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Given a number N, our task is to print those permutations of integer N which are greater than N.Examples:   Input: N = 534 Output: 543Input: N… Read More
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a computational model based on the biological neural networks of animal brains. ANN is modeled with three types of layers:… Read More
Given a numeric string S consisting of only three types of characters 0, 1, and 2 initially and following two operations:   The occurrence of two… Read More
Given an array A[] of N elements consisting of values from 1 to N with duplicates, the task is to find the total number of… Read More
Given an even number N which represents the number of sides of a regular polygon with N vertices, the task is to find the square… Read More
Given a directed graph containing N vertices and M edges, the task is to find all the dependencies of each vertex in the graph and… Read More
Given an array arr of length N and an integer K, the task is to count the number of possible subsequences of length at most… Read More
Given an integer K and a matrix mat[][] containing 1 and 0, where 1 denotes the cell is filled and 0 denotes an empty cell.… Read More
MongoDB All Positional Operator allows bulk updates to all elements in an array field that matches the given query condition. All Positional Operators in MongoDBThe… Read More
Given an array arr[] of length N and a number K, the task is to count the number of K-countdowns in the array.   A contiguous… Read More
Round 1:Online Round On Hackerearth It consist of 17 MCQ and 3 coding Question . A total of 90 mins were given for both the MCQ… Read More
Given a matrix grid[][] and two integers M and N, the task is to find the sum of cost of all possible paths from the… Read More
GTK+ 3 is a free and open-source cross-platform widget toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs). It is licensed under the terms of the GNU… Read More
Given a tree of N nodes, the task is to convert the given tree to its Sum Tree(including its own weight) and find the minimum… Read More
Prerequisites: Python GUI – tkinterFirstly we need to find all the words or letters that we want to replace in our below text for that… Read More
tabulate() function in R Language is used to count the frequency of occurrence of a element in the vector. This function checks for each element… Read More
tf.transpose() is a function provided in TensorFlow. This function is used to transpose the input tensor. Syntax: tf.transpose(input_tensor, perm, conjugate) Parameters: input_tensor: as the name… Read More
Given two non-zero integers M and N, the problem is to compute the result of the Ackermann function based on some particular equations.  Ackermann function… Read More
The read() method of ByteArrayInputStream class in Java is used in two ways: 1. The read() method of ByteArrayInputStream class in Java is used to… Read More
The querystring.parse() method is used to parse a URL query string into an object that contains the key and pair values of the query URL.… Read More