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Pipelining vs Scripting

Last Updated : 23 Nov, 2023
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Pipelining and Scripting are two different approaches to automating tasks in computing. Let us take a closer look at both of these concepts and understand the difference between them, with the help of examples.

Important Topics for Difference between Pipelining and Scripting


Pipelining is a method of executing multiple tasks in a sequential and interconnected manner. It involves passing the output of one task directly to the input of the next, creating a “pipeline” of processes.

This approach is commonly used in Unix-like operating systems, where commands and tools can be combined using pipes. It’s efficient for streamlining data processing tasks and can make complex operations more manageable.

Examples of Pipelining:

  • Unix Command Pipeline: In Unix-like systems, you can use a pipeline to combine commands.
  • Data Analysis Pipeline: In data science, you can create a pipeline to preprocess data by applying sequential transformations such as scaling, encoding, and feature sections.
  • Image Processing Pipeline: You can design an image processing pipeline where images pass through multiple filters and transformations to enhance or modify their appearance.
  • Build system Pipeline: Build systems like Jenkins or Travis CI use pipelines to compile, test, and deploy software through a series of steps.
  • Version Control WorkflowUnix-like: In version control systems like Git, developers use pipelines to manage code changes through stages like commit, pull request, and merge.

Example in Unix/Linux using the Command Line:

Consider you have a directory with log files and you want to search for specific error messages within those logs and then count the occurrences of those errors.

grep “error” *.log | wc -1

In the above example,

  • ‘grep “error” *.log’ searches for the word “error” in all “log” files in the current directory.
  • ‘l’ (pipe) takes the output of ‘grep’ and passes it as input to ‘wc -1’.
  • ‘wc -1’ counts the number of lines, effectively counting the occurrences of “error” in the log files.

Key features of Pipelining:

  • Sequential Processing
  • Parallel Execution
  • Resource Optimization
  • Reduced Latency
  • Modularity and Flexibility
  • Error handling
  • Data flow control


Scripting involves writing scripts or programs to automate specific tasks. These scripts are typically written in scripting languages like Python, Bash, or PowerShell.

Scripting allows for more flexibility and complexity in task automation. It’s useful for tasks that require conditional logic, error handling, or interaction with various resources, making it a powerful choice for a wide range of automation needs.

Examples for Scripting:

  • Bash Script for File Backup : Write a Bash script that automates the backup of specific files or directories to a designated location.
  • Python Script for Web Scraping : Create a Python script that extracts data from websites using libraries like Beautiful soup and selenium.
  • PowerShell for System Administration : Use PowerShell to script tasks like user management, system configuration, and event log analysis.
  • JavaScript Automation in a Web Browser : Employ JavaScript to automate repetitive tasks in web browsers using tools like Puppeteer.
  • Python Script for Data ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) : Write a Python script that extracts data from various sources, applies transformations, and loads it into a database.

Here’s an example of a Python script that reads a file, processes the content and writes the output to the another file.


input_file = 'input.txt'   # input file
output_file = 'output.txt'  # output file
# opening the input_file in reading mode
with open(input_file, 'r') as file:  
  lines = file.readlines()      # reading the data in input file
# converts all the text present
# in input file to uppercase.
processed_lines = [line.upper() for line in lines]
# opening the output file in write mode
with open(output_file, 'w') as file:
   # writing the converted text
   # into this output file

The above python script reads from ‘input.txt’, converts all text to uppercase, and writes the modified content to ‘output.txt’.

Key features of Scripting:

  • Automation
  • Interpreted Languages
  • High-Level Abstractions
  • Platform Independence
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • Task Specificity
  • Integration and Glue
  • Ease of Maintenance

Differences between Pipelining and Scripting




Execution Model

Sequential execution of interconnected tasks.

Script or program execution with logic and flow control.


Limited user interaction. One command at a time.

Can include user input, loops, conditionals, and menus.

Task Complexity

Best for simple, linear data processing tasks.

Suitable for complex and varied automation scenarios.

Data Manipulation

Data flows through a linear sequence of tasks.

Can manipulate and transform data more flexibly.

Error Handling

Limited error handling capabilities.

Robust error handling and debugging can be implemented.

Skill Requirement

Minimal programming skills required.

Requires programming knowledge and scripting language.


Limited reusability for more diverse tasks.

Scripts are highly reusable and adaptable for purposes.

Data Types

Primarily text based data processing.

Can handle various data types, including structured.


Commonly used in Unix like systems.

Requires a compatible interpreter or runtime environment.

Task Automation

Suitable for a series of data transformation tasks.

Appropriate for system administration, data analysis, etc.

File Operations

Limited file management capabilities.

Provides extensive file and resource management options.

Resource Access

Limited access to system resources.

Can access and manipulate system resources extensively.

External libraries

Doesn’t involve using external libraries.

Can leverage external libraries and modules.

Parallel processing

Limited support for parallel processing.

Allows parallel execution of tasks when feasible.


We conclude that Pipelining and Scripting are two distinct automation in computing, each with its own strengths and use cases. Pipelining is best suited for simple, sequential data processing tasks where a linear flow of operations is sufficient. It’s often used for quick data transformations and commands in Unix-like systems. On the other hand, Scripting is a more powerful and flexible method that allows for complex automation, conditional logic, and extensive control over system resources. Scripting is a ideal for a wide range of automation needs, including system administration, data analysis, web automation and more.

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