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How To Solve Scp Permission Denied Error

Last Updated : 30 Apr, 2024
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SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) is a convenient way to transfer files securely between a local host and a remote server. However, encountering a “Permission Denied” error during an SCP transfer can be frustrating, especially when you have the necessary permissions. In this article, we’ll explore the various causes of SCP permission denied errors and provide step-by-step solutions to resolve them, ensuring smooth file transfers.

Addressing Ownership Issues

Sometimes, permission-denied errors in SCP can stem from ownership issues with the destination directory on the remote server. Ensuring that the directory you’re copying files to is owned by the appropriate user can resolve such issues. Here’s how you can do it:

chown username /etc/Myfiles/downloads

Replace username with the correct username and /etc/Myfiles/downloads with the path to the destination directory on the remote server. This command changes the ownership of the directory to the specified user, allowing them to write to it.

Once you’ve verified and adjusted the ownership of the destination directory, proceed to transfer the file from your local machine to the remote server using SCP:

sudo scp username@

Replace with the name of the file you want to transfer, username with the remote server’s username, with the server’s IP address, and /etc/Myfiles/downloads with the path to the destination directory.

Check File Permissions

The most common reason for SCP permission denied errors is insufficient file permissions. Ensure that both the source and destination files have the correct permissions set. You can use the ls -l command to view the permissions of the files.


ls -l file.txt

Output Example:

-rw-r–r– 1 user group 1234 Apr 30 10:00 file.txt

In the above output, -rw-r–r– indicates that the file has read and write permissions for the owner (user) but only read permissions for the group and others. Use the chmod command to modify file permissions if necessary.

Check Directory Permissions

Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to read from the source directory and write to the destination directory. If you’re trying to copy a file to a directory where you don’t have write permissions, SCP will return a permission denied error.


scp file.txt

Output Example

scp: /path/to/destination/: Permission denied

Check the permissions of the destination directory using ls -ld /path/to/destination/ and adjust them accordingly.

Check User Permissions

Make sure that you’re logged in with the correct username and that you have the required permissions to access the files on both the local and remote systems. If you’re using SCP to copy files to a remote server, ensure that you have the necessary privileges to write to the destination directory.

Key-based Authentication

If you’re using key-based authentication for SCP, ensure that your public key is correctly configured on the remote server. Verify that the permissions of ~/.ssh and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys are set correctly (typically 700 for .ssh and 600 for authorized_keys).

Debugging SCP

Use the -v option with SCP to enable verbose output, which can help diagnose permission issues. The verbose output provides detailed information about the SCP connection, including authentication methods, file permissions, and error messages.


scp -v file.txt

Analyze the verbose output to identify any permission-related errors or issues with authentication.

Consult Server Logs

Check the server logs (e.g., /var/log/auth.log on Ubuntu) for any error messages related to SSH or SCP. Server logs often provide valuable insights into authentication failures and permission denied errors.


Encountering a permission denied error while using SCP can be frustrating, but with a systematic approach, you can quickly identify and resolve the underlying issues. By checking file permissions, directory permissions, user permissions, and ensuring proper key-based authentication, you can troubleshoot and fix SCP permission denied errors effectively. Additionally, using verbose output and consulting server logs can provide valuable information for debugging. With these strategies in hand, you’ll be able to perform SCP transfers smoothly and securely without encountering permission issues.

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