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What is Object Detection in Computer Vision?

Last Updated : 10 May, 2024
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Now day Object Detection is very important for Computer vision domains, this concept(Object Detection) identifies and locates objects in images or videos. Object detection finds extensive applications across various sectors. The article aims to understand the fundamentals, of working, techniques, and applications of object detection.


What is Object Detection?

In this article we are going to explore object detection with basic a , how its works and technique.

Understanding Object Detection

Object detection primarily aims to answer two critical questions about any image: “Which objects are present?” and “Where are these objects situated?” This process involves both object classification and localization:

  • Classification: This step determines the category or type of one or more objects within the image, such as a dog, car, or tree.
  • Localization: This involves accurately identifying and marking the position of an object in the image, typically using a bounding box to outline its location.

How Object Detection works?

The general working of object detection is:

  1. Input Image: the object detection process begins with image or video analysis.
  2. Pre-processing: image is pre-processed to ensure suitable format for the model being used.
  3. Feature Extraction: CNN model is used as feature extractor, the model is responsible for dissecting the image into regions and pulling out features from each region to detect patterns of different objects.
  4. Classification: Each image region is classified into categories based on the extracted features. The classification task is performed using SVM or other neural network that computes the probability of each category present in the region.
  5. Localization: Simultaneously with the classification process, the model determines the bounding boxes for each detected object. This involves calculating the coordinates for a box that encloses each object, thereby accurately locating it within the image.
  6. Non-max Suppression: When the model identifies several bounding boxes for the same object, non-max suppression is used to handle these overlaps. This technique keeps only the bounding box with the highest confidence score and removes any other overlapping boxes.
  7. Output: The process ends with the original image being marked with bounding boxes and labels that illustrate the detected objects and their corresponding categories.

Techniques in Object Detection

Traditional Computer Vision Techniques for Object Detection

Traditionally, the task of object detection relied on manual feature extraction and classification. Some of the tradition methods are:

  1. Haar Cascades
  2. Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG)
  3. SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform)

Deep Learning Methods for Object Detection

Deep learning played an important role in revolutionizing the computer vision field. There two primary types of object detection methods:

  • Two-Stage Detectors: These detectors work in two stages: first, they will propose candidate region and then classify the region into categories. Some of the two stage detectors are R-CNN, Fast R-CNN and Faster R-CNN.
  • Single-stage Detectors: In a single pass, these detectors accurately forecast the bounding boxes and class probabilities for every area of the picture. YOLO (You Only Look Once) and SSD (Single Shot MultiBox Detector) are two examples.

Two-Stage Detectors for Object Detection

There are three popular two-stage object detection techniques:

1. R-CNN (Regions with Convolutional Neural Networks)

This technique uses selective search algorithm to generate 2000 region proposals from an image, then the proposed region is resized and passed through pre-trained CNN based models to extract feature vectors. Then, these feature vectors are fed to the classifier for classifying object within the region.

2. Fast R-CNN

This techniques processes the complete image with the CNN to produce a feature map. Region of Interest Pooling layers is used to extract the feature vector from the feature map. The techniques utilizes integrated classification and regression approach, it use uses a single fully connected network to provide the output for both the class probabilities and bounding box coordinates.

3. Faster R-CNN

This technique utilizes Region Proposal Network (RPN) that predicts the object bounds from the feature maps created by the initial CNN then, the features of the proposed region generated by RPM are pooled using ROI Pooling and fed into a network that predict the class and bounding box.

Single-Stage Detectors for Object Detection

Single-stage detectors focuses on merging the object localization and classification tasks into single pass through neural network. There are two popular models for single-stage object detection:

1. SSD (Single Shot MultiBox Detector)

Using feature maps at various sizes, SSD (Single Shot MultiBox Detector) is a one-stage object detection architecture that predicts item bounding boxes and class probabilities immediately. It is quicker and more effective than two-stage methods as it makes use of a single deep neural network to do both object identification and area proposal at the same time.

2. YOLO (You Only Look Once)

YOLO, or “You Only Look Once,” is an additional one-stage object identification architecture that uses whole photos to forecast class probabilities and bounding boxes in a single run. It provides very accurate object recognition in real time by dividing the input picture into a grid and predicting bounding boxes and class probabilities for each grid cell. The process is discussed below:

  • Detection in a single step: YOLO formulates the issue of object detection as a regression and uses a single network assessment to forecast both class probabilities and bounding box coordinates.
  • Grid-based Detection: An input picture is split into grid cells, and for each item included in a grid cell, bounding boxes and class probabilities are predicted.

Applications of Object Detection

  • Autonomous Vehicles: Pedestrian and vehicle identification, as well as traffic sign recognition, depend on object detection.
  • Surveillance: It is used for security and monitoring tasks, such identifying certain actions or seeing intruders.
  • Medical Imaging: Object detection helps find and identify abnormalities, such cancers, in medical pictures.
  • Retail: In retail settings, it is used for shelf monitoring, consumer tracking, and inventory control.

Also check the following object detection projects:


Transportation, security, retail, and healthcare are just a few of the industries that have benefited greatly from developments in object detection, which is essential to a machine’s ability to receive and analyze visual input. Researchers and practitioners are continuously pushing the limits of object detection by using cutting-edge structures and approaches, which open up new avenues for intelligent automation and decision-making.

FAQs on Object Detection

What distinguishes object recognition from picture classification?

While image classification gives an image a single label, object detection locates and identifies many things in an image.

What obstacles does object detection face?

Among the difficulties are occlusion, uneven item sizes, backdrop clutter, and unequal class distribution.

How are models for object detection trained?

A common method for training object identification models is to use annotated datasets, in which each picture has bounding boxes and associated class labels labeled on it.

Can real-time object detection be achieved using object detection models?

A lot of contemporary object detection architectures, such YOLO and SSD, are capable of high-speed inference on GPUs or other specialized hardware and are tuned for real-time performance.

What are some new developments in the field of object detection research?

Some of the emerging fields include the development of lightweight architectures for edge computing and mobile devices, the integration of deep learning with various sensing modalities (such radar and LiDAR), and domain adaptation approaches for knowledge transfer between domains.

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