co-ordinates can be visited or not
// from starting co-ordinate 1
void dfs(int v, vector<int>& vis, int A[][2], int N, int D)
    // Mark it visited
    vis[v] = 1;
    // Check which other co-ordinates can
    // be visited from current co-ordinate
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        // If i is equal to current
        // co-ordinate skip the iteration
        if (i == v)
        // Distance from co-ordinate i to v
        int dist = (A[v][0] - A[i][0]) * (A[v][0] - A[i][0])
                   + (A[v][1] - A[i][1], 2)
                         * (A[v][1] - A[i][1], 2);
        // Distance between them is less
        // than D and it was not
        // visited before
        if (dist <= (D * D) and vis[i] == 0)
            dfs(i, vis, A, N, D);
// Function to find whether given
// co-ordinates can be visited or not
// from starting co-ordinate 1
string canPossibleToVisit(int A[][2], int N, int D)
    // Answer string
    string ans = "";
    // Visited array that will
    // keep track of
    vector<int> vis(N, 0);
    // Call of dfs function
    dfs(0, vis, A, N, D);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        // If ith co-ordinate can
        // be visited
        if (vis[i] == 1)
        // If it cannnot be visited
    // Return answer
    return ans;
// Driver Code
int32_t main()
    // Input 1
    int N = 4, D = 5;
    int A[][2]
        = { { 2, -1 }, { 3, 1 }, { 8, 8 }, { 0, 5 } };
    // Function Call
    cout << canPossibleToVisit(A, N, D) << endl;
    // Input 2
    int N1 = 3, D1 = 1;
    int A1[][2]
        = { { 0, 0 }, { -1000, -1000 }, { 1000, 1000 } };
    // Function Call
    cout << canPossibleToVisit(A1, N1, D1) << endl;
    return 0;


//Java Code for the above approach
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class GFG {
    // DFS function to find whether given
    // coordinates can be visited or not
    // from starting coordinate 1
    static void dfs(int v, List<Integer> vis, int[][] A, int N, int D) {
        vis.set(v, 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            if (i == v) {
            // Calculate the distance between
            // the current coordinate and coordinate i
            int dist = (A[v][0] - A[i][0]) * (A[v][0] - A[i][0]) +
                       (A[v][1] - A[i][1]) * (A[v][1] - A[i][1]);
            // If the distance is less than or equal to D
            // and coordinate i has not been visited, perform DFS
            if (dist <= (D * D) && vis.get(i) == 0) {
                dfs(i, vis, A, N, D);
    // Function to find whether given coordinates
    // can be visited or not from starting coordinate 1
    static String canPossibleToVisit(int[][] A, int N, int D) {
        StringBuilder ans = new StringBuilder();
        List<Integer> vis = new ArrayList<>(N);
        // Initialize the visited list
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        // Call the DFS function
        dfs(0, vis, A, N, D);
        // Build the answer string based on the visited list
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            if (vis.get(i) == 1) {
            } else {
        return ans.toString();
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int N = 4, D = 5;
        int[][] A = { { 2, -1 }, { 3, 1 }, { 8, 8 }, { 0, 5 } };
        System.out.println(canPossibleToVisit(A, N, D));
        int N1 = 3, D1 = 1;
        int[][] A1 = { { 0, 0 }, { -1000, -1000 }, { 1000, 1000 } };
        System.out.println(canPossibleToVisit(A1, N1, D1));


# Python3 code to implement the approach
# dfs function to find whether given
# co-ordinates can be visited or not
# from starting co-ordinate 1
def dfs(v, vis, A, N, D):
    # Mark it visited
    vis[v] = 1
    # Check which other co-ordinates can
    # be visited from current co-ordinate
    for i in range(N):
        # If i is equal to current
        # co-ordinate skip the iteration
        if i == v:
        # Distance from co-ordinate i to v
        dist = (A[v][0] - A[i][0]) ** 2 + (A[v][1] - A[i][1]) ** 2
        # Distance between them is less
        # than D and it was not visited before
        if dist <= D ** 2 and vis[i] == 0:
            dfs(i, vis, A, N, D)
# Function to find whether given
# co-ordinates can be visited or not
# from starting co-ordinate 1
def canPossibleToVisit(A, N, D):
    # Answer string
    ans = ""
    # Visited array that will keep track of
    vis = [0] * N
    # Call of dfs function
    dfs(0, vis, A, N, D)
    for i in range(N):
        # If ith co-ordinate can be visited
        if vis[i] == 1:
            ans += '1'
        # If it cannot be visited
            ans += '0'
    # Return answer
    return ans
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Input 1
    N, D = 4, 5
    A = [[2, -1], [3, 1], [8, 8], [0, 5]]
    # Function Call
    print(canPossibleToVisit(A, N, D))
    # Input 2
    N1, D1 = 3, 1
    A1 = [[0, 0], [-1000, -1000], [1000, 1000]]
    # Function Call
    print(canPossibleToVisit(A1, N1, D1))
# This code is contributed by Susobhan Akhuli


// C# code to implement the approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GFG {
    // dfs function to find whether given
    // co-ordinates can be visited or not
    // from starting co-ordinate 1
    static void dfs(int v, List<int> vis, int[, ] A, int N,
                    int D)
        // Mark it visited
        vis[v] = 1;
        // Check which other co-ordinates can
        // be visited from current co-ordinate
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            // If i is equal to current
            // co-ordinate skip the iteration
            if (i == v)
            // Distance from co-ordinate i to v
            int dist
                = (A[v, 0] - A[i, 0]) * (A[v, 0] - A[i, 0])
                  + (A[v, 1] - A[i, 1])
                        * (A[v, 1] - A[i, 1]);
            // Distance between them is less
            // than D and it was not
            // visited before
            if (dist <= (D * D) && vis[i] == 0)
                dfs(i, vis, A, N, D);
    // Function to find whether given
    // co-ordinates can be visited or not
    // from starting co-ordinate 1
    static string CanPossibleToVisit(int[, ] A, int N,
                                     int D)
        // Answer string
        string ans = "";
        // Visited array that will
        // keep track of visited co-ordinates
        List<int> vis = new List<int>(new int[N]);
        // Call of dfs function
        dfs(0, vis, A, N, D);
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            // If ith co-ordinate can be visited
            if (vis[i] == 1)
                ans += "1";
            // If it cannot be visited
                ans += "0";
        // Return answer
        return ans;
    // Driver Code
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Input 1
        int N = 4, D = 5;
        int[, ] A
            = { { 2, -1 }, { 3, 1 }, { 8, 8 }, { 0, 5 } };
        // Function Call
        Console.WriteLine(CanPossibleToVisit(A, N, D));
        // Input 2
        int N1 = 3, D1 = 1;
        int[, ] A1 = { { 0, 0 },
                       { -1000, -1000 },
                       { 1000, 1000 } };
        // Function Call
        Console.WriteLine(CanPossibleToVisit(A1, N1, D1));
// This code is contributed by Susobhan Akhuli


// Javascript code to implement the approach
// dfs function to find whether given
// co-ordinates can be visited or not
// from starting co-ordinate 1
function dfs(v, vis, A, N, D) {
    // Mark it visited
    vis[v] = 1;
    // Check which other co-ordinates can
    // be visited from the current co-ordinate
    for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        // If i is equal to the current
        // co-ordinate, skip the iteration
        if (i === v)
        // Distance from co-ordinate i to v
        let dist =
            (A[v][0] - A[i][0]) * (A[v][0] - A[i][0]) +
            (A[v][1] - A[i][1]) * (A[v][1] - A[i][1]);
        // Distance between them is less
        // than D and it was not
        // visited before
        if (dist <= D * D && vis[i] === 0)
            dfs(i, vis, A, N, D);
// Function to find whether given
// co-ordinates can be visited or not
// from the starting co-ordinate 1
function canPossibleToVisit(A, N, D) {
    // Answer string
    let ans = "";
    // Visited array that will
    // keep track of
    let vis = Array(N).fill(0);
    // Call the dfs function
    dfs(0, vis, A, N, D);
    for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        // If the ith co-ordinate can
        // be visited
        if (vis[i] === 1)
            ans += '1';
        // If it cannot be visited
            ans += '0';
    // Return answer
    return ans;
// Driver Code
// Input 1
let N = 4, D = 5;
let A = [[2, -1], [3, 1], [8, 8], [0, 5]];
// Function Call
console.log(canPossibleToVisit(A, N, D) + "<br/>");
// Input 2
let N1 = 3, D1 = 1;
let A1 = [[0, 0], [-1000, -1000], [1000, 1000]];
// Function Call
console.log(canPossibleToVisit(A1, N1, D1));
// This code is contributed by Susobhan Akhuli



Time Complexity: O(N * N)  
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

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