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How AutoML Preprocesses Your Data

Last Updated : 25 Sep, 2023
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AutoML is a process that automates the entire machine learning pipeline, from data preprocessing to model deployment. The main goal of AutoML is to make machine learning more accessible and efficient for users with different levels of expertise and resources. One of the crucial steps in AutoML is data preprocessing, which prepares the data for training and evaluating machine learning models. This article will explain what data preprocessing is, why it is necessary, and how AutoML performs it.

What is data preprocessing?

Data preprocessing is the process of transforming the raw data into a suitable format for machine learning. It involves tasks such as:

  1. Cleaning the data: This involves removing or correcting errors, inconsistencies, outliers, and missing values in the data. For example, if some records have null values for certain features, they can be deleted or imputed with some reasonable values.
  2. Encoding the data: This involves converting categorical variables into numerical values that machine learning algorithms can use. For example, if a feature has values such as “red”, “green”, and “blue”, they can be encoded as 0, 1, and 2 respectively.
  3. Scaling the data: This involves normalizing or standardizing the numerical values to have a similar range or distribution. For example, if a feature has values ranging from 0 to 1000, it can be scaled to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
  4. Engineering the data: This involves creating new features from existing ones or combining them in meaningful ways. For example, if a feature has date values, they can be engineered into features such as year, month, day, or season.

Data preprocessing helps to improve the quality and usability of the data for machine learning. It can enhance the accuracy and efficiency of the models, as well as reduce the complexity and dimensionality of the data.

Why is data preprocessing necessary?

Data preprocessing is necessary because real-world data is often messy, incomplete, and heterogeneous. It may contain errors, noise, outliers, missing values, duplicates, or irrelevant information. It may also have different types, formats, scales, or distributions. These issues can affect the performance and reliability of machine learning models, as they may introduce biases, errors, or noise in the learning process. Therefore, data preprocessing is essential to ensure that the data is clean, consistent, and compatible with machine learning.

How does AutoML perform data preprocessing?

AutoML performs data preprocessing automatically by using various data science techniques and algorithms. The user only needs to provide the raw data as input to the AutoML system, and the system will handle the rest. The steps that AutoML performs are:

  1. Analyzing the data: The AutoML system analyzes the data to detect its type, format, schema, statistics, and quality. It also identifies the data’s features and labels (or targets).
  2. Preprocessing the data: The AutoML system preprocesses the data according to its type and task. It applies different methods for different kinds of data, such as images, texts, or tabular data. It also applies different methods for different tasks, such as classification, regression, or clustering.
  3. Training the models: The AutoML system trains multiple machine-learning models on the preprocessed data using different algorithms and hyperparameters. It then evaluates and compares their performance using various metrics.
  4. Selecting the best model: The AutoML system selects the best model based on its performance and suitability for the task. It also provides explanations and insights into how the model works and makes predictions.

How do they differ?

Manual data processing and AutoML data preprocessing differ in many aspects, such as:

  1. Speed: Manual data processing is usually slower than AutoML data preprocessing, as it depends on the human operators’ skills, abilities, and availability. AutoML data preprocessing is usually faster than manual data processing, as it leverages the computational power and resources of computers.
  2. Cost: Manual data processing is usually more expensive than AutoML data preprocessing, as it requires more human labor and physical materials. AutoML data preprocessing is usually cheaper than manual data processing, as it reduces human labor and physical materials.
  3. Quality: Manual data processing is usually less reliable than AutoML data preprocessing, as it is more prone to human errors and biases. AutoML data preprocessing is usually more reliable than manual data processing, as it uses objective and consistent methods.
  4. Flexibility: Manual data processing is usually more flexible than AutoML data preprocessing, as it can adapt to different situations and needs. AutoML data preprocessing is usually less flexible than manual data processing, as it follows predefined and fixed rules.


In this article, we learned how AutoML preprocesses your data for machine learning. We also learned about the concepts of data preprocessing, its necessity, and its steps. With AutoML, you can train and deploy machine learning models without worrying about the details of data preprocessing. You can also benefit from Google Cloud’s infrastructure and services that provide scalability and reliability for your models.

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