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Divide N segments into two non-empty groups such that given condition is satisfied

Last Updated : 05 Apr, 2023
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Given N segments (or ranges) represented by two non-negative integers L and R. Divide these segments into two non-empty groups such that there are no two segments from different groups that share a common point. If it is possible to do so, assign each segment a number from the set {1, 2} otherwise print Not Possible.


Input: arr[][] = {{5, 5}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}} 
Output: 2 1 1 
Since 2nd and 3rd segment have one point common i.e. 3, they should be contained in same group.

Input: arr[][] = {{3, 5}, {2, 3}, {1, 4}} 
Output: Not Possible 
All segments should be contained in the same group since every pair has a common point with each other. Since the other group is empty, answer is not possible. 

Prerequisites: Merge Overlapping Intervals


Using the concept of merging overlapping intervals, we can assign the same group to all those segments that are overlapping and alternatively changing the group number. 
To merge overlapping segments, sort all the segments with respect to their increasing left values, if left values are equal, sort it on the basis of right values first keeping order of the original indices of the segments. Then, iterate over the segments and check if any of the previous segments is overlapping with the current segment. If it does then merge it making it one segment and if it doesn’t create a new one

At last, check if one of the group is empty of not. If one of them is empty, answer is not possible, otherwise print all the assigned values of segments.


  1. Create a vector of pairs to store the segments with their left and right values and their original position.
  2. Sort the vector of pairs by their left values.
  3. Initialize a resultant vector with all values as 2, except for the first segment which is assigned a value of 1.
  4. Traverse the sorted vector of pairs starting from the second segment.
  5. Check if the left value of the current segment is less than or equal to the maximum right value encountered so far.
  6. If it is, then assign the same value as the previous segment to the resultant vector for the current segment and update the maximum right value encountered so far.
  7. If it is not, then we have found the breakpoint and can exit the loop.
  8. If the loop completes without finding the breakpoint, print the resultant vector.
  9. If the breakpoint is found, print “Not possible”.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ Program to divide N segments
// into two non empty groups such that
// given condition is satisfied
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to print the answer if
// it exists using the concept of
// merge overlapping segments
void printAnswer(vector<pair<int, int> > v, int n)
    // vec[i].first -> left value
    // vec[i].second.first -> right value
    // vec[i].second.second -> position
    vector<pair<int, pair<int, int> > > vec;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        vec.push_back({ v[i].first, { v[i].second, i } });
    sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
    // Resultant array
    //   Initialise all the values in resultant array with
    //   '2' except the position at the first index of
    //   sorted vec which is initialised as '1' Initialise
    //   maxR to store the maximum of all right values
    //   encountered so far
    vector<int> res(n, 2);
    int maxR = vec[0].second.first;
    res[vec[0].second.second] = 1;
    // If the i-th index has any point in common with the
    // (i-1)th index classify it as '1'
    //    in resultant array and update maxR if necessary
    // else we have found the breakpoint and we can exit the
    // loop
    bool ok = false;
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        if (maxR >= vec[i].first) {
                = res[vec[i - 1].second.second];
            maxR = max(maxR, vec[i].second.first);
        else {
            ok = true;
    if (ok) {
        for (auto x : res)
            cout << x << " ";
        cout << '\n';
        cout << "Not possible\n";
int main()
    vector<pair<int, int> > v
        = { { 2, 8 }, { 3, 4 }, { 5, 8 }, { 9, 10 } };
    int n = (int)v.size();
    printAnswer(v, n);


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
public class Gfg {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        List<Pair> v = Arrays.asList(
            new Pair(2, 8), new Pair(3, 4), new Pair(5, 8),
            new Pair(9, 10));
        int n = v.size();
        printAnswer(v, n);
    static class Pair {
        int first;
        int second;
        public Pair(int first, int second)
            this.first = first;
            this.second = second;
    static class Trio {
        int first;
        int second;
        int third;
        public Trio(int first, int second, int third)
            this.first = first;
            this.second = second;
            this.third = third;
    static void printAnswer(List<Pair> v, int n)
        List<Trio> vec = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            vec.add(new Trio(v.get(i).first,
                             v.get(i).second, i));
        vec.sort(new Comparator<Trio>() {
            @Override public int compare(Trio o1, Trio o2)
                return o1.first - o2.first;
        int[] res = new int[n];
        Arrays.fill(res, 2);
        int maxR = vec.get(0).second;
        res[vec.get(0).third] = 1;
        boolean ok = false;
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            if (maxR >= vec.get(i).first) {
                    = res[vec.get(i - 1).third];
                maxR = Math.max(maxR, vec.get(i).second);
            else {
                ok = true;
        if (ok) {
            for (int x : res) {
                System.out.print(x + " ");
        else {
            System.out.println("Not possible");


# Python3 Program to divide N segments
# into two non empty groups such that
# given condition is satisfied
# Function to print the answer if
# it exists using the concept of
# merge overlapping segments
def printAnswer(v, n):
    # Sort the indices based on their corresponding value in V
    indices = list(range(n))
    indices.sort(key=lambda i: v[i])
    # Resultant array
    # Initialise all the values in resultant array with '2'
    # except the first index of 'indices' which is initialised as '1'
    # Initialise maxR to store the maximum of all right values encountered so far
    res = [2] * n
    res[indices[0]] = 1
    maxR = v[indices[0]][1]
    # If the i-th index has any point in common with the (i-1)th index classify it as '1' in resultant array and update maxR if necessary
    # else we have found the breakpoint and we can exit the loop
    for i in range(1, n):
        if maxR >= v[indices[i]][0]:
            res[indices[i]] = res[indices[i-1]]
            maxR = max(maxR, v[indices[i]][1])
        print("Not possible")
    print(" ".join(map(str, res)))
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    v = [[2, 8], [3, 4], [5, 8], [9, 10]]
    n = len(v)
    printAnswer(v, n)


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace DivideNSegments
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<(int, int)> v = new List<(int, int)>()
                (2, 8), (3, 4), (5, 8), (9, 10)
            int n = v.Count;
            PrintAnswer(v, n);
        static void PrintAnswer(List<(int, int)> v, int n)
            // vec[i].Item1 -> left value
            // vec[i].Item2.Item1 -> right value
            // vec[i].Item2.Item2 -> position
            List<(int, (int, int))> vec = new List<(int, (int, int))>();
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                vec.Add((v[i].Item1, (v[i].Item2, i)));
            vec = vec.OrderBy(x => x.Item1).ToList();
            // Resultant array
            // Initialise all the values in resultant array with '2' except the position at the first index of sorted vec which is initialised as '1'
            // Initialise maxR to store the maximum of all right values encountered so far
            List<int> res = Enumerable.Repeat(2, n).ToList();
            int maxR = vec[0].Item2.Item1;
            res[vec[0].Item2.Item2] = 1;
            // If the i-th index has any point in common with the (i-1)th index classify it as '1' in resultant array and update maxR if necessary
            // Else we have found the breakpoint and we can exit the loop
            bool ok = false;
            for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
                if (maxR >= vec[i].Item1)
                    res[vec[i].Item2.Item2] = res[vec[i - 1].Item2.Item2];
                    maxR = Math.Max(maxR, vec[i].Item2.Item1);
                    ok = true;
            if (ok)
                Console.WriteLine(String.Join(" ", res));
                Console.WriteLine("Not possible");
// This code has been contributed by Prince Kumar


// JavaScript code to divide N segments into two non empty groups such that given condition is satisfied
// Function to print the answer if it exists using the concept of merge overlapping segments
function printAnswer(v, n) {
    // vec[i].first -> left value
    // vec[i].second.first -> right value
    // vec[i].second.second -> position
    var vec = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        vec.push([v[i][0], [v[i][1], i]]);
        if(a[0] == b[0]){
            return a[1][0] - b[1][0];
        return a[0] - b[0];
    // Resultant array
    // Initialise all the values in resultant array with '2'
    // except the first index of 'vec' which is initialised as '1'
    // Initialise maxR to store the maximum of all right values encountered so far
    var res = Array(n).fill(2);
    var maxR = vec[0][1][0];
    res[vec[0][1][1]] = 1;
    // If the i-th index has any point in common with the (i-1)th index classify it as '1' in resultant array and update maxR if necessary
    // else we have found the breakpoint and we can exit the loop
    var ok = false;
    for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        if (maxR >= vec[i][0]) {
            res[vec[i][1][1]] = res[vec[i - 1][1][1]];
            maxR = Math.max(maxR, vec[i][1][0]);
        } else {
            ok = true;
    if (ok) {
        console.log(res.join(" "));
    } else {
        console.log("Not possible");
// Driver Code
var v = [[2, 8], [3, 4], [5, 8], [9, 10]];
var n = v.length;
printAnswer(v, n);
// This code is contributed by divya_p123.


1 1 1 2 

Complexity Analysis:

  • Time Complexity: O(n * log n), where n is the number of segments
  • Auxiliary Space: O(n).  

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