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Given a matrix of size N x M and an integer X, the task is to find the number of sub-squares in the matrix with… Read More
The cost and schedule estimation process helps in determining number of resources to complete all project activities. It generally involves approximation and development of costing… Read More
PPP stands for Point-to-Point Protocol. PPP is Windows’ default Remote Access Service (RAS) protocol and is Data Link Layer (DLL) protocol used to encapsulate higher… Read More
Given an undirected graph with V vertices and E edges, the task is to print all the independent sets and also find the maximal independent… Read More
P-value helps us determine how likely it is to get a particular result when the null hypothesis is assumed to be true. It is the… Read More
To understand the difference between process.nextTick() and setImmediate() methods, we first need to understand the working of Node.js Event Loop.  What is Node.js Event Loop?… Read More
In this article, we will be discussing having clause in MS SQL Server. There are certain instances where the data to be extracted from the… Read More
The turtle module provides turtle graphics primitives, in both object-oriented and procedure-oriented ways. Because it uses tkinter for the underlying graphics, it needs a version… Read More
QuickSort is a popular sorting technique based on divide and conquer algorithm. In this technique, an element is chosen as a pivot and the array… Read More
Given two positive integers S and X which represents the sum and Bitwise XOR of all the elements of an array arr[]. The task is… Read More
Given two integers N and K, the task is to find the count of N-digit numbers such that the absolute difference of adjacent digits in… Read More
Given a matrix mat[][] of size M*N, the task is to sort only the border elements of the matrix in the clockwise direction and print… Read More
Given n rectangular buildings in a 2-dimensional city, computes the skyline of these buildings, eliminating hidden lines. The main task is to view buildings from… Read More
Given three integers N, L, and R. The task is to calculate the number of natural numbers in the range [L, R] (both inclusive) which… Read More
There are various types of files we might want the git to ignore before committing, for example, the files that are to do with our… Read More
Given string str, the task is to write a Java program to check whether a string contains only digits or not. If so, then print… Read More
Given two integers X and Y, find the minimal number with the sum of digits X, which is strictly greater than Y. Examples:  Input: X… Read More
Component Diagrams are used to show code modules of a system in Unified Modeling Language (UML). They are generally used for modeling subsystems. It represents… Read More
Given an integer array arr[] of size N and two integer L and R. The task is to find the maximum sum subarray of size… Read More
Sometimes, while working with Python tuples, we can have a problem in which we need to perform concatenation of records from the similarity of initial… Read More